The First Amendment is the first line of defense in protection of the disabled, the elderly and those who cannot help themselves. In reading the postings of the victims of Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation and in particular the transcripts from the Sykes case it is very disturbing to observe the conscious effort exhibited by many of the clout heavy court appointed guardians to prevent communication and deny to the victims and their families their First Amendment Rights. In the Sykes case as an example, the Guardian ad litems made a conscious effort to attempt to prevent me from communicating with Mary Sykes' treating doctor. Even though Supreme Court Rule 137 applies only to Court filings, the guardians were able to obtain a sanction order against me for writing to the doctor! this attempt at intimidate is alien to the American culture and in particular the American Constitutional liberties.
The attempts at abrogating the First Amendment are replete. The transcripts of the Sykes case reveal that an attorney was wrongfully and inappropriately disqualified because she notarized a document - the guardians at litem claiming that she might be a material witness. Thus, the victims were deprived of the attorney of their choice by what essentially was a 'fraud on the Court. Of course, this frugality with the truth by the guardians, was exposed by the lapse of time; however, it to date has gone unpunished.
The younger daughter of Mary Sykes' rights of communication with her mother were thwarted by other and different misrepresentations by the guardians, and when she persisted the attempt to silence her took the form of tying up her assets. The record reveals that most of the attorneys appearing in the Sykes case were threatened with either a discipline complaint and/or the loss of their license. The transcripts in the Sykes case reveal a chilling disregard for the First Amendment rights of all who oppose the will of the 'august' court appointed guardians.
It occurs to me that the blatant and persistent attempts by the clout heavy court appointed guardians to infringe on the First Amendment Rights of the exploited and abused victims and those members of their families who protest is a serious problem that cannot be countenanced. The Department of Justice has a Civil Rights Division. It occurs to me that one of the remedies that the victims and their families have that they have not exploited is a complaint to the United States of America and the Attorney Generals of the State in which they reside' This complaint should focus strictly as as to the violations of their civil individual right. This complaint should be strictly focused upon the patent attempts by the guardians to thwart protest, and free speech. The complaints may not be successful, or may get 'deep sixed' but with the number of examples of this miscreant attack on our Constitutional Liberties by this group of politically elite predators it is only a question of time before Justice will prevail.
It may not be politically correct to complain to law enforcement concerning the 'clout heavy' political elite who exhibit their magic in denying us of our First Amendment Rights - but if we keep silent we are condoning and contributing to the National Socialist agenda.
The Christmas Season is the season to stand up and be counted in the fight against the erosion of our Civil Rights. The full and complete exercise of our Civil Rights is the greatest gift that we can give our loved ones and especially our children and grandchildren. Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Ken Ditkowsky
It has always been my observation that the closer you get to someone who is engaging in immoral and unethical behavior, the more stops they pull out to intimidate others. They squeal like stuck pigs at the tops of their lungs.
ReplyDeleteSuch an observation has not gone unnoticed.
And my being threatened with "being disbarred" for merely notarizing one document by a wired court and GAL's only anneals my determination to get to the bottom of the pit of corruption.
No GAL's or court should act this way. The clients are spooked, it wears on them emotionally at a time that they need the support of kind and caring individuals and besides, the GAL's are not supposed to take adversary roles--UNLESS--the only goals of the GAL's are to foment strife within a family unit to churn the bill, knowing they are protected by a court system that turns a blind eye to reprehensible behavior. Thanks for reading.
I have spent most of my adult life working for the networks as an investigative producer. It was once written about me, and I use the quote i my bio, "Nothing I have done in terms of researching , producing, writing and direction for national news magazines shows or television movies has been easy. My life has been threatened, my phone have been tapped, and I have been harassed numerous times but I know that when those types of things begin to happen, I'm getting close to the real story." I BELIEVE that we are very close to removing the Probate veil of deceit, fraud, and evil -- and therefore, the Officers of the Court and the Court will retaliate. The closer we get to the truth, the more they will retaliate. I just pray that my mother stays strong and healthy so she can soon reap the rewards of all of our hard work in saving her life, so we can save the lives of thousands of other elderly and disabled people. "Look around you, " my daddy use to tell me. "You created it." Well as I look around me I have many strong, wise and knowledgable, loving people who, like be are willing to do what he or she can to STOP THE COURT SANCTIONED ABUSE OF THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED. We can all do this together. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts". --Winston Churchill