Thank you for posting these videos. I understand that the two guardian ad litem have seen them and that they have been from time to time displayed; however, for some reason they were not publicly disclosed to the probate court judges, the ARDC etc.
In light of the continuing elder abuse and financial exploitation that has been reported concerning Mary Sykes, and what appears to be the refusal of the three guardians to allow anything but severely censored material out concerning Mary, and the pattern of intimidation promulgated by the guardians that has permeated the Sykes case using the tactic that was successful in bringing down oppressive governments (posting on the internet) I am asking that everyone who can send copies of these videos to law enforcement. We need to have the following questions answered:
1) Why has Mary Sykes been isolated from family, friends, and her activities? In particular what possible justification was there for the guardians not allowing her sister (aged 80) and her younger daughter contact with Mary? Why the complete segregration of Mary from her friends and activities?
2) Why were these videos not openly submitted to the Court by the GALs? In particular, how could the GALs stand by and say nothing as Mary wrote letters requesting legal representation and while the plenary guardian openly did the acts that Mary sought an order of protection to protect herself? Why did the GALs not insist on a hearing on the petition for an order of protection? Why did the GALs join with the plenary guardian to attempt to intimidate me with a extra-jurisdictional sanction motion? Why did the GALs act to sanction me when they knew that the Court had no jurisdiction to interfere with my investigation? Ditto for JoAnn.
3) Why have the GALs and the Court not requested the plenary guardian to disclose the contents of the safety deposit boxes that plenary guardian entered and removed the contents. In open Court Mary 's sister disclosed that the box contained substantial gold coins. The gold coins have a value of between 1500 to 3000 dollars each!
4) What have the GALs allowed the travisty that is occurring in reference to Gloria Sykes property? They certainly are aware that the allegations of Mary Sykes incompetency is very very questionable in light of the contents of the tape, the participation of court personnel in assisting in the preparation and filing of the petition for the order of protection, Mary's treating doctor's refusal to sign the certification of incompetence, the plenary guardians false claim to be a PhD, the allegations of Mary being drugged, the affidavit of the attorney who participated in the Lumberman's case etc?
The questions go on and on - the real question that everyone is asking? "Why does our society tolerate sworn officers of the Court not doing the job that they sought and obtained appointment? Why the complacency? By spreading these tapes as wide a possible no one with the power or authority to protect the dissipation of an older person's rights can say that they have not seen the tapes and are ignorant to the problem of Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation. A side effect is that the two GALs (why are there two?) cannot suppress or misrepresent the true state of affairs!
JoAnne thank you for making this opportunity available. Mr. Larry Chambers ( of my office is the contact person - he will forward the tapes to everyone in sight.
Ken Ditkowsky
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Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else). This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it.
Legal Disclaimer--
Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else). This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it.
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