Thursday, August 2, 2012

From Gloria today

To: “” <>,Date: Aug 1, 2012 1:41 PM
If you all will please note my mother wants to die in her home, not the home of an named abuser.  It is her wish and like my father, she has that right.  All of my father’s care for the last two months of his life was paid for by either medicare or blue cross blue shield. No money was spent from his healthy estate and my mother didn’t have to pay one dime.  But then, the POA for Health Care naming me was like the petition for an order of protection my mother had verified by the State, was ignored.  Apparently and according to Toerpe, mother’s only wishes and dreams are the wishes and dreams Toerpe has for her — and as long as she and her partners in this crime financially benefit.  It’s sad when evil so obvious is ignored by the men and women of law enforcement who, by the way, are paid from our tax dollars.  Another words, they work for us and therefore, they should respond to our request.  In any event, this legal document the POA of Health Care is just another example of the competency and determination of my mother to free herself from the abuse and neglect Toerpe began to perpetrate upon her as started in 2005 when Toerpe took my mother to [entity] and they worked together to draft a document that would confuse even another attorney at first sight, let alone a 85 year old woman.  That 2005 naked trust was vacated and a new will was generated, but Toerpe kidnapped my mother on June 30, 2009 with the help of retired [entity] and [agency] at the Harrison Street Court and never served with the petition for guardianship, mother was denied legal counsel, was denied the right to pursue the order of protection petition against Carolyn Toerpe, and was denied her right to contest the guardianship: she was however, placed in the custody and care of her named abuser and financial exploiter and everything Toerpe did and is doing, [entities] is or has accused me of.  No evidence is needed and the evidence against Toerpe is swept under the table for a nice fee, I am certain.  
No person in the wrong can stand up to me, a woman in the right who keeps on a comin’!!!!  Of course, [entities] are probably planing another ambush where they get Sheriff Dart’s deputies to handcuff me to a chair and threaten my freedoms and liberties and spit on our Constitutions as if they are trained dog-fighting Pits.  Of course, all of these criminal acts and treasons against our Constitutions are sanctioned by the Court, by [entities].  And obviously [agency] were given permission to aggressively remove me from my homestead based on a letter written to the lawyer for [agency] outfit by attorney [entity] who reported that there were not pending legal actions and that the stays in the bankruptcy court for the Homestead and equity were lifted.  That [agency] knowing his men were in the wrong has not done anything to correct the problem says that he is a hypocrite, too.  He spoke before at least 100 law enforcement and elder care men and women in 2010 and said he was prepared to do what is necessary to stop abuses of the elderly: in the Sykes case he is a co-****.
Gloria Jean Sykes 
Bon Ami Productions, Inc. 
773.631-9262 (fax and office line)
[edited for typos only].

Subject: RE: Sykes case FW: [marygsykes] Please moderate: “A Motion to Dismiss/Non Suit for 09 P 4585 prepared just for Gloria”
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 15:56:42 +0000
Attached please find the copy of the note [entity 1 faxed to entity 2]
see links at:
Also note in the letter she states that my mother is not living in her home: this is true because Toerpe kidnapped her on June 30, 2009.  I have a August 2009 digital audio recording of my mother asking me to pick her up and bring her home.  When I came to pick mother up, Toerpe had hid her at a McDonalds.  Kathie is witness to this horror.  I will make available the hour + visit digitally recorded for publication after I file the reply brief tomorrow.  Again, you will note how competent and rational mother is.  Toerpe, however held mother in a chair and would not let her up to move around.  Fred Toerpe kept his hand on her shoulder.  Again, Kathie witnessed this.  Toerpe and my mother was aware I was taping and Toerpe’s reply was, “It won’t make any difference”. This is evidence enough that the guardianship was a done deal.  I’ve been denied the right to bring evidence into the court of my mother’s extreme competency.  That said, I will make it public by the weeks end and I ask that all people post and cross post.  I will provide you with a series of photographs of my mother and me to lay over the top if anyone wants to put the visit on youtube. That said, it’s haunting.  It’s haunting.  The police were called and there was nothing they can do.  They found my mother hiding at McDonald’s under Fred Toerpe’s custody.  The police report found mother lucid but ‘confused’.  I’d be confused too, as Mother hadn’t been to a McDonald’s in over 50 years!  
Attached to the note from [entity] is a copy of the POA for medical care.  The document was filled out by my mother in front of attorney Mr. Lippman, (he gave her the form: she met with Lippman on 25 June 2009 and vacated the 2005 trust and named her friend Marlene Kroll executor) and it was witnessed by neighbor and long time friend, retired LT from Chicago Fire Department, Chuck Maderer.  Kelly Yost notarized this document.  An affidavit by Chuck is also attached.  All of this can be posted as a reminder that the truth leaves tracks.  
That the Court sanctions these criminal acts against the elderly and disabled are crimes beyond comprehension.
Gloria Jean Sykes 
Bon Ami Productions, Inc. 
773.631-9262 (fax and office line)
[edited for typos only]

Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 08:09:26 -0700
“The Sodini notices were never served on my Aunt Yo, Aunt Jo, or me, and at no time was there a scheduled guardianship hearing: Carolyn Toerpe was appointed guardian based on an agreement between her and [entities] my mother was not present, but when she was present in court, she objected to the guardianship.  [entity] when asked admitted my mother objected to the guardianship.  [entity] also admitted my mother had not been served the 14 day notice: this acknowledgement was faxed to [entity] on or about August 26, 2009 and signed by [entity].”
Rather the vilifying everyone in sight – the expenditure of the same amount of time generates a Motion to dismiss using the above quote.    What is the big deal?
In the upcoming ARDC hearing I will want you to testify as to the quoted facts. If you have a copy of the acknowledgement I would like it.
Ken Ditkowsky
I am leaving out one email from Gloria because it goes on and on over and over about how I am not her attorney and I don’t represent her.  While I have patiently explained to her before that it is obvious from the blog, there is already a disclaimer to that effect, her thoughts somehow get stuck on that topic on a fairly  regular basis.  So for the 100th time, I can’t represent a client and do a blog. It’s not possible.  I am doing the blog as an attorney, an officer of the court, and as a member of the press because my blogs and cross posts are nearly up to 10,000 views since November of 2011.  What is on this blog may or may not be in the court files.  Blank, unsigned and unstamped pleadings posted on this blog should be further researched unless the are clearly labeled as found in the court’s files.
And believe me, this is much, much shorter than what Gloria wrote.  Saved you all time!

1 comment:

  1. This woman is a scam artist that claims to be an attorney. She has been disbarred for fraud, malpractice, and many other things. Do not support this woman. She will claim her case is up for appeal, but that is not true. There is no appeal, this has been ruled on several times. She is a disgusting human being, to try to steal from an old woman. Her real name is Joanne Marie Denison, and she attempts to practice law (still) illegally in Illinois. This is all public on the ARDC website. She also claims to be an arm chair psychologist in people's homes (without a license), and a mechanical engineer (without a degree). The truth is, she is corrupt and is now trying to blame everyone that disagrees with her or dares to tell her she is insane. Do not buy her book or read her blog.
