Monday, November 28, 2011

Gloria needs visitation NOW

Gloria needs visitation. While she has a court order for visitation, she has been stymied by the Naperville Police Dept because while she shows up at the door with her court order, Carolyn says that she has a different court order, but does not produce it?

What sort of a police department is that which depends upon hearsay?

I have not heard of that. If Carolyn has a different court order she should produce it at the door.

Jive walks, court orders talk. Gloria is entitled to her visitation. It is the duty of the police to enforce and respect court orders. If Carolyn has no alternate court order, Gloria has the right to visit with her mother.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How long will the Probate court allow Mary G to live in isolation from her family?

Question: How often have you (Gloria Sykes, a nearly 60 year old woman) seen your mother since Carolyn Toerpe was appointed Guardian of your mother:

(1) the second to last time I spent time with my Mother. We went bowling. She even broke 100! People were coming up to her because she was so filled with energy and a good bowler, that they were applauding her (for her age).

(2) the last time I saw my mother was at my Aunt Jo’s home in March 2009. She played yet another winning hand of canasta. Here she was so happy to see Shaggy, and obviously, he’s also happy to see her.

(3) Mom and I the first time I saw her after 10 1/2 months of not being able to see or talk to her in 2010. This was the first visit based on a court order that I can visit my mother ‘approximately every two weeks”. Don’t know how a court can stop the association between a mother and daughter, let alone demand supervision, but Carolyn Toerpe NEVER complies with court orders.

I love my mother so much that I’ve risked everything to save my life in order to save her life and bring her home to the community where she thrived for 55 years and the people she loves and trusts.

From Gloria Sykes.

No one understands at all why Carolyn will not let Gloria visit her, or why the court allows a guardian to isolate a 92 year old disable person from her family. Her elderly sisters have not seen her. They cannot call her on the phone. Gloria cannot call her.

Neither Mary’s sisters nor Gloria could Mary for Thanksgiving 2011. And they did not see her in 2010.

If Gloria (daugher) or Yolanda (sister) wants to see or call Mary G, they must get a court order for each and every phone call or short one hour visit.

This is clearly not the intent of the Illinois Probate Code. No Guardian should EVER be allowed to isolate and refuse visitation and phone calls by family members.

The Probate court allows this to continue. The GAL’s turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the isolation. As long as they get paid for each and every court call, they allow the abuse to continue so they can continue to bill on the case!

Carolyn Toerpe continually vioates court orders, she violates the probate code. The Court and the GAL’s are well aware of this, BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE or STOP THIS from happening.

Please sign the petition at:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Curious Conduct of Mr. Lippman, an Illinois attorney and Chicago Volunteer Legal Services

Another burning question in this case is the curious conduct of Mr. Lippman, a senior attorney and volunteer at Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (CVLS).

Now no one wants to say anything bad about an attorney that regularly volunteers for the poor, and in this case the poor and elderly, but Mr. Lippman's behaviour became quite curious in the course of the proceedings involving the guardianship of Mary G. Sykes. And to be fair, no one really knows why all of this happened but it all appears to be a severe violation of Mary G's rights in this matter. And other than the fact Mr. Lippman did not show up in court--after being provided with a subpoena, the fault really lies with the court and not Mr. Lippman.

Sometime before that hearing date of December 7th, in fact many months before, Gloria took her mother to CVLS and asked for an attorney to help her fill out a Power of Attorney for Health Care and for Property. As with any good attorney, when a family member brings in an elderly senior, he wanted to talk with Mary G alone, determine that she was not under any undue duress or influence, and that she basically understood what the documents she was about to sign were there for. So he talked with Gloria for a short while, and then he privately discussed everything with Mary G and sent her happily on her way with the two required Illinois statutory forms, one for Property and One for health care. Mary filled them out with the assistance of another independent family member, and they were notarized by an independent party. The notary was available to testify in court, but the court did not want to hear that testimony, that the notary watched Mary G sign as indicated and there was no evidence of undue influence or duress. (Actually a notary only testifies that she knows the person signing the document was in fact the person before her--notaries do not ensure any other matters such as undue influence or even sound mind and memory, unless that is specifically stated so in the notary clause.)

But during the court hearing to appoint a guardianship, the court ignored all of these important facts, and even the most important document--the Power of Attorney and Health Care granted to Gloria which was the most recent and it should have been enforced UNLESS it was conclusively shown that Mary G was incompetent at the time of the signing--which would have been nearly impossible in a normal court because Mary G wrote specific wishes all over the document in her own handwriting!

The GAL's said Mary was just parroting instructions, which was absolutely ridiculous because the words and phrases were complex and the handwriting was excellent. Was the court merely following the theory that a thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters typing a thousand years could write an award winning short story? Was that the reasoning for this.

The court SHOULD have required Mr. Lippman to testify and enforced the Subpoena that Gloria filed, the court SHOULD have listened to the testimony of the notary. And the court clearly should have questioned Mary about who she wanted to have her Power of Attorney and if she could identify her handwriting on the document.

Instead, the court railroaded Gloria and appointed Carolyn--a person who was the subject of a Protective Order where Mary G alleged Carolyn was wrongfully removing assets from her accounts!

Mary G deserved her own private attorney and not the GAL's who were ignoring her requests and her instructions.

She wanted to stay in her own home and have Gloria continue to care for her.

Those should have been the only goals of the Court and of the GAL's.

Now it gets very, very strange. Of course the court would want to see those documents. Perhaps the court wanted to talk with Mr. Lippman, JD, to determine that he followed proper and customary procedures (this would NOT require Mary G to divulge her attorney client privilege. Mr. Lippman would only discuss the procedure and NOT the substance of the conversations.

Instead, at the last minute, Mr. Lippman said he would not attend and that the director of CVLS told him not to unless there was a court order in place--ridiculous. Mr. Lippman has a duty--even as an ordinary citizen--to attend a court hearing out of a civil duty. In Illinois attorneys have the right to obtain a subpoena where ever there is due cause that the testimony may be helpful to the court or to their client. Mr. Lippman and CVLS ignored all of that!

Further, the hearing on December 7, 2010 when Carolyn was appointed was only to be on Gloria's care plan. Instead, the court railroaded Gloria and appointed Carolyn, even tho the matter should have been set for another day because there was no notice to anyone.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Allegations of Drugging

From Ken Ditkowsky, an Illinois Licensed attorney:

Please Note:
One of the facts that I did not stress in my letter to the Illinois Department of Aging that supplements the ignored complaint that Mary Sykes personally filed and the Petition for a Protective order that was never heard, and the various cries of help that she uttered is the fact of the alleged drugging of Mary Sykes.
It has been alleged by family members that on one or more of the rare occasions that they had contact with Mary that she had been drugged. The family members investigated the drugs and discovered that amongst the side affects that were published were effects that mirrored the diagnosis that was published by the guardian ad litem and the plenary guardian. They have however provided no medical information to back up their diagnosis. I do not consider a diagnosis by a doctor who did not physically examine Mary Sykes to be valid or informative. I also suggest that any physican who relies on a history advanced by the alleged abuser - who claimed to be a PhD - having put the letters phd after her signature - to be suspect.
Thus, when a wellness check is done - especially of a woman who has had multiple trips to the emergency room - and virtually none prior to being placed in the custody of a person who she (Mary Sykes) accused in a Petition for a Protective order - a drug test should be done to make certain that the check is not compromised by drugging.
Let me make this very clear. Elder abuse and Financial exploitation is a serious business. Serve and Protect mean exactly that! Jerry Sandusky targeted childen and exposed the Paterno Syndrome of ineffective CYA law enforcement that has been demonstrated as equally applicable to the Mary Sykes case and literally hundreds of other guardian abuse cases across the fruited plain. Now that the 'dirty secret' is out it is time for Law enforcement to redeem itself and earn back the respect of the public. The tea party, the occupiers, and others have demonstrated that the American public is 'fed up' with unresponsive ineffective expensive government replete with a credo of Ignoring substance in favor of 'good form' and meaningless words!
The drugging of the elderly is not a new thing - it is just so reprehensible that the fact slipped my mind. I apologize for not mentioning this unconscionable tact in my previous communication. Anyone who would deny a mother communication with her children and her siblings is a monster! Any public official who would attorn and aid and abet such a situation is a charter member of American branch of the National Socialist Party. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and if we are not diligent in its defense we will lose it.
Happy Thanksgiving -

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Info for Bankruptcy Court from Mr. Ken Ditkowsky, JD, an Ill. licensed attorney

In Re: )
) CASE No. 11 B 39381
Prefatory Statement
This Chapter 11 Bankruptcy was filed by me, pro se, on September 28, 2011. The purpose of the filing was to address bulging debts being incurred because the U.S. 1364 Federal Credit Union located in Merrillville , Indiana refused to allow me, the debtor, access to my money. In the course of these proceedings debtor engaged, upon the recommendation of Attorney Kenneth Ditkowsky, Attorney Jeffrey Esser.
This Court granted the vacation of the automatic stay as to the U. S. 1364 Federal Credit Union, and Carolyn Toerpe on _______________________. This Court suggested that the issue of my funds, listed on Schedule _____, was more property under the Circuit Court of Cook County jurisdiction (Probate Division) and it was more appropriate to litigate the issue herein. I respectfully disagree for the reason stated herein.
On _______________________________________ I attempted to file a Motion to Reconsider the Modification of the Automatic Stay. My efforts were thwarted as I was informed (please fill in the blanks below) “________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.”
When I encountered difficulty in filing my documents in the clerk’s office I requested the office of Kenneth Ditkowsky to help me to file documents to address the modification of the stay. Mr. Larry Chambers, an employee of the office, after consulting with the clerk’s office, caused my documents to be filed. I have not engaged Mr. Ditkowsky to represent me in this proceeding.
Statement of Facts as to the Scheduled Funds
1. That on or about ____________________________, I suffered a loss at my home located at 6016 N. Avondale, Chicago , Illinois . I made a claim under my home owner’s insurance.
2. That on or about July 26, 2002 my insurance carrier filed a law suit entitled Lumberman’s Mutual Casualty Company v. Gloria Sykes. This law suit was docketed as case number 2002 CH 13769.
3. That after a series of mesne orders including but not limited to the decision of the appellate Court entitled Lumberman’s Mutual casualty Company vs. Gloria Sykes, docketed as number 1-07-0860, the Circuit Court of Cook County granted an award to me on October 17, 2008. That award generated the funds scheduled hereinand which are the subject matter of the Automatic Stay.
4. The Affidavit of the Attorneys who participated in the granting of the award is attached hereto and made a part hereof as exhibit 1. The opinion of the Appellate Court is attached as exhibit 2. The order awarding me the funds that are the subject matter of the schedule is attached hereto as exhibit 3. The printout of the docket of the Lumberman’s case subsequent to the entry of its final order is exhibit 4. These exhibits are incorporated by reference and made part hereof as if set forth in detail.
5. That the only avenue to address any defect or error of the award aforesaid dated October 17, 2008 (case 2002 CH 13769) is pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2 1401 or a timely appeal. No 1401 petition was filed and no appeal was filed.[1] Thus the award is final and the funds are clearly mine and mine alone.
6. That my review of the record and the Court’s statements indicates that no adjudication has occurred suggesting that anyone other than me has an interest in these funds.
7. That it is the established law of the United States that Illinois courts have no jurisdiction beyond their borders and certainly cannot attach assets beyond the state border.
8. That it is my understanding that the purpose of a Chapter 11 proceeding is to garner the debtor’s creditors in one jurisdiction and attempt to allow the debtor to marshal her assets and to work out a plan to liquidate her liabilities. Without the funds belonging to me, I cannot do this.
9. That the modification of the Automatic Stay as to my funds accredited on Schedule ___ obviates my ability to address my creditors.
10. An Americans with Disabilities Act claim has been filed in the United States District Court as docket number _______________________________________. The ADA law suit is incorporated by reference and made part hereof as if set forth in detail.
I respectfully urge this Court to reconsider and reinstate the automatic stay as to all creditors or persons having access to the funds scheduled.
Respectfully submitted,
Gloria Jean Sykes
Gloria Jean Sykes pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1-109 and penalties of perjury states that to the best of her knowledge and belief the facts stated herein are true and correct.
Gloria Jean Sykes

Monday, November 21, 2011

Why can't Mary G see her elderly relatives?

From Ken Ditkowsky, an Illinois licensed attorney:
On the eve of the Christmas Season, I would like to ask one main question.
l.) Why should any child or close relative be limited or barred from visiting with his/her sibling/parent etc? Or stated in a more specific manner – what possible rationalization exist for anyone to prevent Mary Sykes’ siblings (age 80 plus) and younger daughter (almost 60) from visiting with 92 + year old Mary Sykes on an unfettered basis? As noted in the Sykes case the effort put forth by the plenary guardian and the two guardian ad litem to isolate Mary Sykes from her family, friends, young daughter, and siblings is humongous. Hundreds of hours have been spent in preventing the younger daughter and younger sister from having contact with Mary Sykes! Hundreds of hours have been expended by Guardian ad litem Stern in an effort to prevent Mary Sykes from having legal representation!
The obscenity that the marshalled facts detailing the plenary guardian’s and the guardian’s ad litem actions in the Mary Sykes case presents is strong evidence of how far we as a society have progressed in our efforts to re live the National Socialist agenda. Just like the ‘brown shirts’ of the 30′s we are pious in our verbage, but, the Paterno Syndrome is alive and well! The ‘do not ask, do not tell mentality’ has led law enforcement and government to forget their function in society, i.e. serve and protect. It is easy to goose step along in benign neglect! However, the fact remains that what is happening is wrong and no matter what member of political elite might find herself/himself in the ‘dock’ should not be a consideration.
Mary Sykes is not protected by isolation, financial exploitation and elder abuse. She (Mary Sykes) is not protected by a society that can turn its back on her and allow a guardian who was named by Mary in an Petition for an order of Protection to be deprived of the love or her siblings and her younger daughter! Some activities are inherently wrong! They remain wrong even when approved by authority and/or the Courts. This isolation of Mary Sykes from her younger daughter and her siblings is inherently wrong. How does the Illinois State Police and the Naperville Police attorn to this situation. The National Socialists rounded up allegedly undesirable people in the 30′s, bundled them into rail cars and deprived them of oxygen and the world watched! As indicated by the number of guardianship abuse cases that have come forward we have temporarily substituted the allegedly disabled for the “undesirables” or Jews, blacks, disabled persons, homosexuals and Russians!
The very same ‘lame excuses’ and rationalizations presented with authority are now used to perpetuate the elder abuse (isolation) and financial exploitation and the lack of action on the part of authority. The Paterno syndrome is just as alive in Chicago, Illinois, Colorado, Indiana etc as it is at Penn State. Heavy clout obviates any meaningful investigation, prosecution, protection, or government function. Form is superior to substance and we hear:
1) a guardian ad litem tells the Court that Mary Sykes does not want legal representation – even though she has in her own hand written a plea for legal representation. Even though other family members have been passed notes by her and she has appealed to them to get an attorney and go home. How do the GAL’s and the court respond? To not bring up the subject because it will upset Mary G! Mary G knows her mind and she wants it to be respected. The Probate Code allows for the disabled person to make such decisions.
2) a lawyer telling a court that the isolation of Mary in a day care facility replete with sensory deprivation is ‘progress” (we know better – since when does a lawyers words substitute for common sense and reason?) Why is Mary being placed in senior day care, when Gloria can keep her at home and care for her?
3) police department response minimizing approximately 1/2 dozen emergency room trips by Mary and the December 2010 incident in which we was reported to have lost 10% of her body weight, and was neglected by the plenary guardian. (this is exactly what happened in the Paterno case – and exactly what the Tea Party, the Occupy group, and the majority of Americans are crying about, We are tired by same old excuses and blame game! – Coach Paterno did exactly what he was required to do, and Law enforcement minimized the serious child molestation. Indeed, had Paterno done more nothing more would have happened. Indeed, nothing more would have happened and did not happen because Coach Paterno was an icon and if an honest and full investigation had occurred the heads of many of the clout heavy would have been on the chopping block. Thus, Paterno is the victim that the media is felling sorry for! Hell with the victims!)
4) the failure of government to insist that the plenary guardian inventory the contents of a safety deposit box (and a mattress containing money). (The GALs, law enforcement and the Court that is supposed to supervise the disabled person’s estate watched extensive remodeling go one a the plenary guardians’ home while her husband was unemployed and the US was in a serious recession )
Once again – how does our society rationalize it attornment to the isolation of Mary Sykes (92) from her daughter and siblings! (80 +) The ‘box cars are on the track!’ You will not need your luggage – *****
Ken Ditkowsky

Sunday, November 20, 2011

CALL FOR INVESTIGATION by Ken Ditkowsky/JoAnne Denison, Illinois Licensed Attorneys

1. A COMPLETE AND UNBIASED PHYSICIAN AND MENTAL EXAMINATION OF MARY SYKES TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CENTER FOR ADVANCED MEDICINE OR NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. This examination must be conducted by real doctors, not doctors who are willing to sign certificates of incompetency without examining the patent - the record in this case reveals such a physician. It also reveals that the plenary guardian signed one of the certificates representing that she was a PhD. She is not!

2. A COMPLETE INQUIRY AS TO THE PETITION THAT WAS FILED BY MARY SYKES WITH THE AID OF COURT PERSONNEL SEEKING AN ORDER OF PROTECTION. It is amazing that this serious proceeding was totally ignored by the Circuit Court of Cook County and the two guardian ad litem who were assigned to this case. Incidentally why are there two guardian ad litem and what is their role - except to prevent Mary from having legal representation?

3. A COMPLETE INQUIRY AS TO THE ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS THAT WERE PROMULGATED THAT ESSENTIALLY DISINHERITED MARY'S YOUNGER DAUGHTER. This should have been a red flag for the guardian ad litem. Since the plenary guardian was the named abuser in Mary's petition for a protective order this situation should have been investigated. Demands for the notes on such inquiry by the GALs have resulted in nothing being produced.


5. A COMPLETE INQUIRY INTO THE REMOVAL OF MARY’S ASSETS FROM HER HOME AND FROM HER SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX - INCLUDING THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE ASSETS IN THE INVENTORY. This is the heart of the criminal conduct and the unifying thread of this case and the other guardianship abuse cases. This thread also extends to the nursing home financial exploitation cases. Millions in tax revenue is lost by not requiring the guardians to report the 'loot' received as ordinary income.

6. ALL FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE ISOLATION OF MARY SYKES FROM NOT ONLY HER YOUNGER DAUGHTER BUT HER SIBLINGS, FRIENDS, AND ACTIVITIES. There is no justifiable reason why Mary's 80/90 year old friends and relatives cannot freely and in an unfettered manner visit with her and communicate with her. It is important that law enforcement ascertain the motivation for the GALs acting in a concerted manner to perpetuate the isolation. Indeed, the demonization of Gloria Sykes by Adam Stern and Cynthia Faranga (GALs) is not only unjustified but evidence of gross impropriety. Ms. Sykes is a published author and journalist.

7. other and different aspects of the financial exploitation and elder abuse.

I suggest that everyone call/fax/email the court investigators (there are the federal ones or the FBI in the Dirksen building, 219 S. Dearborn Ave, and the are also state investigators in the Thompson center. You can also try to visit them with your petitions. Gloria, can you get their phone/fax/email and we can post that tomorrow? Everyone needs to email them with how Gloria lovingly cared for her mother for 10+ years while Carolyn idly stood by. Also, if you have information on assets, that would be great and can substantiate Gloria’s claims of gold coinage and cash in the mattress and what people inherited in the family and then died, that would be great. And finally, if you can substantiate how Mary has pled repeatedly to get an attorney and go home, that is very helpful too.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Open Letter to Naperville, Ill. Police Dept.

Dear Ken and Sgt. Krammerer,

I woke up and reread Sgt. Kramerrer’s email and still faced with the horrors perpetrated upon my mother and all people she loves and trusts. I am dumbfounded as to how a law enforcement agent can reasonable accuse me, or any person my mother loves and trusts, of making ‘unfounded’ reports, when in fact, Sgt. Krammerer has admitted that his only source of information is a named respondent to a petition of an order of protection, a ‘person of the lie’ who has not only repeatedly lied to the Naperville police, lied to the Court (three courts including a Federal Judge), not just about her profession (claims she’s a PhD and signed legal documents and filed them with the court stating the same); but also, Sgt. Krammerer NEVER spent one minute on this case performing a true and reasonable investigation into elder abuse, financial exploitation, et al! That is Sgt. Krammerer who, according to GAL Adam Stern, emailed Stern, told Stern he, Krammerer, would have me “arrested” for asking for ‘wellness checks’ for my Mother, and Stern claims that Sgt. Krammerer asked him to ask the court to write an order preventing me for further requests of wellness checks. That there have been over two dozen complaints against Caroyn Toerpe from family and dear freinds over the past two years, (that is an estimate of one a month) and yet, Sgt. Krammerer, believes that all people who Mother loves and trust are “bad” people and that Toerpe is a good person. That Sgt. Krammerer, had he done his homework would learn that Toerpe was estranged from the family for over 10 years, and that she only got involved in the family after I received a settlement from a homeowners lawsuit on my home, where the insurance company sued me! That had Sgt. Krammerer done his homework, as he claims he is a law enforcement agent, he would have interviewed Toerpe’s neighbors, and her husband’s family, and learned that Toerpe had no relationship with mother prior to 2009, and that my mother has probably asked neighbors and Toerpe’s family for help. That I have at least three 911 calls directly after my mother called me or picked up wthe telephone and begged me for help, and the Naperville Police the last call a coule of months ago, told me that Toerpe had an order preventing me from talking to my mother on the telephone. No, Sgt. Krammerer had not done his homework, not even close to a threshold of providing documents, reports, et al. that should then be turned over the Illinois States Attorney for prosecution.
That Sgt. Krammerer does not find it criminal that Toerpe has denied me the right or my mother the right to talk to me on the telephone, and that she has yet to comply with one court order, from producing a full statement of mother’s assets, to allowing unsupervised visits, let alone visits ‘approximately every two weeks”.

Sgt. Krammerer is quick to allege that I am the problem and cannot be ‘civil’ around my Mother, when in fact, I have over a dozen ‘visits’ with my mother since this started and at no time has the Police been called me and/or has Toerpe, Farenga, Stern provided the Naperville Police with a ‘record of conviction’ that would prevent me from unfettered visits with my Mother.. That Sgt. Krammerer, if not turning a blind eye to the ‘facts’ then he is part of the problem and enabling Toepre to abuse, neglect and exploit my Mother. That any decent person would have questioned Toerpe, the Toerpe family, neighbors, and all the people mother loves and trusts before jumping to his conclusions that my statements are ‘unfounded’. That one of the chapters in my book is complete with ‘facts’ surrounding the Naperville Police department and its lack of concern for Mary G. Sykes, and it’s bias approach to this case. That I will not be threatened or intimidated by Sgt. Krammerer or any law enforcement agent who believes that he or she can bully me into silence, or, also, as in this case, accept an email as the Holy Grail.

It is known that Robert Toerpe, Carolyn Toerpe’s husband’s son not only lives in Naperville but is in cahoots with the DuPage Sheriff’s department.

That this will be the third Thanksgiving, Christmas — holiday season I have been dennied access to my mother and Sgt. Krammerer beleives that this is okay and is perpetrated by a ‘healthy individual’. The court, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga should do a psych evaluation on Carolyn Toerpe and would find a very sick, greedy, manipulative woman whose only agenda is to use my mother as a pawn and do me great harm. This is criminal. That to ignore this is just as evil as all the people who ignored the rape and molesation of children by the Catholic Church: Penn State, et al. That being an ostrich is easier than confronting these evils and society is harmed because of people like Sgt. Krammerer. That had the Chicago police simply not ignored complaints about John Wayne Gacy, 21 boys would have grown up to have families of their own and contributed to society. If you recall, Gacy charmed the Chicago Board of Education who allowed Gacy to have these boys participate in a homework program in Gacy’s house. And let’s not forget that yesterday they released reports of two more law enforement agents who are lawless and lived above the law stealing x amount of drug money…… That I beleive Sgt. Krammerer is a part of the problem rather than the solution, which is unfortunately the norm rather than the unusual.

That I am asking for a meeting with the Chief of Police in Naperville, a full investigation of Carolyn Toerpe, and so my mother can at least spend 10 minutes with me over the holidays, a wellness check of my mother with myself, and such a meeting must/shall be outside the home of Carolyn Toerpe, who is also named in a US District Court ADA complaint where the evidence of violations against a disabled person are not just mere allegations and are founded in the facts and evidnece that Carolyn Toerpe, Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga and the Probate Court have denied my mother access to the corut, access to servives, programs, and activities, et al., and to do so, have ‘isolated’ my mother from family, friends, her home and community wher she thrived. That apparently as a public servant, Sgt. Krammerer is also denying my mother access to the Court, police, and public services, support and her rights as an American Citizen.

Ifi the Naperville Police truly care about my mother, then on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday, then I expect to meet with the Chief of Police of Naperville, and be escorted to the Toerpe home of and/or the adult day care cener or wherever my mother is held up, and a wellness check in my presense will take place. Let’s see who is filing ‘unfounded’ reports, Sgt. Krammerer. I will ask that the local newspaper also be present so we can have an accurate acounting of this 10 minute visit and make it public so there will be no ‘bias’ in reporting this visit and that I was not only ‘civil’ with my mother, but that Mother asked for an attorney. This, Sgt. Krammerer is the reason they are isolating Mother to keep their raged of horrors until such time they get rid of me. Unfortunately for them, I’m not going anywhere soon.

At all times I do not waive my rights to further filings of complaints with law enforcements agencies, adult services, the political elite, et al. As so often quoted from “A Few Good Men”, I beleive Sgt. Krammerer “can’t handle the truth’. To do so would mean the arrest of Carolyn Toerpe and the freedom and life saving rescue of my mother, Mary G. Sykes.

Oh, FYI it has been reported that Hannah, my mother’s companion pooch has not been seen for over 6 months. I have also documented not only elder abuse, medical neglect, isolations, and financial exploitation, but also animal abuse. That said, you can check out my credentials, Sgt. Krammerer. I don’t make ‘unfounded’ statements, reports, nor do I go pubic with speculations, innuendo, allegations, et al. But then, I have nothing to hide.

I can meet with you and the Chief or a representative from the Chief’s office any time on Monday, after 3 on Tuesday and any time on Wednesday. It’s Thanksgiving, a very religious holiday to my mother. At least give her the gift of having an opportunity to be heard, and an answer to her prayers that she can spend at least ten minute with me, away from the control and hostage of the named respondent to a petition for an order of protection that mother authored in the care and control of State employees at the Domestic Relations division in order to stop Carolyn Toerpe from doing exactly what Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga (also named Defendants in the ADA complaint) agreed and empowered Carolyn Toerpe to do.

That you Sgt. Krammerer want to ‘arrest’ me as Adam Stern reported to the Court for asking for wellness check, when the last two requests my MOTHER ASKED ME TO HELP HER makes me wonder whose side you are really on, and in light of your email, I do not believe it’s in the best interest of Mary G. Sykes. This is just my humble opinion, of course, and two years of intense, thorough investigation. How far will you go under the law to protect your Mother? Please contact me at the earliest time to set up this ‘wellness check’ and give Mary G. Sykes the gift of life, her family and friends that she trust and loves, and the opportunity to be heard!

Yes, I woke up this morning, feeling uneasy with the reality that the Naperville Police and it’s so called ‘senior services representatives have turned a blind eye to an obvious case of court sanctioned elder abuse and the abusers, now defendants to a US District Court ADA complaint made by Mary G. Sykes by ‘next-best-friends’ who only want to witness my Mother live out her life with the people she loves, in her home of choice, involved in the activities and community where she once thrived, and with all the freedoms and liberties guaranteed under the Constitutions of the United States and Illinois. Sgt. Krammerer you took an oath to serve and protect, so serve and protect.

(Permission to repost granted)

Healthy Regards,

Gloria Jean Sykes

Friday, November 18, 2011

Information from Mr. Ken Ditkowsky, a lawyer

Frustration - Update on the Mary Sykes Case

In the 1600's, Lord Mansfield pointed out that society had a duty to protect those people who could not protect themselves. He singled out for protection children and those who were infirm. In approximately 1927 or thereabouts, Mr. Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes wrote in the case of Buck vs. Bell that "three generations imbeciles is enough" Indeed, our society has apparently taken those words to 'heart!' Reading NASGA and Probate Sharks web pages it is clear that in an effort to not create a hostile work environment for the lawyers, Judges, and guardians appointed by the Court we have not only removed the ten commandments from the Courthouse but removed common sense and respect for the elderly.

In re: the Estate of Mary Sykes, pending in the Circuit Court of Cook County, is a magnet for miscreant conduct. In December 2010, Mary was taken to the hospital. Hospital personnel noticed that she had lost Ten Percent of her body weight. Had any inquiry been done as to this serious situation, the Elder Abuse mandatory reporters would have discovered that the plenary guardian admitted that Ms. Sykes had suffered from a swallowing disorder and was denied treatment until the extreme weight loss occurred.

As happens all together too often, there apparently was no report to the Illinois Department of Aging by the Hospital. The two guardians ad litem - who are now famous for their advocacy for the interests of the plenary guardian - also failed to report the clear neglect of Mary! In fact one of the guardians was quick to deny the admission made by the plenary guardian. Naturally, neither of the two GALs reported the admitted neglect to either the Court or the Illinois Department of Aging.

Reports by family members and friends to the Naperville Police Department, the Illinois Department of Aging, the Illinois State Police etc. resulted in absolutely no action! Even calling attention to the fact Mary had sought a 'protective order' against the plenary guardian before the plenary guardian was appointed Mary's guardian was met with a yawn!

It is unfair to say that nothing happened - something did! It is reported that Mary's youngest daughter and most active advocate was 'chained' to a chair in the Courtroom, forced to disclose where her money was, and the Court reached across the Indiana border to freeze her funds. This attempt to silence the younger daughter was unsuccessful, but has slowed down her ability to irritate the status quo and the guardians ad litem. Mary's isolation continues. Indeed, Mary's younger sibling (age 82) was denied unlimited visitation with her sister. The GAL disclosed that Mary's sibling is not fond of the abuser of her sister. [Apparently he thought that a condition precedent for one sister to visit unfettered with another was love for the abuser!] Thus, the younger sister was given restrictive (supervised) visitation after not seeing Mary for about 18 months!

It is now six months since Mary almost lost her life due to the alleged admitted neglect of the plenary guardian, yet Mary remains in the care of the plenary guardian without there ever being a hearing on Mary's sworn petition for a protective order. Mary is still isolated and both Guardian ad litem are diligently active to keep the status quo - i.e. Mary is being isolated and kept from her activities, her friends and her family. We all know how dangerous an 82 year old sibling can be!

Unfortunately, the GAO report and websites have disclosed the frustration that every victim and their family members must endure. How can this happen in America? The reality is that it has happened and we apparently are mollified by the lip service of the political elite and the meaningless words that they utter about concern for the elderly!

Yes, there are excellent and well meaning court appointed guardians and people working diligently to make life a little easier for the disabled and their family and friends, but by tradition we focus only on the miscreants whose avarice is so common. By necessity we focus on Mary Sykes and victims like her!

That said, the Sykes case is so obscene that it cries out for Justice; however, Justice, fairness, and appropriateness are absent as the Sykes family endures one outrage after another and each occurs unabated. Consider: What possible excuse can be rationalized to prevent a 92 year old person from freely visiting with her 82 year old sister! What possible danger can the 82 year old be to her 92 year old sister? Aunt Yo Bakken was indeed subjected to restricted visitation with 92 year old Mary Sykes! She had to go before a judge to obtain access to Mary Sykes. The restricted visitation granted to 82 year old Aunt Yo is a travesty and mocks the foundations of the justice system! It informs everyone that form trumps substance and *****.

Shame on you, and shame on me! We totally lost our sense of decency! We allowed this outrage to happen not only to Mary Sykes but to hundreds of other senior citizens while we mouth our concern for seniors, their health care and social security. We like the political elite could not care less! What good are few pennies of social security to seniors who are held hostage by a plenary guardian such as Mary Sykes has looking after her? What good is health care when it is denied until a senior loses 10 per cent of her body weight and suffers for days with a swallowing disorder! What good is our concern if we allow a senior to be isolated from her family, her friends and activities! Why do we have criminal code, and/or give any lip service to being compassionate concerning the elderly when we act in such a blatantly knowingly wrong manner?

Indeed the ten commandments, the Torah, the Bible or whatever we choose to call the words of the deity truly do not belong in our homes, our courts or our lives as when we let the Sykes style outrage continue month to month and year to year ***** Next time one of your elected representatives mouths off about how he is against cuts in Social Security or some other entitlement for the seniors - ask him/her why? Unless the political elite are concerned about senior civil rights, due process, and equal protection of the law all that health care, social security and the other entitlements are bribes that ultimately will unjustly enrich those who make their living exploiting the Mary Sykes' of this world. Worse yet - by supporting or buying into the lies of these hypocrites we are just as guilty as the miscreants. Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Ken Ditkowsky

Information from Gloria Sykes, her daughter

Mary Sykes, now aged 92 years old, during her lifetime was a feisty and active advocate of the virtues of honesty, family, and 'giving to the community.' She was active in her church, garden club and civic affairs. Her husband was a Chicago Policeman, and together they raised two daughters.

In approximately 2006 as Mary was getting Chronologically older, the daughters felt that they ought to step in a make life a little easier for mother. Unfortunately the good intentions quickly dissipated as the older daughter (Carolyn) took Mary to a lawyer. When Mary emerged from the lawyer's office the older daughter was the primary beneficiary of Mary's estate and trust. The older daughter was also the successor trustee on a trust prepared for Mary and possessed a power of attorney.

The younger daughter was busy with her career, and with fighting an insurance claim. The claim settled with a substantial win for the youngest daughter! In the meantime the older daughter was nickel and diming mother's estate and got caught! Mary noticed that $4000.00 was missing from her bank account. She made inquiry of the older daughter was informed by the older daughter that she had invested the money in an IRA account for mother.

Mary was outraged! No one in their right mind invests a 90 year old woman's money in an IRA - she does not qualify!. The prevarication, however, alerted Mary to the fact that something was wrong. She went to her safety deposit box and discovered that it had been cleaned out! All that left was the younger daughter's birth certificate torn and battered!. (This safety deposit box contained @300 gold coins, jewelry, and other valuables - worth almost a million dollars).

Horrified at what happened she requested of the lawyer and her older daughter copies of the documents she signed, and was rebuffed. Mary went to the local fire station to discuss her predicament and the Lieutenant directed her to the Court house. Mary sought an order of protection from her older daughter and sought help from the Illinois Department of Aging. In Court she prepared with the help of a court clerk a verified petition for a protective order. This petition was served on the older daughter.

The older daughter literally forced Mary to accompany her to her (daughter's) home in Naperville, Illinois. What happened in Naperville we do not know, but this act effectively vitiated the domestic violence proceedings. On July 20, 2009 the older daughter filed for a guardianship of her mother Mary. On July 21, 2009, it appears that the proceedings entered and were consolidated with the petition for guardianship.

The Guardianship proceedings were very strange. Two guardian ad litems were appointed, the proceedings were commenced without a 'doctor's certificate.' In fact as late as August 31, 2009 there was no certificate.