Question: How often have you (Gloria Sykes, a nearly 60 year old woman) seen your mother since Carolyn Toerpe was appointed Guardian of your mother:
(1) the second to last time I spent time with my Mother. We went bowling. She even broke 100! People were coming up to her because she was so filled with energy and a good bowler, that they were applauding her (for her age).
(2) the last time I saw my mother was at my Aunt Jo’s home in March 2009. She played yet another winning hand of canasta. Here she was so happy to see Shaggy, and obviously, he’s also happy to see her.
(3) Mom and I the first time I saw her after 10 1/2 months of not being able to see or talk to her in 2010. This was the first visit based on a court order that I can visit my mother ‘approximately every two weeks”. Don’t know how a court can stop the association between a mother and daughter, let alone demand supervision, but Carolyn Toerpe NEVER complies with court orders.
I love my mother so much that I’ve risked everything to save my life in order to save her life and bring her home to the community where she thrived for 55 years and the people she loves and trusts.
From Gloria Sykes.
No one understands at all why Carolyn will not let Gloria visit her, or why the court allows a guardian to isolate a 92 year old disable person from her family. Her elderly sisters have not seen her. They cannot call her on the phone. Gloria cannot call her.
Neither Mary’s sisters nor Gloria could Mary for Thanksgiving 2011. And they did not see her in 2010.
If Gloria (daugher) or Yolanda (sister) wants to see or call Mary G, they must get a court order for each and every phone call or short one hour visit.
This is clearly not the intent of the Illinois Probate Code. No Guardian should EVER be allowed to isolate and refuse visitation and phone calls by family members.
The Probate court allows this to continue. The GAL’s turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the isolation. As long as they get paid for each and every court call, they allow the abuse to continue so they can continue to bill on the case!
Carolyn Toerpe continually vioates court orders, she violates the probate code. The Court and the GAL’s are well aware of this, BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE or STOP THIS from happening.
Please sign the petition at:
This is happening across the Unite States. this same thing happened to my mom in 2004 because my half brother did the same thing by sueing mom and myself. He was unwilling or unable to care for my mother but was interested in stealing her money anyway he could. He was not interested in my mothers care or health. He told the lies well on the witness stand as the loving son but in 2008 he sold the home he claimed was only 12 minutes away from the nursing home to move from East Orange NJ to Concord North Carolina some 600 miles away now my mother is in hospice and has gad no visitors for the entire month of November 2011. My half brother has no real concern for our mother he just wants to ensure i am not able to see mom, even though I am her legal health proxy and chosen Power of Attorney. These advanced directives have been ignore by the court because of my Older Half brother and his lies. The state of NJ has nothing but corrupt judges. I have had 3 who refuse to answer the question of how Jurisdiction is obtained by the state using stolen U.S. Mail. The court assigned the Public Guardian and they refuse to share any and all information with me on my mother despite the fact I like you had to fight to obtain a court order to obtain monthly reports from the office of the Public Guardian. I mightad that the office of the public guardian isolated nmy mother from her community where she had been living for over 40 years. They ripped her out of her home to put her in the same nursing home that her mother was abused in. I had to fight to obtain 3 weekly phone calls by court order. Even with the court order I still am unable to reach my mother. This has been horrible I have suffered with this fight now for 7 years and I am currently before the Appeals court because the latest Judge dismissed my complaint with prejudice in February so I had to appeal but I am hopeful I may fair better but I realize that NJ Judiciary are corrupt.
ReplyDeleteI have found another victom in the same court in which the latest Judge Walter Koprowski has abused that pro se litigant as well.We have identified a pattern of abuse by the Judge. He is using the same pattern against both of us. I have included a link to the video which was made by the the other litigant on you tube about the Judge we are both facing. The link is
This is the judge we are facing and I was able to get a copy of the Judges oath which he used in the video. I would also recommend you check out a copy of American Jurisprudence 2nd volume 16 conflict of Law - Constitutional law. this will help you keep the Judge in line and help him follow the law because they do not want you to have the information contained within that particular book.