On the eve of the Christmas Season, I would like to ask one main question.
l.) Why should any child or close relative be limited or barred from visiting with his/her sibling/parent etc? Or stated in a more specific manner – what possible rationalization exist for anyone to prevent Mary Sykes’ siblings (age 80 plus) and younger daughter (almost 60) from visiting with 92 + year old Mary Sykes on an unfettered basis? As noted in the Sykes case the effort put forth by the plenary guardian and the two guardian ad litem to isolate Mary Sykes from her family, friends, young daughter, and siblings is humongous. Hundreds of hours have been spent in preventing the younger daughter and younger sister from having contact with Mary Sykes! Hundreds of hours have been expended by Guardian ad litem Stern in an effort to prevent Mary Sykes from having legal representation!
The obscenity that the marshalled facts detailing the plenary guardian’s and the guardian’s ad litem actions in the Mary Sykes case presents is strong evidence of how far we as a society have progressed in our efforts to re live the National Socialist agenda. Just like the ‘brown shirts’ of the 30′s we are pious in our verbage, but, the Paterno Syndrome is alive and well! The ‘do not ask, do not tell mentality’ has led law enforcement and government to forget their function in society, i.e. serve and protect. It is easy to goose step along in benign neglect! However, the fact remains that what is happening is wrong and no matter what member of political elite might find herself/himself in the ‘dock’ should not be a consideration.
Mary Sykes is not protected by isolation, financial exploitation and elder abuse. She (Mary Sykes) is not protected by a society that can turn its back on her and allow a guardian who was named by Mary in an Petition for an order of Protection to be deprived of the love or her siblings and her younger daughter! Some activities are inherently wrong! They remain wrong even when approved by authority and/or the Courts. This isolation of Mary Sykes from her younger daughter and her siblings is inherently wrong. How does the Illinois State Police and the Naperville Police attorn to this situation. The National Socialists rounded up allegedly undesirable people in the 30′s, bundled them into rail cars and deprived them of oxygen and the world watched! As indicated by the number of guardianship abuse cases that have come forward we have temporarily substituted the allegedly disabled for the “undesirables” or Jews, blacks, disabled persons, homosexuals and Russians!
The very same ‘lame excuses’ and rationalizations presented with authority are now used to perpetuate the elder abuse (isolation) and financial exploitation and the lack of action on the part of authority. The Paterno syndrome is just as alive in Chicago, Illinois, Colorado, Indiana etc as it is at Penn State. Heavy clout obviates any meaningful investigation, prosecution, protection, or government function. Form is superior to substance and we hear:
1) a guardian ad litem tells the Court that Mary Sykes does not want legal representation – even though she has in her own hand written a plea for legal representation. Even though other family members have been passed notes by her and she has appealed to them to get an attorney and go home. How do the GAL’s and the court respond? To not bring up the subject because it will upset Mary G! Mary G knows her mind and she wants it to be respected. The Probate Code allows for the disabled person to make such decisions.
2) a lawyer telling a court that the isolation of Mary in a day care facility replete with sensory deprivation is ‘progress” (we know better – since when does a lawyers words substitute for common sense and reason?) Why is Mary being placed in senior day care, when Gloria can keep her at home and care for her?
3) police department response minimizing approximately 1/2 dozen emergency room trips by Mary and the December 2010 incident in which we was reported to have lost 10% of her body weight, and was neglected by the plenary guardian. (this is exactly what happened in the Paterno case – and exactly what the Tea Party, the Occupy group, and the majority of Americans are crying about, We are tired by same old excuses and blame game! – Coach Paterno did exactly what he was required to do, and Law enforcement minimized the serious child molestation. Indeed, had Paterno done more nothing more would have happened. Indeed, nothing more would have happened and did not happen because Coach Paterno was an icon and if an honest and full investigation had occurred the heads of many of the clout heavy would have been on the chopping block. Thus, Paterno is the victim that the media is felling sorry for! Hell with the victims!)
4) the failure of government to insist that the plenary guardian inventory the contents of a safety deposit box (and a mattress containing money). (The GALs, law enforcement and the Court that is supposed to supervise the disabled person’s estate watched extensive remodeling go one a the plenary guardians’ home while her husband was unemployed and the US was in a serious recession )
Once again – how does our society rationalize it attornment to the isolation of Mary Sykes (92) from her daughter and siblings! (80 +) The ‘box cars are on the track!’ You will not need your luggage – *****
Ken Ditkowsky
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