Thursday, May 31, 2012

More videos–and ones that are likely to be taken down

first, the links:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Larry G. Chambers
Assistant Office Manager
847 600-3421

Dear Readers;
As you may be aware, a number of videos of Mary G Sykes that I put up on youtube showing her to be a thinking, competent person with clear and appropriate intentions (she wants both daughters to share in her estate, she wants both daughters to share in taking care of her, she wants to go home and live at home until she passes, etc.)–most were flagged and removed from
what?  g-rated videos taken down?  Impossible, you might say.
But here we have it, a 90 year old speaking her mind, and those must be removed?  Why? Who benefits from this?  Evil and greedy GAL’s that want to churn the bill and make money while Mary G has no rights and no due process?  An evil and greedy daughter CT who had her mom sign documents at an atty in 2005 and refused to give her mother copies of those documents and her assets were allegedly placed in a trust in a trust document that is clearly void abinitio under the Statute of Uses?
So go ahead and look at the videos and when it is clear they get red flagged and taken down because they show competency post Dec 8, 2009 finding of incompetency, let me know.
There are many, many august persons who do not want these videos to be kept on youtube.
UPDATE on videos.  Last night I got a plug-in to scam the videos and they are now all up at the vimeo link!
take care

More fun with transcripts–Feb 16 2012

the link:
Dear Readers;
First of all, I have to apologize for having been off line for a few days.  As many of you know, I had a $350 Acer computer for years.  Because I work on a ton of cases that do a lot of good, but there is not much income from them (ahem, case in point for this blog), I decided to opt for a cheapie laptop last time around to see how that would stack up against my typical $2,000 Dell business laptops I got tired of paying for.  Well, the Acer did great.  It beat the Dells for reliability and repairs hands down. But last Friday it hit a glitch and would no longer charge the battery so I took it into Microcenter for repairs.  I had purchased a 2 year extended warranty, one year mfgr, then another two years of Microcenter warranty.  Imagine my surprised when Julia told me the good news, that the mother board was burned up and they could not replace it so would I accept a $450 gift card.  Hell YES.    Within an hour I was down at Microcenter oogling laptops with that gift card and settled on a near-ultrabook–a Toshiba Portege, i5, 700 Gb hard drive, CD/DVD drive 5400 rpms at a 14″ screen and 3 lbs, it’s laptop heaven for me!
Of course I got the warranty right away.  So long live Microcenter and thank goodness for my  computer angels.  Just to let you know, they pushed to scam my old hard drive–which did not crash–for $150.  I told the guy “nope, my kid will do that for me.”  He replied, “are you sure he’s qualified.”  I answered, “Well, he’s been building computers and repairing cell phones since about age 10, Microsoft certified since age 12, and running my network since age 14, and now he’s a math and computer science major at SIU, so yeah, I think this is QED for him.”
Now the dirty little secret of what the guy was saying is that all I needed was a housing for my 2.5″ laptop hard drive and those housings have USB cables that plug and play on any laptop, so in this case I did 95% of the data copying myself.  For some reason, microsoft puts everything in directories 10 deep, and I hate that, but I copied that, as well as where I put my data which is just in c:\data.  How easy is that?  So save yer $150 if your motherboard crashes and just scam your data yourself with a $8 housing (okay I opted for the fancy metal one–but the plastic ones at $5 look flimsy to me).  I put the whole thing together at the microcenter check out with .99 cent screwdriver set.
Okay, back to law.  I hope you all learned how to save $125 to $150 when you motherboard fails.  For a hard drive failure, be sure to image-backup!
I have a few good posts for the next few days so read on.
When I have nothing better to do with my meager bucks I get out of going to work or working for 10+ hours per day, I order some of Gloria’s transcripts, because well, she’s pretty much a hoot in court and stands up to the GAL’s and their beastly “witnesses”.
The transcript link I posted above is the most recent and best one.  In this one, not only does Gloria continue to make her case that the Probate proceedings are nothing but a sham, but she gets the judge to go on and on about how the Probate court can go back in time as it desires (oh, puleeze, beam me up Scotty), and get some quack-corrupt doctor (hmmm, why does the name Shaw come to mind?) to say that he knows 4 years ago that Mary Sykes was incompetent to make or understand or even dictate her desires to sign off on the apportionment agreement. (If he knows that then why isn’t he beating out some real psychic pros like Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, John Edmonds, etc.)
But the best part of this transcript is you can see how the court justifies this clearly inane conclusion.
And there’s the little matter of 2-1401 that says judgments must be attacked in 2 years.  The court clearly does not believe that the “apportionment agreement” is a judgment or court order.  This court thinks it was a private agreement made between two parties and was never court reviewed or court approved.  This court further believes that Probate is the only full faith and credit courtroom that has ever existed or will ever existed.  Thank goodness there are only soverigns sitting in those courtrooms running their own little fiefdoms.
Does this clearly speak to the out of control meglomania of the Probate court–that it answers to no other court or jurisdiction besides whatever pops into its own little head–like a low flying airplane?
Read the transcript and judge for yourself.  This one will also go on my “crazy transcript” page.  I’m actually thinking of holding a contest for the craziest of all theSykes  transcripts. Clearly the one where the court sanctions KD for $5,000 and is overturned has to be number one or near the top.
Just let me know

Thursday, May 24, 2012

From Ken Ditkowsky–Reasons for a number of agencies to get involved and Investigate

From Ken Ditkowsky–Reasons for a number of agencies to get involved and Investigate

In Sykes it did not matter whether she was competent or not – it was a foregone conclusion orchestrated by an agreement between between [entities]    (Gloria received an e mail from [entity] admitting this fact – I wonder if that e mail was a target of the ‘theft’ of her work product accomplished by the eviction).    However, in reviewing a bunch of the victim complaints it appears that the medical examination most notably ignores the following:
1) history
2) body chemistry – i.e. it is possible to drug the subject
3) illness (either physical or mental)
4) consultation with treating doctors    (Dr. [X] is reported to have testified that he did not bother to even examine Mary)
The great genius talks to the subject for a few seconds, listens to the scenario of the possible abuser and/or exploiter and writes a report.   In the report on record in the Sykes case the ‘medical practitioner’ wrote the Mary was delusional when she described activities that she actually engaged.    He learned that Mary was imagining from the candidate for plenary guardian who just happened to be the subject of a pending Petition for a Protective order and had informed her mother after finding $4000 in her mother’s account that she was investing the same in an IRA.
Professional Regulation (and the [agencies and authorities]) should be investigating this situation of ‘rubber stamp’ medicine.    The current procedure in [lega fora] (and in many other states) for the appointment of a guardian is replete with examples of total avoidance of all protections for the senior citizen targeted so that there would be no hindrance by the family of  you, me, Gloria, Senator Kirk, President Obama, et. al to their being declared disabled and having CT appointed their plenary guardian.    No one charged with protecting the seniors cares!   Ask Mr. Wyman, the two Mary’s, Gloria Sykes, Janet Phelan *****and the hundreds of family and friends of the senior victim.
If a professional complains he/she can expect that he is the subject of a professional investigation!    Even medical professionals are not immune.
What society needs if it wants to protect its senior citizens is a complete, honest, and comprehensive investigation of the Sykes case and similar cases by law enforcement – and enforcement of the law.
Ken Ditkowsky
I agree that the fact that Dr. Shaw wrote down Mary was delusional because she was doing the following:  1) writing checks and paying bills, 2) driving and had a driver’s license; 3) walking to her bank and doctor and then CT lying and saying she wasn’t and Dr. Shaw never investigating further is very troublesome.
Again, the entire [event] was railroaded, the file was peppered with packs of lies, and these lies were rubber stamped by [entities] in a “done deal.”
Does anyone have the right to protest against the railroading of incompetency?  Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and history will tell you that when the government wants to cover up fraud, let the politically elite steal with impunity, the first thing you do is start throwing people into mental institutions where they have no right to counsel or a hearing and the panel is rigged.  It works very well in Banana Republic countries, the mideast and has worked well in the USSR.
Is this the new age of the US?  No one can call for an investigation?  Are we all incompetent for suggesting that [entities] engage in theft?  Is this the reason why Chicago-Cook County is easily the most corrupt area in the US, hands down, a margin of 2 to 1 over the next most corrupt jurisdictions?
[Agency Entity], please enlighten us on this one.  How is it that numerous attys take good note of strongly suspected [troubles and issues], but then groundless complaints are lodged against the honest attorneys–the ones not making a profit from [troubles and problems], and those complaints are not automatically dismissed and the miscreants dance away with impunity?  You have been sent the record from the trial court.  No discovery, plenty of railroading, the alleged disabled can’t appear in [person], blah, blah, and yet this continues as an ordinary snafu of [legal fora].
More good questions than answers, I am afraid.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

From Ken Ditkowsky–a reasonable request to the ARDC

Time to alert the ARDC to the fact that Stern, Farenga et al have not been candid – i.e. they have not disclosed the fact that Mary passed a written examination administered by the Illinois Secretary of State just days before Carolyn filed a petition to declare her incompetent.     This event should give pause to Dr. Shaw.    If he maintains that Mary was incompetent on **** how is he going to explain her passing a written examination.
Of course Gloria is correct –  This is the reason that we need a comprehensive, complete and honest investigation of the Sykes, the Tyler case and the similar cases.     My letter to the ARDC read:
To the Administrator of the Illinois ARDC
Pursuant to Rule which reads:
(b) Issuance of Subpoenas. The clerk of the court shall issue a subpoena ad testificandum or a subpoena duces tecum as provided below:
(1) upon request of the Administrator related to an investigation conducted pursuant to Rules 752, 753, 759, 767, 779, or 780 or related to a deposition or hearing before the Hearing Board; the Administrator may use a subpoena in an investigation conducted pursuant to Rule 753 until such time as a complaint is filed with the Hearing Board;
(2) upon request of the Inquiry or Hearing Board related to a proceeding pending before the Board;
(3) upon request of the respondent or the petitioner related to a deposition or hearing before the Hearing Board; or
(4) upon request of the Administrator related to the investigation or review of a Client Protection Claim.      Ill. Sup. Ct. R. 754
I need issued the following subpoena in accordance with the Rules:
1.       Document subpoena for the Illinois Secretary of State seeking copies of the Driver’s license record of Mary G. Sykes.     It appears that in January 2009 Mary Sykes took and passed both the written and the physical driver’s license test.
Of course if you have these records the Notice to Produce documents previously served on the ARDC would have required their production.     The document production contained many duplicates but I did see this material.    This material is critical as had Mr. Stern and Ms. Farenga as Guardian ad Litem (or the ARDC prior to filing a complaint stating that I was a liar) done the due diligence required of them they would have obtained (or known) about this situation.      As Mrs. Sykes not only was able to file a sworn Petition for an Order of Protection immediately prior to the filing of Petition for her incompetency, but,  we are informed that a few short weeks prior to the filing she passed a written examination administered by the Illinois Secretary of State.
Pursuant to our Himmel Responsibility we respectfully renew the complaints to the ARDC that have been made by me, by Ms. Gloria Sykes, and various other persons who are friends, family and neighbors of the Mary Sykes.    (Our complaints seek an investigation of the actions (and non-actions) of GAL Adam Stern, GAL Cynthia Farenga, etc.)
Thank you for your courtesy and co-operation.
I do not understand how this written test was over-looked by Mr. Stern and Ms. Farenga.    The Petition for a Protective Order against CT should have been a red flag and as there are two GAL the degree of investigation should have been much more careful than if only one had been appointed.    The prior assault on your 80 plus year old aunt should have also raised a red flag – a 260 pound male who is over 6 feet tall has a tough time convincing a person with all his/her faculties that he was in ‘dire’ fear of Aunt Yo!   Does she weigh a 100 pounds.    It should be noted that even the Naperville Police did not buy the story told by Toerpe – they did not arrest Aunt Yo for her vicious assault on Toerpe knuckles using her frail body as a dangerous weapon that made him reasonably fear for his safety.    (Of course the Naperville Police did not arrest Toerpe either! – I guess that in Naperville they have experience with those tough old ladies who terrorize the middle age male residents.)
Ken Ditkowsky
And I would add a request to the ARDC that they investigate the numerous trips to the emergency room during December 2009 to spring 2010 where Mary lost weight and other unknown reasons.
The ARDC should also issue a subpoena to Carolyn and Fred Toerpe asking for a copy of one statement from any bank account they have held since July of 2009, and one check from any account they held in their names, or for their daughter Kristen or Carolyn’s mother Mary, and then the ARDC should ask for statement records at each of those banks beginning in July of 2009–this means they go directly to each bank rather than look for doctored statements from these two miscreants.  At that point I bet they disappear rather than turn over any records.  They will leave Mary behind, penniless and do a quick sale on the home.  Then Gloria will get her mom back.
Good point Ken, I will fax these requests to Ms. Black and let her know if she loses it, it is also posted at so she has no excuse.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Constitution vs. Pole Dancers of Justice*

What is most amazing is the fact that the Courts should be so benign in their defense of the victims of Elder Abuse/Financial Exploitation of the Elder and so pro-active in their defense of the criminals who are appointed by it and who misuse their offices as guardians to exploit and abuse senior citizens (or assist others in their endeavor of abusing and exploiting grandma).    What is also amazing is the fact that decent and normally caring people can sit on their hands and allow this tragic situation to continue.     Two faced and disingenuous members of the political elite who ‘rape’ grandma and then boast about the fact that they are distressed that she might have her social security reduced by a dollar are expected to be miscreants.       The Courts and Law Enforcement are expected to be vigorous in defense of liberty, justice, and the American way.     It may all sound trite – but ****.
The Illinois ARDC prosecution of yours truly for the exercise of my First Amendment Rights has opened my eyes and generated the realization that the slogan “democracy is not a spectator sport” is not only true but a dire warning.        The bulwark of America is her Bill of Rights and in particular the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution.    The Right protected by the Sixth Amendment to counsel is also important but I am not of record in any of the cases that I are mentioned in the ethics complaint filed by the ARDC against me.  The rights of citizens to employ a lawyer who is not married to the ‘status quo’ or the current politics is only a tangent.       So the fact that I stand accused of doing a FRCP 11 investigation and communicating with my clients and reporting serious misconduct on the part of some ‘august’ court appointed vultures is relevant only as it relates to whether or not the ARDC can engage in a prior restraint of my continued calls for an investigation and my advocating for the Right of a senior citizen not to be wrongfully deprived of his/her liberty property or human rights to further the avarice of some ‘whore of justice.’
As an American Citizen and a lawyer who takes the oath that I took in 1961 seriously, I will and intend to continue to call on Law Enforcement to Investigate the Mary Sykes case and all of those similar cases regardless of the personal consequences to me.     Indeed, I call for an honest and comprehensive investigation of the Sykes, Tyler, Wyman and similar cases.    I call for the investigation of Farenga, Stern, and Schmiedel and their conduct in relation to the Sykes case, their wrongful prosecution of a sanction motion against me knowing that the Court had no jurisdiction, their interference with the property rights of Gloria Sykes etc.       This is America.     Mary Sykes who just weeks before a petition was filed to determine her incompetent and eligible to be deprived of her liberty, her property, civil rights and human rights is reported to have passed a written examination administered by the Illinois Secretary of State in addition to filing a Petition for a Protective order against the very person who was appointed her plenary guardian.    Thanks to efforts of the two guardian ad litem appointed in the Sykes case this petition was never addressed or heard in the Circuit Court.
   If legal justification for my conduct is necessary, the rationale and justification is ‘set in stone.     The New Times vs. Sullivan case and the Pentagon Papers cases affirm that the effort to silence me and/or intimidate me whether by the actions of Mr. Stern, Ms. Farenga or Mr. Schmiedel or a government agency is wrong.      The ‘assault’ on the liberty, property and civil rights of Mary Sykes, Gloria Sykes, their family, their friends et al is not necessitated by National Security -  the avarice of the plenary guardian and her co-conspirators does not meet the criterion set forth by the United States Supreme Court in the Pentagon Papers case.       As a lawyer I have a greater duty to speak out against the corruption of the legal system and even if I had been or record the precedent of Nebraska Press v Stewart obviates all argument that justifies the attempt to silence me.    Indeed, my calls for an investigation and for Mr. Stern and Ms. Farenga to report to the Court the non-inventory of about a million dollars in assets, numerous trips by Mary Sykes to the emergency room of the local hospital, failure to provide proper notice etc. does not create a situation in which there would be a substantial probability of interference with a fair trial (Gentile v State Bar of Nebraska).       Indeed, the stated principle of the Illinois State Bar is recorded in Himmel.   Therein Attorneys were mandated to report improper conduct of other lawyers.     
I’ve cited a few cases not to impress but to demonstrate that I am not a pioneer.     The Gulag mentality that is robbing the senior citizens of the liberty, their property, civil rights and human rights reported on the blogs and on the inter-net (and virtually ignored in the press and by law enforcement) is foreign.    Our heroes are not the guardian ad litem who aid and abet a plenary guardian who isolates a senior citizen and separates her from her family, her activities, her friends and her property.      Today we live in the year 2012, however, we have allowed a small group of miscreants to create in seniors the fear, desperation, and hopelessness that millions of Europeans felt in 1936.    
            The Sykes case and all those cases in which senior citizens are either losing their liberty, property, civil rights, human rights need to be investigated and the miscreants given free room board and time to contemplate the error of their ways.      A Free society cannot tolerate or condone the events that have been reported in the Sykes case and similar cases!       Citizens have to speak out and avoid the 1936 scenario for grandma!      Grandma’s protectors cannot be silenced or intimidated.     We have law enforcement to protect us!     It is time for them to start doing exactly that.
Ken Ditkowsky

*an no offense to Pole Dancers.  I know they honest, hard working women trying to support a family or get thru college.  Corrupt officials are pretty much the low of the low dirty, flea dogs.  Okay no offense to dirty flea dogs, I wish a good family for them.

Friday, May 18, 2012

From Ken Ditkowsky–an epidemic of worries concerning the elderly

America faces a crisis.   Suddenly a large number of our older citizens have discovered that they are the ‘Jews’ of 2012 and the replacements for the Nazi and Communist criminals have targeted them.    The ARDC complaint filed against me was my wakeup call that the Constitutional protections of the Federal and State Constitutions were not applicable to protect protest.    The regulators of the Legal Profession determined that if you protest the actions (or the non-actions)  of the two guardian ad litem and or the plenary guardian in the Sykes case no matter how accurate your statements – they are all lies!     If you ask a question it is intimidation!
The unintended consequences of the ARDC complaint are to induce some elderly citizens to confide in me as to their personal plight and their fears that they too can become victims.    Yesterday, an elderly accountant whose wife has become severely encumbered expressed in confidence that he was afraid that an impaired child of his could be induced into a Tyler or Gore  situation.    This morning an elderly retired businessman was concerned that a daughter was planning to make him a Mary Sykes.    It appears yesterday his daughter was ***** (attorney client privilege).
Over the years other elderly people ( 70/80 years old) have talked to me over the years about similar problems, but, I was not aware of the extent of the problem and we used irrevocable trusts to obviate the problem which I dismissed as paranoia or maybe a mild dementia.       After all my children would never ‘steal’ from me – or my wife, thus your children would not either.       Unfortunately we are in a different world today.     Who would believe that the World Trade Center could be destroyed by a motley group of terrorists!!     Who would believe that the First Amendment rights of an attorney would not be defended to the death by legal organizations and the profession in general!!    Who would believe that the non-inventory of about a million dollars in assets would not stir and investigation!!!     The idea that Court appointed attorneys would write letters of complaint to the ARDC and they would be taken seriously concerning the call for an investigation is utterly surreal!
Our complaints as to current outrages directed to you and me all beg the question!      What happens to me or any friend or family of a victim is irrelevant.     How do we protect our senior citizens from exploitation and abuse?     In 1936 the world sat on its hands while millions of innocents were marched into gas chambers!    Our government had no problem refusing entry to a ship load of escapees!   We sent them back so that they could be killed in the gas chambers.    We openly placed some of our citizens of Oriental descent in ‘concentration camps’ in the Mohave Desert!    Today we march our senior citizens in ‘nursing homes,’ ‘sheltered care facilities’,  etc.      I call your attention to the affidavit of Mr. Scott Evans as to his observations concerning Mary Sykes environment.    Death is a little more painful and a little longer than the ‘gas chambers!’     Like our National socialist ancestors some our bolder and less principled Court appointed guardians separate the victims from their assets.    Mary Sykes had about a million dollars of assets not inventoried.    Ms. Tyler about nine millions missing.   The list goes on, and the silence is deafening.
I support the call for a comprehensive and honest investigation by law enforcement of every one of these alleged Elder Abuse/Financial Exploitation claims.    There is no reason why an alleged incompetent should be segregated and isolated from his/her family.   There is no reason why an alleged incompetent should be held in isolation and without stimulation.   There is no reason that the assets of an alleged incompetent have to disappear and lost.    There is no reason why guardians ad litem  should not immediately report nursing home accidents (such as an alleged incompetent falling on his her head),  emergency visits – especially those in which neglect is admitted,  allegations of pecuniary misconduct – non-inventory of precious jewelry, collectibles, gold coins etc.     There is no reason why probate courts should not investigate the alleged misconduct and determine that it has jurisdiction.
Unfortunately before a solution for this growing problem can be formulated law enforcement, the Courts, the Congress, the State Legislatures have to do a full investigation.     The serious allegations that have been made need to be fully and honestly investigated – investigation of the complainants is ridiculous but unfortunately the CYA and avarice mentality that has created the crisis.
Ken Ditkowsky
And KD fails to mention that the other day I received a completely shocking report from Ms. Belanger–a Mass. licensed atty whose father is in a guardianship where a CPA and GAL asserted in court that unbelievably his $9 million estate will be depleted in 7 years!  She asks me if that is true.  I replied, it is as long as they figure a way to churn those fees into millions and give business to each of their buddies over the next 7 years–nursing homes, mega pharma treatments at wired in docs, rehab that goes on forever, psychiatric care that goes on forever.  You name it and this $9 million lawyer that gave his two daughters POA and set up a trust to protect his estate from probate, now has a GAL and a CPA as guardian churning those fees and preventing the daughters from seeing their own father!  They have been told it is “too upsetting”. Dad is on major psychotropic medicines because he wants to pick up the phone to call his daughters, he wants to get it in the car and drive to their homes and see his own grandchildren.  But Mass. Probate court prohibits it because–he has $9 million in a bank account at Mellon, NYC and the court appointed a lawyer and a CPA over his own daughters and ignored his well planned estate wishes.  All because Ms. Belanger was dealing with the bank one day and threatened to move the money and they swept in with dad’s former CPA and attorney and put them in charge!  Scary.  He is now a doped up prisoner in his own home.  He too, was “not interested” in attending the competency hearing–when in fact he was and the temp guardian already had it in place to have him drugged that day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

From Gloria--her weekly fax to the ARDC

Because it seems the ARDC has repeatedly ignored any complaints Gloria has filed and they also seem to conveniently and accidently-on-purpose lose anything she sends them (a familar event in this department--just ask Ken Ditkowsky how the ARDC managed to lose his two attachments -- important Affidavits from Gloria and Scott which confirms that all allegations asserted in his emails and ultimately on this blog and other blogs--are in fact true and accurate allegations.)

The papers filed clearly indicate the affidavits were enclosed.

But then somehow they were "Lost" by the ARDC.  All this does is make the ARDC look inept, corrupt or both.

What are our Illinois state tax dollars paying for then? 

From Gloria:

"*** It is procedure that spells much of the difference between rule by law and rule by whim or caprice. Steadfast adherence to strict procedural safeguards is our main assurance that there will be equal justice under law
- in Cunningham v. Public Service Co., 1992

In 1951 the Supreme Court in Joint Anti-Fascist Refugees Comm. v. McGrath, 341 US 123, took a close look at what happens when 'due process' is ignored and American Courts are lawless in their quest to 'condemn'!.  "The right to be heard before being condemned to suffer grievous loss of any kind, even though it may not involve the stigma and hardships of criminal conviction, is a principle basic to our society."  Apparently, attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga have no "respect for the elementary rights of men" and to these attorneys, "democracy" is a spectator sport of which, as attorney Peter Schmiedel expressed, when he perpetrates his lawlessness he "has a good day" and "accomplishes a lot".  That said, in this complaint to the ARDC let me add the following violations against Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga, attorneys apparently protected by the ARDC and perhaps some political clout who are empowered to do great harm for their own financial gain:

1.  Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga, one or all were suppose to send me a copy of the 13 April 2012 court ordered that had been entered: I have yet to see that court order and yet, on May 11, 2012, proceedings were held and ex parte discussions with the Court caused actions to take place, including decision to hold more hearings knowing that the Court lacks jurisdiction as Sodini notices were not served on my mother, Mary G Sykes' two sisters and/or me.

2.  Attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga have yet to served me with a 2-1401, and yet continue to collaterally attack a 2008 final order and Cynthia Farenga generated fradulent documents in order to coerce my financial adviser and financial institution into providing her confidential financial information.

3.  Attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern, and Cynthia Farenga never served me with appropriate legal documents to even commence a partition action against me and yet, they have had a commissioner appointed (whose report was to be filed on or about the 16 March 2012, and a report I have yet to see) and continue to push for the sale of property of my estate knowing that the Probate Court lacks jurisdiction in this matter, too.

4.  That the US Trustee called attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and/or Cynthia Farenga and told them to return the property of my estate, and the three Attorneys, have refused to return all of the property of my estate.  (Judge Murrey entered an order that commencing at 8 am on the 19th May Toerpe and Company are to give me full access to my homestead 6014 N Avondale so I can "take as much time as I need to remove all of my personal property, including intellectual properties and confidential legal documents: that said, I have provided attorneys Peter Schmiedel and Amanda Byrnes with a list of personal property their client 'removed' from the property already and so far, I have no response to whether or not the property will be returned.)

5.  That there is a Court order entered giving me rights to visit with my mother  'approximately eery two weeks' and thus far, I have yet to see or talk to my mother since March 2011: I am also being denied any telephone access to my mother.  This is also a violation of my mother's rights and my  rights of association, which in a case that Cynthia Farenga perpetrated, James Srruck v. Public Guardian, the Appellate court made reference to and suggested that Mr. Struck has a right of association with his mother and therefore may sue his brother.

6.  That attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern repeatedly attempt to or have 'influenced' Judges in the State, Appellate, and Federal Courts by misrepresenting the facts and malicious lies, including writing a letter to the Fed. Bankruptcy Judge (Cynthia Farenga) and as recent as a couple of days ago, Adam Stern's attorney attempting to provide the Bankruptcy Judge with a Rule 23 Appellate order he claims  is law that should cause the court to dismiss an adversary haring against Adam Stern!

7.  Attorney Peter Schmeidel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga lied to the court on Mary 11, 2012, reporting that they were not notified that I would not be in court: I will send the ARDC copies of proof of successful faxes to each attorney fax number(s).

"No better instrument has been devised for arriving at truth than to give a person in jeopardy of serious loss, notice of the case against him and opportunity to met it."

Neither my mother nor I have had due process or equal protection of law because of the malicious contentions and efforts of attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga...

And now, Fischel and Kahn have taught attorney Amanda Brynes to copy their lawless behavior and so, further complaints will also include the young attorney Amanda Brynes.

Meanwhile I have not spoken to or have had quality time with my mother, who is suffering the most, and her life shorted by the isolation, drugging, medical and emotional neglect, and the undue influences.  As Adam Stern wrote to me in an email which the ARDC has a copy of, 'they' have told my mother I abandoned her.  He went on to say he could tell my mother that I "abused her" instead!  Adam Stern does not have absolute immunity for murdering my mother!

Let me remind you that there are now TWO petitions for protective orders naming Carolyn Toerpe the respondent: Carolyn Toerpe is the client of Fishel and Kahn -- Peter Schmiedel, Deborah Jo Soehlig, and Amanda Brynes.  If you read the 11 + volumes of verified court documents including transcripts, you will note that attorney Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern also advocate for Carolyn Toerpe.  In fact, there are about 20 proceedings where the Ward, Mary G. Sykes is not even considered.  The court proceedings have been all about me, a 3rd party and only an "interested" party to the case. The need to intimidate, harass, and silence me apparently is the law of attorney Peter Schmiedel et al.

And attorney Cynthia Farenga actually had her husband Michael Crowley serve these fradulent papers on my financial adviser and institution(s).  I guess it truly is a 'family affair'...

"The heart of the matter is that democracy implies respect for the elementary rights of men, however suspect or unworthy; a democratic government must therefore practice fairness; and fairness can rarely be obtained by secret, one-sided determination of facts decisive of rights."
- in Lankford v. Idaho, 1991

Gloria Jean Sykes
Bon Ami Productions, Inc.
773.631-9262 (fax and office line)

Gloria also informs me that while CF has told the court she served Gloria with the Partition Action (note that document is not in the file between Mar 2011 and the present), it turns out that “Michael Crowley” is CF’s husband and he served the alleged documents (which turns out is only a pizza flyer).  CF got angry about that and emailed Gloria about doing “background checks on her” and Gloria replied she only checked on the internet which had all of the following information: Where CF’s kids went to school which was a private school, the church they attended and the obit of CF’s father who was a well connected lawyer AND worked for the water dept.  (Somehow someone directed Gloria’s water to be turned on causing damage to her house and a $500 bill.)  Again, CF’s using Michael Crowley, her husband to serve papers when that is expressly prohibited by statute because neither the parties nor their attorneys may serve papers in any lawsuit, nor can they use their family members to serve papers.  Somehow the law is not standing in the way of the abilities of the miscreants to terrorize Gloria, strip her of home and property and leave her couch surfing and penniless.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Requests to Admit

Dear Readers;
I sat in a car yesterday to pick up my kids at college, which took about 6 hours, and have some fun them.  This Holiday Inn has high speed internet, so that is great (soon as I figured out how to diagnose and fix it!). This is what I drafted up during the car sit.  These were the questions I had about the case.
BUT Requests to Admit are a fun tool to use.  I saw that Gloria had some in the file and they were apparently filed but unanswered.  If that is the case, then they have been deemed admitted by operation of law, other than the fact I think that the court might have told Gloria she has no standing to file anything, which makes no sense since there is a provision in the Probate Act that any interested party can file a Petition to Remove the Guardian, and even just a note.  Well, as any attorney knows, the only way to really do a good job at that is to file pre-discovery before filing such a document.
But I don’t know, and I looked at the Probate Cases and I couldn’t find any Illinois cases that talk about how a daughter is not entitled to file something, or serve pre-filing discovery, or anything like that.  It just sounds like more AS and CF intimidation against Gloria.
Now that more than one year of pleading have been filed, the pattern of ignoring, snubbing and making Gloria out to be some sort of false pariah in the case when she really has done nothing bad at all–except take excellent care of her mother for 10+ years, I guess it’s just business as usual for those guardians, because once the house is sold, they get paid.  Carolyn thinks her Trust is valid and she gets all the money and needs no reporting to anyone.
So read on below.
Requests to Admit.        These are directed mostly to the GAL’s.  I know these are the questions I have on the case.  I think answering such interrogatories would be most important.
The term “GAL’s” refers to AS and CF collectively.
The term CRLTO refers to the Chicago Landlord Tenant Ordinance.
The term “Estate” refers to the “Estate of Mary G Sykes” or case 2009 P 04585.
The term “White House” refers to the home where Mary G Sykes lived, or 6014 N Avondale.
The term “Brown House” refers to the home where Gloria Sykes lived prior to it being destroyed by mold, or 6016 N Avondale.
The term “Gloria” or “GS” means Gloria Sykes
The term “MGS” or “Mary” means Mary G Sykes
“PS” is Peter Schmeidel; “HW” is Harvey Waller; “CT” is Carolyn Toerpe; “FT” is Fred Toerpe; “CF” is Cynthia Farenga; “AS” is Adam Stern
The term “wired” means any type of corruption or preferential treatment in court, including promises of money, position, continued employment in and out of the courtroom, etc.  This also includes promises from any judge (Daley center or not), political favor, or court room employee for money, continued employment or preferential treatment.
You are directed to admit or deny the following statements:
1.    That you have been told by GS that $4,000 was removed wrongfully from the Pullman bank account of MS in 2009 and you took no action.
2.    That you are aware that this action caused MGS to prepare a Petition for an Order of Protection against CT.
3.    That you have been told that the removal of $4,000 from the bank account of MGS was allegedly to start a retirement account for MGS.
4.    That you have been told that the removal of $4,000 from the bank account of MGS was purportedly to start a retirement account for MGS
5.    That you knew that MGS at age 90+ was ineligible for a retirement account pursuant to IRS rules, regulations and/or statutory law.
6.    That at the time, MGS was not in need of establishing a retirement account.
7.    That you did not serve any discovery upon Pullman Bank regarding the withdrawl of the $4,000.
8.    That you did not track the $4,000 from Pullman Bank to any other bank account and find out who moved it and when.
9.    That you are not interested in whether CT misappropriate $4,000 from the funds of MGS and therefore did not conduct any proper investigation.
10.    That GS paid two mortgages for approximately 10+ years.
11.    That GS paid the mortgage on 6014 for approximately 10+ years.
12.    That GS paid the mortgage on 6016 for approximately 10+ years.
13.    That the income of MGS was substantially $1900 per month in the year 2010.
14.    That the income of MGS from 2005 to 2010 was $1900 per month.
15.    That the income of MGS being only $1900 per month was insufficient to pay all the expenses of MGS.
16.    That MGS prefers to eat vegetarian.
17.    That MGS prefers to eat vegetarian and organic.
18.    That CT does not provide MGS with organic, vegetarian food which MGS prefers.
19.    That GS always fed MGS a vegetarian diet.
20.    That GS regularly bought MGS high quality vegetarian food.
21.    That GS regularly shopped for MGS at Whole Foods.
22.    That GS regularly purchased a meal plan from Ambutol in Chicago.
23.    That you are aware Ambutol prepares gourmet vegetarian meals.
24.    That GS provided MGS with gourmet vegetarian meals from Ambutol.
25.    That CT does not shop at Whole Foods for the food for MGS.
26.    That CT does not provide as many vegetarian, organic foods as she can for MGS.
27.    That no GAL has ever recommended setting up a retirement account for a 90+ year old person, that you have ever head of.
28.    That you have never obtained any bank records from Pullman bank regarding the $4,000 withdrawal.
29.    That you were aware that CT was the Respondent in a Petition for an OOP in 2009.
30.    That prior to appoint CT as Plenary Guardian you did not properly inform Judge Connors of this fact.
31.    That when CT was appointed Plenary Guardian in Dec. 2009, you did not inform Judge Connors that the jurisdictional 14 day notice of hearing was served upon the two sisters of MGS.
32.    That when CT was appointed Plenary Guardian in Dec. 2009, you did not inform Judge Connors that the jurisdictional 14 day notice of hearing was never served upon sister Josephine.
33.    That when CT was appointed Plenary Guardian in Dec. 2009, you did not inform Judge Connors that the jurisdictional 14 day notice of hearing was never served upon sister Yolanda.
34.    You have never informed the court it has been acting without jurisdiction.
35.    PS has never informed the court it has been acting without jurisdiction since Dec 2009.
36.    HW has never informed the court it has been acting without jurisdiction since Dec 2009.
37.    A competent attorney would have promptly brought this issue to the court’s attention promptly after having been discoveed.
38.    KD and Gloria have been repeatedly informing you that the Probate Court is acting without jurisdiction.
39.    HW has admitted that no 14 day notices were timely served on sisters Yolanda and Josephine prior to the hearing appointing CT.
40.    HW has admitted on the record that no 14 day jurisdictional notices were timely served on Gloria prior to the hearing appointing CT.
41.    That the doctor’s report presented with CT’s Petition for Guardianship in July 2009 was legally deficient in that it was not signed by a medical physician that actually conducted the examination.
42.    That Dr. Motckya who signed the CP211 form was in fact a PsychD.
43.    That Dr. Motckya who is a PsychD cannot sign a CP211 pursuant to the Probate Act for the purposes of presenting a Petition for guardianship.
44.    That counsel for GS repeatedly asked for discovery prior to appointing CT as PG in Dec 2009.
45.    That GS was repeatedly denied any requests for discovery prior to appointing CT as PG in Dec 2009.
46.    That you did not tell the court that GS was entitled to discovery in this case in Dec 2009.
47.    That you have never, in fact told the court GS should be allowed discovery.
48.    That AS knowingly filed a wrongful petition for sanctions against KD.
49.    When AS filed a petition for sanctions against KD, both GAL’s knew he never had appeared in the Probate Court.
50.    That the filing of ARDC complaints against KD and JMD for expressing opinions on a blog constituted a violation of the Illinois CPA. 735 ILCS § 110 et. Seq.
51.    As a GAL, the filing of that ARDC complaint against KD brings liablity to the estate.
52.    A GAL that brings liability to a ward’s estate should immediately report it to the court and be removed.
53.    The reason why AS was not sanctioned by the the Probate Court for filing a false Petition for Sanctions against KD is because the court is wired–or it sure looks like it.
54.    AS filed a Petition to Disqualify JMD as counsel for Gloria because as CF said JMD will assuredly “paper me [meaning the GAL’s to death].”
55.    JMD accordingly became the subject of a Motion to Disqualify (“MTDQ”) filed by AS and endorsed by CF because she is a competent attorney.
56.    CF and AS knew that the filing of a MTDQ JMD was wrongful and in derrogation of well established law.
57.    CF and AS misrepresented to the court they had sufficient grounds to file the MTDQ when in fact they did not.
58.    That in Dec 2009 GS had filed a number of pleadings, and AS asked the court to strike all the pleadings of GS because she was pro se.
59.    That those pleadings in Dec 2009 were in fact filed pro se and so there was no reason to strike those pleadings.
60.    That only sleezy, underhanded attys pull such stunts mentioned in the two prior RFA’s.
61.    That CF and AS meet the description in the last RFA.
62.    That I am not surprised either one would pull such a low down stunt.
63.    That you have been informed by numerous family and friends that Gloria took excellent care of her mother for 10+ years.
64.    You have been informed that Gloria returned from California after her father died to take care of her mother.
65.    You have been informed that Gloria provided Mary with designer clothes to wear.
66.    You have been informed that Gloria provided Mary with monthly trips to the salon for hair and nails.
67.    That the Probate Court trashed Gloria’s care plan on purpose.
68.    That Gloria’s care plan was more than adequate.
69.    That while Gloria didn’t know the name of Mary’s one hypertension medication, she knew what a CBC was and the judge didn’t.
70.    Most people know that a CBC is a Complete Blood Count or Blood Panel and it is an essential part of a regular physical.
71.    One of the reasons the court trashed Gloria’s care plan was because Gloria lived upstairs and Mary lived downstairs at 6014 N. Avondale (“White House”).
72.    CT has a two level home with a basement.
73.    The court did not have a problem with the fact that Mary’s bedroom was on the second level and the other living areas were o the first floor of CT’s home.
74.    Mary lost 10% of her body weight due to a sore throat that lasted a week before CT dropped Mary off with Gloria.
75.    Mary subsequently required several trips to the emergency room which were not reported to the court.
76.    Gloria recognized that something was very wrong with Mary and took her to the doctor the day Mary was dropped off.
77.    That CT represented to the court that family would care for Mary during the day when she was at work.
78.    That subsequent to the appointment of CT, her daughter Kristen moved out of the home.
79.    That subsequent to the appointment of CT, FT did not want to care for Mary during the day.
80.    That subsequent to the appointment of CT, FT did not in fact care for Mary during the day.
81.    That Dr. Rabin signed and submitted a report to the court indicating Mary was incompetent.
82.    That Dr. Amdur signed and submitted a report to the court indicating Mary was incompetent.
83.    That Mr. Motckya, PsychD signed and submitted a report to the court indicating Mary was icompetent.
84.    That you reviewed these reports and agreed with their accuracy.
Each of the following questions refer to the “Doctor’s Reports” of Amdur, Rabin and Mr. Motckya, PsychD and the “Competency Examination.”
85.    You either knew or should have known at the time Mary wore custom hearing aids.
86.    Mary’s hearing was not tested before the Competency Exams were completed.
87.    You knew or should have known at the time Mary suffered from time to time with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.
88.    A CBC or Blood Panel was not conducted immediately before any Competency Examination.
89.    That in derogation of CT’s care plan, Mary has been put in “adult day care” for low functioning adults.
90.    That while Mary was in “adult day care” she could have been living
91.    That prior to this, Mary wrote checks, was involved in the neighborhood gardening club, walker around her neighborhood nearly every day, walked to and from her doctor’s office and was very involved with her community.
92.    That Mary is now isolated with limited phone calls and visits from family.
93.    That the guardian CT is careful to isolate Mary from family.
94.    That CT claims that Mary is upset by Gloria when in fact Mary is upset when Gloria is around because she wants to go home.
95.    That CT claims Mary is upset by Gloria when in fact Mary asks Gloria to get her an attorney so she can go home.
96.    CT saw Mary only a few times per year before summer of 2009.
97.    CT filed a Petition for Guardianship because Mary filed a Petition for a Protective Order for wrongfully withdrawing $4,000 from her Pullman bank account.
98.    That you have been told that Carolyn drilled out Mary’s safe deposit box at Pullman Bank.
99.    That Gloria was also listed as a joint owner of the safe deposit box.
100.    That you have been told that valuables amount to X were found missing from the safe deposit box.
101.    That you have not investigated the missing contents.
102.    That you have not informed the Probate Court that CT drilled out a safe deposit box owned by Gloria without her permission.
103.    That you have been told that CT had Gloria’s Chase safe deposit box drilled out and the content removed.
104.    That the contents of Gloria’s safe deposit box was approximately $5,000.
105.    That you have not obtained the records from Pullman (now US Bank) regarding the drilling of Mary and Gloria’s safe deposit box.
106.    That you have no obtained the records from Chase regarding the drilling out of Gloria’s safe deposit box.
107.    That CT believes she is the Successor Trustee (“ST”) in the Mary G. Sykes Trust dated 2005(“Mary’s Trust”), when in fact she is not.
108.    That Mary’s Trust names Mary as the initial Trustee and also the Trustor which violates the Statue of Uses and renders the entire Trust document invalid.
109.    That KD and Gloria have repeatedly informed the GAL’s that Mary’s Trust is invalid because it violates the Statue of Uses.
110.    That CT filed an eviction proceeding against Gloria based upon her position as ST under Mary’s Trust knowing that this trust was invalid for violating the Statue of Uses.
111.    Because CT was not in fact the ST of Mary’s Trust, the eviction was wrongful.
112.    CT’s wrongful eviction has created substantial liability upon the Estate of Mary Sykes.
113.    CT also turned off the gas for the White House where Gloria was living in 2010, which in fact violated the CRLTO.
114.    Because she violated the CRLTO, CT has brought upon the Estate a possible violation fine of $200 to $500 per day.
115.    Because CT violated the CRLTO for several months, CT has brought upon the Estate a possible violation totaling more than $5,000.
116.    Because  CT violated the CRLTO for several months, CT has brought upon the Estate a possible violation totaling more than $10,000
117.    AS and CF should have filed a Petition for the Removal of CT for shutting off the gas where Gloria was living based upon these violations of the CRLTO creating massive liability to the Estate.
118.    Because AS and CF failed to remove CT for wilfully violating the CRLTO, they should have been removed as GAL’s.
119.    In winter of 2010, PS called Chase, Gloria’s mortgage holder and told Chase the brown house was abandoned.
120.    PS convinced Chase to “secure the property.”
121.    Gloria arrived home one day to find herself locked out of the Brown House, her secuirty cameras were disabled and the security system disabled and tampered with.
122.    Gloria arrived home to also find that interior walls in her Brown House were trashed, rendering the property completely uninhabitable–well beyond any remaining mold remediation.
123.    Gloria arrived home one day to find all of the furnishings remaining in her brown home were put in the snow behind her home.
124.    When Gloria’s home was locked and trashed, the GAL’s were promptly informed and failed to investigate.
125.    The GAL’s have told the Probate Court the Estate has a valuable interest in the Brown House and it should be partitioned.
126.    The prior statement is in fact a lie because the GAL’s have been informed repeatedly that Gloria owned the Brown House and Gloria only put Mary G on title as a joint owner as a testamentary convenience.
127.    That all the family members except CT agree that the Brown House is Gloria’s and the White House is Mary’s.
128.    That Gloria paid the mortgages on both homes for approximately ten+ years.
129.    That you were told repeatedly Mary’s income for ten+ years was approximately $1900 per month which was insufficient for her to pay her $1000 per month mortgage, plus utilities, clothing and other expenses.
130.    The GAL’s failed to investigate the severe destruction of the Brown House because they, as well as PS, desired to ensure Gloria was rendered utterly homeless for the purpose of intimidation.
131.    The GAL’s failed to investigate the severe destruction of the Brown House because they, as well as PS, desired to ensure Gloria was rendered utterly homeless for the purpose of intimidation.
132.    The GAL’s failed to investigate the severe destruction of the Brown House because they, as well as PS, were operating in a wired courtroom.
133.    The GAL’s failed for file a Petition to Remove Carolyn for violating the RLTO because they were operating in a wired courtroom.
134.    On May 11, 2012, you informed the Probate Court that Mary’s $1 million in gold coins was “Gloria’s fiction.”
135.    At that time, you did not inform the Probate Court how sister Yolanda could confirm Mary’s ownership of the coins and how they were in the safe deposit box before CT drilled it out.
136.    At that time, you did not inform the Probate Court how sister Josephine could confirm Mary’s ownership of the coins and how they were in the safe deposit box before CT drilled it out.
137.    At that time, you forgot to inform the Probate Court how sister Yolanda could confirm Mary’s ownership of the coins and how they were in the safe deposit box before CT drilled it out.
138.    At that time, you forgot to inform the Probate Court how sister Josephine could confirm Mary’s ownership of the coins and how they were in the safe deposit box before CT drilled it out
139.    That you have not conducted a complete and independent asset search for CT’s accounts.
140.    That you have not conducted a complete and independent asset search for FT’s accounts.
141.    That Mary wrote in her own handwriting (“Mary’s Directions) in Sept. 2009 that she wanted an attorney and wanted to live at home until she died.
142.    That you told the Probate Court that Mary’s Directions were dictated to her by someone else and she did not know what she was writing and this was a false statement
143.    That videos were posted on and which firmly confirm Mary’s Directions (“Videos”).
144.    Those Videos show Mary writing once again she wanted to live in her own home until she died and to have Gloria and Carolyn care for her there.
145.    You are aware that Gloria holds the last valid and enforceable Power of Attorney for Health Care from Mary. (The “POA”)
146.    This original POA document was produced in court in December of 2009 and the court ignored it.
147.    You initially told the court that this original POA document was a fake.
148.    When it shown to you and the court and it was determined it was an original and valid, Judge Connors summarily invalidated the document, without findings or a hearing.
149.    Judge Connors quipped it had to have been produced sooner–yet Gloria had mentioned it to her in several prior court status hearings and Gloria’s requests to effecutate this document were ignored.
150.    That a person who can pass an Illinois written Rules of the Road test does not have dementia.
151.    That a person who can pass an Illinois written Rules of the Road test does not have severe dementia.
152.    That a person who passes an Illinois written Rules of the Road test in January should not be declared incompetent later in July of that same year based upon a diagnosis of dementia, which is a chronic, progressive disease.
153.    That filing a motion to Disqualify JMD for merely notarizing a document is improperl
154.    That the notary clause in the document only stated the person appearing before the notary was in fact known to the notary to be that person and nothing more.
155.    That the GAL’s misrepresented to the court that JMD would be used to testify to show Mary’s competence or incompetence in August 2008.
156.    That JMD was never called to testify regarding the competence level of Mary.
157.    That the issues regarding the Lumberman’s funds disbursing payment in August 2008 (“Lumberman’s Settlement) are full and final and may not be attacked in any court of law.
158.    That 735 ILCS § 1401 provides in its pertinent part that an attack on a judgment must be brought within 2 years of the date of entry of judgment and therefore the Lumberman’s Settlement may no longer be attacked.
159.    That Gloria’s funds were illegally frozen in 2009, and the wrongful freeze continued to the date of this pleading.
160.    That in August of 2012 the GAL’s should have asked the court to unfreeze all of Gloria’s funds because the time to attack the Lumberman’s Settlement had passed.
161.    That in Dec 2009, HW wrongfully caused all of Gloria’s funds at Chase to be wrongfully frozen, rendering her penniless for more than a week.
162.    That the freezing of all of Gloria’s accounts in Dec 2009 in excess of the Order entered by the court was wrongful, bringing substantial liability upon the Estate.
163.    That the freezing of all of Gloria’s accounts in Dec 2009 should have created cause for the GAL’s to remove CT as plenary guarding for the wrongful actions of her counsel.
164.    That a guardian is legally responsible for the wrongful actions of her counsel.
165.    That you enjoy terrorizing Gloria.
166.    That it was funny that you complained Gloria had no current address when it was your plan all along to render her homeless and penniless.
167.    That this put a crimp in your evil plans.
168.    That no one cares you never have a master plan of evil.
169.    That PS’s evil deed on the 6016 home (“Gloria’s Home”) is pretty much going the same way, that is, south.
170.    That the mortgage on the home of approx. $200,000 is likely more than the home is worth.
171.    That it is not worth partitioning this house.
172.    That you have not figured this out.
173.    That mini-me had better master plans of evil than CF and AS.
174.    That your filing of ARDC complaints against KD and JD are about the same as whining like a 3 year old girl that has wet her pants and it feels real yucky now.
175.    That you have exerted undue influence in the 2009 P 4585 Probate Case (“MGS Case”).
176.    That you are aware that the MGS Case was wired.
177.    That you are aware that the appointment of CT as Plenary Guardian was wired.
178.    That the Probate court is about as corrupt as the Circuit Court was in the days of Greylord.
179.    That you form an integral part of this corruption.
180.    That you just don’t care anymore because the money is just too damn good in this poor economy.
Easy peasy Discovery
See attached Table of Torts.
1. Identify any statement(s) which you believe are incorrect and provide a corrected statement in lieu thereof.
And finally, don’t forget to read the Disclaimer on this website!