Fax to [entity] at [agency]–snubbing and ignoring a litigant
click here https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6FbJzwtHocwV2xuUnNtVXhDWkE
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6FbJzwtHocwV2xuUnNtVXhDWkE — or paste in browser
On Friday, my assistant Julia was able to get to the imaging dept in [clerk's] offices and obtain a copy of the [certain] files from Dec 1, 2011 to yesterday or April 27, 2012.
Attached is what she found. Amazingly over six (6) months what was found is a clear pattern to exclude, snub, snob and ignore any pleading that [entity] filed, while on the other hand, anything offered either orally or by mere hint of suggestion by the opposing [entities] was granted without findings, no hearing, no discussion, and often without any written Motion or Notice of Motion — or proper formal court procedure. Generally, all Motions must be in writing, and the movant must provide proper notice to adverse parties.
Isn’t this the classic case of [troubles and issues]? Blagogevich was convicted because he merely hinted at “selling” a senator’s seat, when in reality it was to feather his political campaign fund–something the US Supreme Court in January 2011 said was perfectly fine.
The [deponent] declared in August of 2011 she did not have to follow court rules or Illinois Statutes pertaining to Civil Procedure in Court–she was exempt. Then she grants this privilege to the court officer miscreants–and now it is clear for the world to see this is a continuing pattern, ala [clerk] who has finally provided some small form of computerization to the [legal fora] when the [] Federal Courts have had Pacer since 2000.
Why aren’t the [legal fora] computerized when the federal courts have been computerized since 2000? 1) a thousand incompetent and computer illiterate patronage workers would have to be fired in a single day (although [entity] COULD keep them on as historical imagers pushing papers thru scanners, that’s what I would do until they died or passed over to the eternal world of civil servant); and 2) politically connected [entities] and their puppet [entities] would be exposed for what they are: money grubbing, family strife churning leeches that create nothing but pain and misery in a family while swiping free parking money out of a well funded [account].
Here is a sublime expression of what ignoring [troubles and issues] and feathering the campaign bed leads to.
Have a good read. More to come.
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