Link below to KD’s Answer, Motion to Dismiss and Affirmative Defenses to the bogus ARDC complaint filed against him for merely calling for an investigation and emailing those that can investigate or help in that and posting to this blog! Imagine posting to a blog to get an investigation started is an ARDC complaint!
Dear Readers;
As you are probably aware, Ken Ditkowsky and I are so far the only Illinois lawyers to protect Mary G and publicly fight the grave injustices done to Mary G Sykes, a woman ripped out of her home by a relative she rarely visited, and now lives isolated in a remote suburb of Naperville. The daughter Gloria who cared for her mother admirably for the past 10 years–an arrangement well known in the family–has been evicted from her home, she was ordered (without a hearing or any due process or service) to stop working on her home to make it habitable after mold damage, then the court froze her $200,000 in Indiana so she is now homeless and penniless.
Why? So the other sister can sell both homes, put the money in a trust that she benefits from!
Watch the video links shown below, sign the petitions, let the world know that you will not stand for an Illinois grandma and American citizen to be abused like this. In the videos she knows what she wants. She wants to live at home until she passes, she wants Gloria to care for her and she wants her property divided equally between her daughters. She is NOT incompetent to that extent.
Kend Ditkowsky and I have been caught up in all of this because we have been working tirelessly on this blog and to inform others of this situation–and those attorneys who will churn fees at hundreds of dollars per hour–want us silenced. They apparently have a lot of clout in Probate and even with the ARDC.
Two complaints remain against myself and Ken Ditkowsky–mainly for publishing the truth about the situation on this blog and in emails, and also to call for an investigation of elder abuse. Apparently, when it’s the court and clout connected attorneys doing the abuse, it’s no longer abuse. And when you stand to be awarded with tens of thousands in attorneys fees, you get to loot what you want from the elderly.
Please read the attached Answer to the ARDC’s complaint and help us out.
thank you.
JoAnne Denison
From Ken Ditkowsky
Dear Gloria and JoAnne;
Sorry that you did not receive this answer, motion to dismiss, and affirmative defense that I filed in relation to the spurious complaint filed against me by the ARDC. As you are aware I have very sensitive to any attempt by anyone that is reasonably calculated to shut me up. What is most disturbing is the fact that in reference to the Request to admit that I served on the ARDC that required them to either admit or deny the basic facts that they claimed were in the e-mails and which were untrue, the ARDC admitted that the administrator had no information to either admit or deny the fact. Indeed, if they have no information they cannot reasonably suggest that anything that I said.
It gets worse. The first pleading that I filed was a motion to dismiss pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2 619. This motion had three affidavits attached in support. The first affidavit was Gloria’s affidavit. The second was Scott’s affidavit. The third was the ADA verified complaint filed in the United States District Court. All of these affidavits confirmed the fact that every word that I wrote in the various e-mails referred to ARDC complaint filed against me was in fact true and accurate. To my utter surprise the attorney for the ARDC worte in her response to the Motion that there were no affidavit attached in support of the Motion. (This is the very same attorney who without my permission called my client JoAnne. Then when I objected to such an obvious breach, instead of just saying I’m sorry it was mistake she tried to **** her way out of it)
The ARDC has published their spurious complaint against me on their website, therefore, I assume that they will also publish this answer, and thus make available to law enforcement and others the information contained therein including but not limited to discriminatory enforcement of the ethical rules in such a manner as to thwart lawyerly complaints of corruption.
As I state in my answer, Illinois has a wonderful set of laws; however, they mean nothing as no one cares to enforce them. Thus, Mary Sykes has lost her liberty, her property, and her human rights, and Gloria Sykes who has stood strong and tall in attempting to protect her mother has been subjected to the loss of her property, her liberty, and intimidation and harassment. It should be noted that every single lawyer who Gloria has sought help from has been ‘talked to’ by Farenga, Stern, and/or Schmiedel and they have either been turned, or frightened off except you JoAnne and yours truly. The ARDC has received complaints against both of us, and is prosecuting me as I by complaining about the elder abuse/financial exploitation and the theft of Mary’s property am tending to bring the profession into disrepute. Of course the people who are participating are ‘model and ethical lawyers!’
There is a humorous aspect to the ARDC complaint. Even though I am a stranger to the Sykes litigation and have not filed an appearance for anyone and there is no way that I could profit one way or another, the complaint echos the Alice in Wonderland averment that I complain about the theft of Mary’s property and Gloria’s property to secure an advantage in the pending litigation. Indeed, except for the possibility of falling down the rabbit hole there is no possibility for this to occur.
Please publish the Answer etc.
Ken Ditkowsky
And I would like to note (JMD) that if you follow the money trail, it leads directly to the Plenary Guardian, the GALS’s Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga, and the Guardian’s attorney’s Harvey Waller and Peter Schmeidel/Dorothy Soehlig!
I have not received a dime from Gloria in years. I am doing this blog for free. Ken has tirelessly written emails, letters an d posts from this blog–all without pay!
It would appear that Mary G has been fleeced–of her home, about a million in gold coins numerous other relative can verify, as well as other property the family can and would verify if given a chance.
thanks for what you can do for Mary G, 93 years old and professionally abused.
Watch Mary G Sykes–a victim of elder abuse, probate abuse and financial abuse who was declared “incompetent” speak her mind clearly! Amazing footage of what the Illinois court considers “incompetence”!
Amazingly enough, she is supposed to be incompetent and her GAL’s Adam Stern GAL and Cynthia Farenga GAL have conveniently arranged a guardianship where her desires are NOT being carried out. She wants to live at home and have her daughter Gloria care for her in Mary’s home until she dies. Carolyn Toerpe had her execute a will where once Mary’s home is sold the proceeds are put in Trust and Carolyn Toerpe takes it all upon Mary’s death. Now Carolyn Toerpe has had Mary declared incompetent and is seeking to have both Mary’s home and Gloria’s home sold and the proceeds put in Carolyn’s trust. All of this has been done under the authority of the Probate Court of Cook County and GAL’s Cynthia Farenga Attorney and Adam Stern, Attorney. This proves that evil never sleeps.
Sign my petitions at:
Sign my petitions at:
READ her complete story at
Thank you for any bit of help you can give her!
Thank you for any bit of help you can give her!
Legal Disclaimer–
Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else. This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it. And if you’re someone filing ARDC complaints against this blog, we are all exercising our rights to disseminate important news to protect the rights of the elderly and respect their wishes. Again, go get another job–it’s not worth it.
PS – This blog is primarily for entertainment purposes only and please don’t file any pleadings or documents in court without checking with the sources for errors. My rate to review is $300 per hour. Sorry, but portions of this blog have to be entertaining so we can get the word out. There is most certainly a great deal of (stinging) truth in it, esp. for the GAL’s, the probate court and a society that ignores (thereby condoning) the sleazy world of probate, and in particular the 18th floor of the Daley Center in Chicago, but everyone needs to understand, these are not pleadings, there is no Motion, Response and Reply set by any court, together with extended legal argument recorded by a court reporter and subject to a Motion to Reconsider if errors or new evidence is found. So don’t take it that way. Like a good reporter, do your own due diligence and check with the sources first. Honestly, I have to explain blogs to attorneys? Have they no life? Do they not know how to email me or use the “comments” section at all?
Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else. This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it. And if you’re someone filing ARDC complaints against this blog, we are all exercising our rights to disseminate important news to protect the rights of the elderly and respect their wishes. Again, go get another job–it’s not worth it.
PS – This blog is primarily for entertainment purposes only and please don’t file any pleadings or documents in court without checking with the sources for errors. My rate to review is $300 per hour. Sorry, but portions of this blog have to be entertaining so we can get the word out. There is most certainly a great deal of (stinging) truth in it, esp. for the GAL’s, the probate court and a society that ignores (thereby condoning) the sleazy world of probate, and in particular the 18th floor of the Daley Center in Chicago, but everyone needs to understand, these are not pleadings, there is no Motion, Response and Reply set by any court, together with extended legal argument recorded by a court reporter and subject to a Motion to Reconsider if errors or new evidence is found. So don’t take it that way. Like a good reporter, do your own due diligence and check with the sources first. Honestly, I have to explain blogs to attorneys? Have they no life? Do they not know how to email me or use the “comments” section at all?