What is most disturbing is the
fact that in relation to the Elder Abuse/Financial Exploitation cases
history keeps repeating itself.
The facts that are related to me
indicate that the Tyler case and the Sykes case have many of the same
facts. It also appears that there are similarities to the Gore
case. The nursing home cabal raises its ugly head in these cases
and too many of the same actors are on the scene. It may be
coincidence but Adam Stern and Miriam Soto are frequently mentioned
whenever someone in one of these cases claims mischief is afoot!
Peter Schmiedel also has a way of getting a mention. One of the
‘cabal’s’ enterprises similarly is heavily involved.
All of this might just be
coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. When I was talking
to the Marys’ the MO was amazingly similar to that we discovered in
Sykes and the protection provided the Court appointed attorneys was
amazing. Indeed, even though Ms. Tyler started out with an expensive
condo (Lake Pointe Tower) and about $8,000,000 in assets family members
who complained as to the fact that the assets were not inventoried were
demonized. In Sykes the value of the Estate was about a million
dollars and the value of real estate and Gloria was demonized – but the
inventory was more secret than our Nation’s secrets.
Isolation of the senior was a
prime weapon in the arsenal of the abuser/exploiter. Drugs were
administered in both Sykes and Tyler and a vital and active senior was
reduced to ruin. Family members complained to law enforcement, the
judiciary, and even the IARDC with no success. Fiduciary
relationships (guardian/ward) were honored by naked words and no action
The pattern is repeated over and
over again without regard to location. No one seems to care, except
the miscreants and their co-conspirators. Anyone who steps up and
acts uppity such as yours truly and the Marys’ and Gloria etc. has to
deal with sanctions. The Marys’ were charged with criminal contempt
for protesting. Yes, they were ordered not to file anything with prior
permission and did, but I believe that Near vs. Minn
(Supreme Court) is still the law and prior restraints on the First
Amendment Right are prohibited. The lack of jurisdiction did not
stop my being hit with a $5000 sanction. When the Appellate Court
reversed because of the lack of jurisdiction, the IARDC filed a
complaint against me. Not only does the complaint make unwarranted
conclusions, but, the Administrator admits to not having sufficient
information to admit or deny the facts upon which the conclusions were
based. As to Gloria Sykes every concept of fair play and
Constitutional protect has been abrogated.
I have renewed my plea to law
enforcement to make an independent investigation and in this regard I
have written to Senator Kirk, Attorney General Holder, the States
attorney, the Sheriff and others. I noted that political elite wax
eloquent as to protecting grandmother’s social security, but are very
silent when it comes to protecting Grandmother’s property and
liberty. It is respectfully submitted that the few pennies that
grandmother is paid in social security pales when grandma’s liberty,
property, and civil rights are forfeit. How do our political leaders
sleep at night? By their inaction and inertia they are a major part
of the problem.
It may sound like a broken
record, but I do not see Governor Quinn, or President Obama urging the
tax authorities to aggressively and diligently audit the guardians who
refuse to inventory millions of dollars of senior assets. The taxes,
interest, and penalties to be collected in the Sykes case easily at
this point in time are in excess of a million dollars. In the Tyler
estate are in excess of eight million dollars. If the guardians
(including the GALs) suffered a benefit they should also pay the
taxes. Are these people immune from tax collection because they are
sharing the ‘wealth?’ This scam is a more sophisticated form of
I offered the Sykes GALs and Mr.
Schmiedel the opportunity to join with me in asking for an independent
investigation of the allegations made by the friends, neighbors, and
family of Mary Sykes. I said, if you have nothing to hide – join in
the call. The silence is deafening. The admission of wrongdoing
is easily determined by the failure of these fiduciaries to join in the
call for transparency and an independent investigation of the charges
made. The admission of wrongdoing is easily determined by the
fact that the ‘safe harbor’ letters and calls to an investigation have
been greeted by IARDC complaints.
Ken Ditkowsky
From JoAnne Denison;
As an update, I have been alerted to another case, this one in Mass.
where an attorney held a POA for her father and was moving money to pay
his household expenses. AT Mellon Bank NY, the banker was giving her a
hard time about paperwork, when she casually mentioned that if excessive
paperwork were going to be a problem she could just move the accounts
elsewhere (value $9 million). Her father was an attorney and had
clearly granted her POA and daughter intended to allow dad to stay at
home until he died. She was taking excellent care of him and often
stayed over and involved him completely in her lives and the lives of
his grandchildren, whom he adored.
Next thing she knew, his CPA went to court, had him declared
incompetent, attained guardianship–all in a deal to keep $9 million at
Mellon Bank in NY! Yikes. The guardian refused to allow the two
daughters to see dad freely and started immediately to isolate dad from
friends and family and they started drugging him with seroquel and
risperdol–two dangerous psychotropic drugs used only on the most
violently ill mental patients. As in the Sykes case, currently the GAL
is adding other attorneys to the case to outlawyer the daughter and
churn the feeding freenzy–all with court connected lawyers.
Guardian claims dad gets angry and violent–but it turns out that
happens only when they force him to stay at a local crappy nursing home
when he is “too sick” to care for at home OR when he wants to call or
visit his two daughters. The guardian obtained a court order that
neither daughter can see or talk to dad! That means no children contact
and no grandchild contact. Words defy me as to that one. Is the
isolation from all your children and grandchildren the height of cruelty
and indignation for a senior–and a lawyer grandfather who carefully
planned and drew up countless documents and trusts to avoid just that?
We plan on starting a blog for this one too, so if greedy miscreants
are reading this, more and more of these cases will be published here
and elsewhere on the internet AND BY ATTORNEYS. Lawyers that ask
questions. Lawyers that are disgusted by greedy, thieving, cruel
behavior which should only be found in those types of prisoners beat to
death by other inmates for thieving from grandma and grandpa.
If this is your modus operandi, rest assured that I am being
contacted by other (honest) lawyers in other states about starting blogs
to stop this highly under reported yet extremely lucrative thieving
that is continually destroying families.
JoAnne Denison
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