Monday, April 16, 2012

Is the new Jim Crow in American’s Law Enforcement with regards to Senior Abuse and Probate abuse

From Ken Ditkowsky–all good questions for Law enforcement to consider and reconsider!
At all times relevant Mary Sykes was a well-adjusted female, aged 90 years old.    In approximately 2005, Mary’s older daughter took her a lawyer.   When they emerged a series of documents surfaced that were deceptive and misleading; however, the intended effect was clear.  The older daughter was to have full and complete control over the mother’s substantial estate.
Unfortunately for the older daughter Mary discovered what had happened to her when she examined her bank account and discovered that $4000 had been removed from her account by the older daughter.     Mary confronted the daughter and was told “mom, I invested your funds in an IRA”      Even Mary knew that at her age she was not eligible to invest in an IRA and after an altercation Mary sought an order of Protection in the Circuit Court.    The Court personnel helped her prepare the verified petition.
The daughter responded with a Petition to have a guardian appointed for Mary Sykes.     Even though Mary’s treating physician refused to sign the ‘doctor’s report’ the Judge advised the older daughter to find another doctor.     An ethically challenged doctor who would attest to both President Obama and President Bush being in need of a plenary guardian – such as the older daughter- was quickly found and he executed the documents.
The Court appointed two guardian ad litem.   These ‘clout’ rich miscreants immediately joined with the older daughter in her quest and they submitted an agreed order to the willing judge who promptly appointed the older daughter as the plenary guardian with authority to separate Mary Sykes from her liberty, property, civil rights and human rights.     The entire story is set forth in the probate file of Mary Sykes housed in the Circuit Court of Cook County 69 W. Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois.
This saga is repeated every single day in Probate and orphan’s courts across the United States of Illinois.    Alleged abusers and other miscreants are given absolute control over seniors with little or no concern for civil rights, human rights, statutory protections or common decency.    In the Sykes case all the protections afforded by Law have been ignored.   A simple precaution such as naming and serving all the close relatives prior to an incompetency hearing for Mary Sykes was ignored and two years later continues to be ignored.
Just for the record the incompetency hearing provides for standard of proof referred to as ‘clear and convincing.’    The agreement of three interested people to the detriment of the alleged incompetent is disingenuous.     Other protections most of which are jurisdictional have been equally observed by avoidance or just distorting the truth.
One of the easiest ways for a dictator or a criminal to destroy dissent is to have opponent ‘put away’ as crazy, incompetent, etc.        Today, as reported on the Blogs and the Report of the United States Government Accounting office is the rampage of Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation of the Elderly.    Sheriff Dart (Cook County) sponsored a conference that addressed this serious problem.     The most vicious of these criminal conspiracies is promulgated by the appointment by the Courts of avarice motivated clout heavy individuals who are not burdened by the Judio- Christian Ethic that permeates American Law.    By Court orders, as occurred in the Sykes case, a plenary guardian is appointed (whether the individual needs such assistance of not) and this plenary guardian exercises complete control over the person and property of the victim.
With the aid of a ‘rubber stamp’ Judge, who approves whatever whim and desire of the guardian put before him (the judge) the senior’s liberty and human rights are forfeited.      As long as the money holds out the senior is kept from obtaining his/her final resting place; however, as is indicated in Scott Evan’s affidavit the interim between the guardian’s appointment and final reward may be a living hell!
Lincoln freed the slaves!    You and I by our procrastination have made our senior citizens the new victims of an even more vicious Jim Crow than existed in the 1860’s.       The new Klu Klux Klan headquarters in our probate courts.   A written order signed by judge substitutes for burning a cross or a worn bed sheet.
I urge Law Enforcement and particularly the Sheriff of Cook County and the States Attorney of Cook County to independently and fully investigate the Sykes case   My office will co-operate fully as will friends, neighbors, and family of Mary Sykes.
There are hundreds of people similarly situated who are literally dying for Law Enforcement to investigate the incarceration and looting of their mothers, fathers, brothers et al estates by Court appointed miscreants.    The ‘rape’ of the seniors in the United States is a National disgrace.    The ‘cover up’ is outrageous and a testament to the breakdown of the American culture.    The terrorist threat is from us!    We by our failure to root out the criminals who take advantage of the Justice System to destroy the lifetimes of saving and hard work of our mothers, father’s et al are disingenuous.   Every day that the guardians appointed in the Sykes case continue their nefarious actions is a sad day for every single citizen and another lesson to our children and grandchildren that if you have ‘clout’ it does not matter what the law says.
Ken Ditkowsky
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Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else–please leave a comment as to what you think is better.) This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it.  And if you’re someone filing ARDC complaints against this blog, we are all exercising our rights to disseminate important news to protect the rights of the elderly and respect their wishes.  Again, go get another job–it’s not worth it.
PS – This blog is primarily for entertainment purposes only and please don’t file any pleadings or documents in court without checking with the sources for errors. My rate to review is $300 per hour.  Sorry, but portions of this blog have to be entertaining so we can get the word out.  There is most certainly a great deal of (stinging) truth in it, esp. for the GAL’s, the probate court and a society that ignores (thereby condoning) the sleazy world of probate, and in particular the 18th floor of the Daley Center in Chicago, but everyone needs to understand, these are not pleadings, there is no Motion, Response and Reply set by any court, together with extended legal argument recorded by a court reporter and subject to a Motion to Reconsider if errors or new evidence is found.  So don’t take it that way.  Like a good reporter, do your own due diligence and check with the sources first.  Honestly, I have to explain blogs to attorneys?  Have they no life? Do they not know how to email me or use the “comments” section at all?

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