the link:
Dear Readers;
First of all, I have to apologize for having been off line for a few
days. As many of you know, I had a $350 Acer computer for years.
Because I work on a ton of cases that do a lot of good, but there is not
much income from them (ahem, case in point for this blog), I decided to
opt for a cheapie laptop last time around to see how that would stack
up against my typical $2,000 Dell business laptops I got tired of paying
for. Well, the Acer did great. It beat the Dells for reliability and
repairs hands down. But last Friday it hit a glitch and would no longer
charge the battery so I took it into Microcenter for repairs. I had
purchased a 2 year extended warranty, one year mfgr, then another two
years of Microcenter warranty. Imagine my surprised when Julia told me
the good news, that the mother board was burned up and they could not
replace it so would I accept a $450 gift card. Hell YES. Within an
hour I was down at Microcenter oogling laptops with that gift card and
settled on a near-ultrabook–a Toshiba Portege, i5, 700 Gb hard drive,
CD/DVD drive 5400 rpms at a 14″ screen and 3 lbs, it’s laptop heaven for
Of course I got the warranty right away. So long live Microcenter
and thank goodness for my computer angels. Just to let you know, they
pushed to scam my old hard drive–which did not crash–for $150. I told
the guy “nope, my kid will do that for me.” He replied, “are you sure
he’s qualified.” I answered, “Well, he’s been building computers and
repairing cell phones since about age 10, Microsoft certified since age
12, and running my network since age 14, and now he’s a math and
computer science major at SIU, so yeah, I think this is QED for him.”
Now the dirty little secret of what the guy was saying is that all I
needed was a housing for my 2.5″ laptop hard drive and those housings
have USB cables that plug and play on any laptop, so in this case I did
95% of the data copying myself. For some reason, microsoft puts
everything in directories 10 deep, and I hate that, but I copied that,
as well as where I put my data which is just in c:\data. How easy is
that? So save yer $150 if your motherboard crashes and just scam your
data yourself with a $8 housing (okay I opted for the fancy metal
one–but the plastic ones at $5 look flimsy to me). I put the whole
thing together at the microcenter check out with .99 cent screwdriver
Okay, back to law. I hope you all learned how to save $125 to $150
when you motherboard fails. For a hard drive failure, be sure to
I have a few good posts for the next few days so read on.
When I have nothing better to do with my meager bucks I get out of
going to work or working for 10+ hours per day, I order some of Gloria’s
transcripts, because well, she’s pretty much a hoot in court and stands
up to the GAL’s and their beastly “witnesses”.
The transcript link I posted above is the most recent and best one.
In this one, not only does Gloria continue to make her case that the
Probate proceedings are nothing but a sham, but she gets the judge to go
on and on about how the Probate court can go back in time as it desires
(oh, puleeze, beam me up Scotty), and get some quack-corrupt doctor
(hmmm, why does the name Shaw come to mind?) to say that he knows 4
years ago that Mary Sykes was incompetent to make or understand or even
dictate her desires to sign off on the apportionment agreement. (If he
knows that then why isn’t he beating out some real psychic pros like
Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, John Edmonds, etc.)
But the best part of this transcript is you can see how the court justifies this clearly inane conclusion.
And there’s the little matter of 2-1401 that says judgments must be
attacked in 2 years. The court clearly does not believe that the
“apportionment agreement” is a judgment or court order. This court
thinks it was a private agreement made between two parties and was never
court reviewed or court approved. This court further believes that
Probate is the only full faith and credit courtroom that has ever
existed or will ever existed. Thank goodness there are only soverigns
sitting in those courtrooms running their own little fiefdoms.
Does this clearly speak to the out of control meglomania of the
Probate court–that it answers to no other court or jurisdiction besides
whatever pops into its own little head–like a low flying airplane?
Read the transcript and judge for yourself. This one will also go on
my “crazy transcript” page. I’m actually thinking of holding a contest
for the craziest of all theSykes transcripts. Clearly the one where
the court sanctions KD for $5,000 and is overturned has to be number one
or near the top.
Just let me know