When Probate Court is full of corruption…..
Mother’s day stinks.
From Gloria, read on.
Dear All,
It’s not
unusual for your client, Carolyn Toerpe to be so mean-spirited and
controling: she’s been that way her entire adult life. Just ask any
people who ‘use’ to consider her a friend (from grammar, high, or
college schooles: even from past work relationships). That said, for
attorneys to promulgate and perpetuate the isolation of Mary G. Sykes,
one must wonder the agenda. In this instant case, the questions been
asked and answered: GREED AND MONEY> What kind of monsters are you?
That question has been asked and answered, too, as noted in the
Kangaroo Court presentation yesterday. Suffice it is Mother’s Day and
this is the third Mother’s Day the three of you and your client have
prevented me from sharing with MY MOTHER. What is most disturbing is
that you actually believe that this isolation has not taken a serious
toll on her health, her spirit, and untimely her LIFE. All said, I have
yet Mr. Schmiedel seen a copy of the 13 April 2012 Order you said in
Court you would mail to me. That said, I have proof of successful
transmission of faxed letters to all three of you, not just of recent,
but from a months or so ago where I also notified you all (and the Court
and the ARDC) that I could not be in court on the 11th May because of a
conflict of scheduling. Whether or not you can accept this, and I’m
certain you never will, I am an American Citizen, protected under the
Illinois and United States Constitutions and I do actually have a life
outside the harassment and torture you three apparently under the
sanction of the Court, have and continue to perpetrate against me and
all people who my Mother asked for help and all people who will continue
to tell you, “No. Hell NO you cannot deprive me of my Civil and Human
Rights, or deprived my Mother of the same, just because you are
attorneys. You are monsters, plain and simple, dangerous people who
live lawless because of your arrogance and criminal minds. Therefore, I
ask to see my mother and that the three of your and your client comply
with court orders. That said, your client(s) Carolyn and Fred Toerpe,
are respondents to petitions for protective orders, with CArolyn having
two pending. Suffice I understand you chose another date to continue
your lawlessness in the Probate Division, and a date that all of you
know or should know I am also busy. I won’t say more, as I have yet to
see the court order from yesterday 11 May.
note the U.S. Postal Inspector is still very involved in the theft of my
mail, and Mr. Schmiedel you claim to still be holding on to two letters
addressed to me of which you and your attorney brought to two courts
to attempt to persuade the court(s) that and again, unless you can
provide me with the envelop(s) showing that you received returned mail,
clearly you and your clients have and continue to steal U.S. Mail. That
said, your client has already looted my Homestead, two of my safety
deposit boxes, et al.
Btu now
I’m off subject because I wrote attorney Soehlig yesterday or the day
before, a note asking to talk to your client and make certain my Mother
can see and or at least talk to me on Mother’s Day. I didn’t expect to
hear back from either of you regarding this and I’m certain, just like
the last two Mother’s Days past, my mother will be prevented from
spending quality time with me on her celebrated day. What is even more
interesting is that your client won’t allow me to speak to my mother on
the telephone and has once again clogged the voice mail and I can not
even leave messages for my mother. I will call your clients cell phone
today again and again. It’s Mother’s DAy and I want to speak with my
I have
copied the ARDC because I want to make certain that your buddy Ms. Lea
Black is fully aware of the repeated violations of the Professional
Codes of EThics. How far will you go Mr. Schmiedel to steal all of my
mother’s assets, my money and leave us both paupers and homeless?
WEll, today you win. My heart is broken as is my Mother’s. I imagine
your Hitler complexes are kicking in as you read this and your once
again having a “good day” and thinking you’ve “accomplished a lot”, but I
believe that what goes around comes around.
you’ll show up at my book signing. Im certain the public would love to
hear your side of the story and how you Cynthia Farenga will tell them
that the Court Reporter erred: you never said x y, or z. I say, thank
God for Court reporters — as most of them can’t be bought.
I hope your Mother’s Day Cynthia Farenga is as **** as my Mother’s. Yes, what goes around does come around.
send me copies of the two orders and while your at it, try and obtain
jurisdiction and then we may be able to talk. All I want … all my
mother wants is to spend quality time with each other on Mother’s Day.
Gloria Jean Sykes
Bon Ami Productions, Inc.
773.631-9262 (fax and office line)
Bon Ami Productions, Inc.
773.631-9262 (fax and office line)
And I personally know that when Gloria was caring for her mother,
she gave parties for her frequently (Gloria was a party/social animal)
and her mother was always there as well and any family that wanted to be
there. Gloria let her mother call family and friends all the time. CT
was never barred from the house or calls, it’s just she rarely bothered.
Mark my words and others, the next step will be drugging and a
nursing home and then a quick death. Carolyn benefits and while a wired
in court looks at the floor.
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