Another Reason for the Miscreants to start Gulping and back off
Dear Readers;
Now that I have had some time to go back and read transcripts and
look over the my computer files (yes, I do have practically all the
court orders and documents in my records, so this is a QED, AND I do
plan on making those computer files consisting of filed and unfiled
pleadings, court orders, court transcripts, etc. complete so Gloria can
pursue her claims against the miscreants), and as a result of that and the upcoming July 6, 2012 Hearing on Motion
to Partition, I have drafted the below affidavits and will fax them to
Lea Black at the ARDC.
Now it is my understand (from a little bird), that Josephine “might
be reluctant to sign” because apparently she “took the wrong side” and
is allowed to see her sister every couple of months and call her a
couple times per month. What? Gloria gave Mary parties all the time
and included her in EVERYTHING. Her mom called her sisters all the
The most disturbing part of this comment is that it is clearly
obstruction of justice and a further breach by the GAL’s of their duty
to report to a court fairly and impartially on matters concerning the
disabled person.
I, myself, cringe at hearing such comments being made out of the mouth of an Officer of the Court. Disgusting.
When this situation occurs, I will let Ms. Black know and to put in
her cover letter to the sisters that it is their important civic duty to
come forward and present court testimony (an affidavit is used as an
important precursor to court testimony, it allows the parties, their
attys and the court to determine if the witness has something worthwhile
to say or not), and inform the court fully of the truth before it. It
is similar to jury duty, an important and cherished civic right, but
perhaps signing that affidavit might be even more important.
Ms. Black should further know these witnesses have been tampered with by the GAL’s.
From Ken Ditkowsky today:
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Jun 25, 2012 7:56 AM
Sent: Jun 25, 2012 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: Request for Information on Incidents of The Use of
Chemical Restraints on the Elderly and/or Disabled– from latifa .–she is looking for persons experienced with the
drugging of elders to put them in nursing homes, keep them from family.
Generally these drugs are prescribed by physicians upon a complaint the
elder is unruly and agitated. Often this agitation occurs when they
are put in a nursing home, personal effects and homes are sold–all to
generate fees from lawyers, CPA’s and others that put them there. The
worst thing about it is that often these psychotropic drugs (Seroquel,
Risperodol, etc.) are hard on the internal organs–heart, liver, kidneys,
etc., and over time cause them to fail resulting in the death of the
elder. An elder that would be perfectly fine in her own home, without
money grubbing miscreants.
From Ken Ditkowsky
Just about every one of the Elder Abuse cases has an element of
chemical restraint. I forwarded your note to people who can report to
you the information that you request.
The new Health Care Privacy laws are specifically designed to
prevent this information from being readily attainable. In Court 1 of
the ARDC complaint against me (in relation to the Sykes case) Ms. Black
is attempting to back door the First Amendment by suggesting that I
cannot question a doctor about reports he wrote, and cannot address the
fact that he as the treating doctor refused to sign the certificate of
incompetency, yet a doctor called in one moment had no trouble signing.
The cache of doctors (except for Dr. Patel – the treater) have an
amazing record of finding people incompetent so as to need the full time
services of a plenary guardian.
As I said previously – using the criterion of the Circuit Court of
Cook County in the Sykes case President Obama – if you stripped him of
his clout – could wake up tomorrow morning and find Carolyn Troepe as
his plenary guardian. (No, I am not suggesting that the president is
need of a plenary guardian – all I am saying is that when the goal is to
create a need for plenary guardian the facts and the law do not get in
the way – Yes, most of the Court appointed lawyers are good and decent
people - however, what has happened in Sykes and some similar cases is
so reprehensible as to stand out in its stark perfidy).
Ms. Harris to whom this e-mail is directed can provide you with the
information as to Robert Jaycox. When I visited Mr. Jaycox he was so
heavily sedated that he looked and sounded as if he were a sleepy drunk.
Of course – for privacy concerns the nursing home did not put up the
safety bars – Mr. Jaycox has had at least one incident in which he fell
out of bed and hit his head. Gloria Sykes can tell you what the
plenary guardian did to her mother.
All that said – you are investigating a ‘nerve!’ If you take away
the chemical restraints as to indigent patients the nursing homes might
have to provide services and these elderly (and disabled) could not be
warehoused. Indeed, you might take the profit out the warehousing -
Ken Ditkowsky
Now, here’s the affidavits:
In Re Estate of No: 2009 P 4585
Mary G. Sykes,
An alleged disabled person.
Declaration by Josephine DiPietro
The undersigned doth deposes and sayeth
1. I am the adult sister of Mary G. Sykes.
2. That I have been informed that on November 18, 2009, a hearing date of December 7, 2011 at 10 am in courtroom 1804 was set on Carolyn Toerpe’s Petition for Guardianship. On that date the hearing was held, and Carolyn Teorpe was appointed Plenary Guardian of Mary G Sykes.
3. I have also been told of the following requirement under Illinois law:
(f) Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the petitioner by mail or in person to those persons, including the proposed guardian, whose names and addresses appear in the petition and who do not waive notice, not less than 14 days before the hearing. 755 ILCS § 5/11a. (Emphasis added).
4. No one ever served me with any written notice of hearing 14 days prior to that hearing, either by mail or in person.
5. I was not present at the hearing. (State whether you would have been there had you been informed 14 days in advance.) ______________________________________________________________________
I hereby declare that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and recollection at the time they were made. Where based upon information and belief, they were believed to be true at the time the statements were made. If I am called to testify, I will give testimony that is the same as stated within this document. I understand that false statements may subject me to penalties for perjury under the relevant Illinois laws and regulations.Further declarant saith not. ___________________________________
Josephine DePietro
Dated this ____ day of June, 2012
Mary G. Sykes,
An alleged disabled person.
Declaration by Josephine DiPietro
The undersigned doth deposes and sayeth
1. I am the adult sister of Mary G. Sykes.
2. That I have been informed that on November 18, 2009, a hearing date of December 7, 2011 at 10 am in courtroom 1804 was set on Carolyn Toerpe’s Petition for Guardianship. On that date the hearing was held, and Carolyn Teorpe was appointed Plenary Guardian of Mary G Sykes.
3. I have also been told of the following requirement under Illinois law:
(f) Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the petitioner by mail or in person to those persons, including the proposed guardian, whose names and addresses appear in the petition and who do not waive notice, not less than 14 days before the hearing. 755 ILCS § 5/11a. (Emphasis added).
4. No one ever served me with any written notice of hearing 14 days prior to that hearing, either by mail or in person.
5. I was not present at the hearing. (State whether you would have been there had you been informed 14 days in advance.) ______________________________________________________________________
I hereby declare that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and recollection at the time they were made. Where based upon information and belief, they were believed to be true at the time the statements were made. If I am called to testify, I will give testimony that is the same as stated within this document. I understand that false statements may subject me to penalties for perjury under the relevant Illinois laws and regulations.Further declarant saith not. ___________________________________
Josephine DePietro
Dated this ____ day of June, 2012
For Yolanda Bakken
In Re Estate of No: 2009 P 4585
Mary G. Sykes,
An alleged disabled person.
Declaration by Yolanda Bakken
The undersigned doth deposes and sayeth
1. I am the adult sister of Mary G. Sykes.
2. That I have been informed that on November 18, 2009, a hearing date of December 7, 2011 at 10 am in courtroom 1804 was set on Carolyn Toerpe’s Petition for Guardianship. On that date the hearing was held, and Carolyn Teorpe was appointed Plenary Guardian of Mary G Sykes.
3. I have also been told of the following requirement under Illinois law:
(f) Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the petitioner by mail or in person to those persons, including the proposed guardian, whose names and addresses appear in the petition and who do not waive notice, not less than 14 days before the hearing. 755 ILCS § 5/11a. (Emphasis added).
4. No one ever served me with any written notice of hearing 14 days prior to that hearing, either by mail or in person.
5. I was present at the hearing only because Gloria Sykes, younger daughter of Mary G Sykes, notified me informally in the following manner there was to be a hearing:
(State whether it was via an email to someone else, a phone call, etc. or you were unaware that the Petition was being heard on December 7, 2010 at 10 am in court room 1804 of the Richard J Daley Center, 55 W. Washington St, Room 1804, Chicago, IL 60602.
I hereby declare that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and recollection at the time they were made. Where based upon information and belief, they were believed to be true at the time the statements were made. If I am called to testify, I will give testimony that is theInitials_______
Yoland Bakken Declaration
Page 2 of 2 same as stated within this document. I understand that false statements may subject me to penalties for perjury under the relevant Illinois laws and regulations.
Further declarant saith not.
Yolanda Bakken
Dated this ____ day of June, 2012
Mary G. Sykes,
An alleged disabled person.
Declaration by Yolanda Bakken
The undersigned doth deposes and sayeth
1. I am the adult sister of Mary G. Sykes.
2. That I have been informed that on November 18, 2009, a hearing date of December 7, 2011 at 10 am in courtroom 1804 was set on Carolyn Toerpe’s Petition for Guardianship. On that date the hearing was held, and Carolyn Teorpe was appointed Plenary Guardian of Mary G Sykes.
3. I have also been told of the following requirement under Illinois law:
(f) Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the petitioner by mail or in person to those persons, including the proposed guardian, whose names and addresses appear in the petition and who do not waive notice, not less than 14 days before the hearing. 755 ILCS § 5/11a. (Emphasis added).
4. No one ever served me with any written notice of hearing 14 days prior to that hearing, either by mail or in person.
5. I was present at the hearing only because Gloria Sykes, younger daughter of Mary G Sykes, notified me informally in the following manner there was to be a hearing:
(State whether it was via an email to someone else, a phone call, etc. or you were unaware that the Petition was being heard on December 7, 2010 at 10 am in court room 1804 of the Richard J Daley Center, 55 W. Washington St, Room 1804, Chicago, IL 60602.
I hereby declare that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and recollection at the time they were made. Where based upon information and belief, they were believed to be true at the time the statements were made. If I am called to testify, I will give testimony that is theInitials_______
Yoland Bakken Declaration
Page 2 of 2 same as stated within this document. I understand that false statements may subject me to penalties for perjury under the relevant Illinois laws and regulations.
Further declarant saith not.
Yolanda Bakken
Dated this ____ day of June, 2012
These declarations should be signed ASAP and sent IMMEDIATELY to
both myself for publication on the blog AND please fax them to Ms. Lea
Black at the ARDC, fax no. 312-565-2320
I will put these inline in this post and also put them up as a
shared file in word that can be edited because these should be used by
every atty practicing in probate that is having a problem with a ward
that may not be disabled and some family members want to fight it.
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