see below.
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Second declaration–Josephine:
Now, if Ken wants to ‘CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION” and ask the GAL’s to inform the court regarding these declarations, it’s a whole new ballgame.
A Guardian ad Litem, doing her job properly, would immediately, upon seeing Gloria’s documents in the file, or having been served with them, brought them to the court’s attention and start an investigation.
But see my “Table of Torts”. TEN PAGES of questionable behavior, corruption, misfeasance, malfeasance, perpetration of misdemeansors and felonies have occurred in this case and law enforcement and even the ARDC have swept it under the rug. Okay, maybe Atty Lea Black does not do this law and she needs help in this area, but the table of torts that I sent her should have raised some huge, huge red flags, even to the casual observer.
I’m not the one that should be scouring the files and preparing these declarations–she should be, or her staff.
The probate court is upside down right now (see attached picture), and I just wonder if the ARDC isn’t just standing on its head so the view looks good and proper to them.
Ms. Black, YOU have the ability to change all of this. I know you can do it and let justice prevail.
please cut and paste link if it does not work in your browser.
Second declaration–Josephine:
Now, if Ken wants to ‘CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION” and ask the GAL’s to inform the court regarding these declarations, it’s a whole new ballgame.
A Guardian ad Litem, doing her job properly, would immediately, upon seeing Gloria’s documents in the file, or having been served with them, brought them to the court’s attention and start an investigation.
But see my “Table of Torts”. TEN PAGES of questionable behavior, corruption, misfeasance, malfeasance, perpetration of misdemeansors and felonies have occurred in this case and law enforcement and even the ARDC have swept it under the rug. Okay, maybe Atty Lea Black does not do this law and she needs help in this area, but the table of torts that I sent her should have raised some huge, huge red flags, even to the casual observer.
I’m not the one that should be scouring the files and preparing these declarations–she should be, or her staff.
The probate court is upside down right now (see attached picture), and I just wonder if the ARDC isn’t just standing on its head so the view looks good and proper to them.
this our Probate Court on the the 18th Floor? Should there be signage
when you get off the elevator at floor 18 “Welcome to Wonderwerks?”