Dear Readers;
As some of you might be aware, Lisa Belanger is a lawyer in Mass. who
has had her father ripped from her by a number of court appointed and
connected “professionals”, namely a greedy CPA and lawyer appointed as
conservator for her father–DESPITE the fact her dad was a lawyer, has a
substantial estate and named her and her sister in Power of Attorney
Documents to care for him, manage his affairs when it came time, and be
his conservator. But the court appointed “friends” of the court–most
notably NYC Mellon Bank who hold this estate.
She has filed an appeal of those decisions and we all wish her well.
But she cannot see her father because “that agitates him.” Of course
he is agitated when he cannot see his two beloved daughters and 5
grandchildren and wants to call them several times a day–as he had in
the past! He is told not to call them and he has a fit and physically
grabs that phone! He won’t let anyone stand in the way of calling his
beloved daughters, so what do they do? Physically restrain and drug
him–despite the fact he has heart disease and kidney problems and the
psychotropic drugs they use are hard on his heart and kidneys!
Now he is drugged and isolated from his daughters and grandchildren.
How abusive is that? And it is all done under the gloss of authority
of the Mass. Probate Court.
Another case of evil and greedy and severe emotional abuse of an elderly senior.
Please pray for Lisa and her sister Devora and the grandchildren and the dad.
To Live in Hope
To Have Loyalty, Morals
To Have Compassion, Kindness
To be Gentle When Stroked, Fierce When Provoked
To Fight for Justice for Family, for Others
To Not be Silent When People Suffer at the Hands of Others—
To be Heard in Defending Others
To Right the Wrong and To Not Stop Until Won
And to Be Able to Look in the Mirror When the Day is Done
I Miss You–More Than Words Can Ever Say;
Yet, I will Overcome the Obstacles in Our Way—
Because of What You Taught Me
by Lisa Belanger for her father on Father’s Day 2012