Friday, June 15, 2012

So why is Chase now asking for a 60 to 90 day stay to lift the stay in bankruptcy?

Hot off the press:  see the links:
if link breaks: cut and paste
Two days ago I went to court and heard Chase earnestly plead with the bankruptcy judge, the hon. Donald Cassling to lift the stay in bankruptcy and allow them to promptly file a foreclosure against Gloria’s home.  Ah, but this judge is experienced, so he set the hearing for a quick date and quick discovery, two week and just a few days to a hearing Chase claims is needed to preserve its rights in foreclosure.  Obviously prompted by the GAL’s with Deborah Soehlig agreeing and encouraging this event.
So what happens next, the very next day they file a Motion to Extend the hearing by 60 to 90 days claiming that’s how long it takes to get one of their own witnesses to court!
Do you think that’s it, or do you think Gloria has some very valid defenses against Chase?
Why did Chase come and break into Gloria’s home, smashing out walls for no apparent reason on both the first and second floors.  They claim (Peter Schmeidel?) someone called them and said the home was abandoned, when it was clearly not abandoned, and that they were “securing the premises.”  Does that involve smashing out walls?  Throwing all of Gloria’s furniture into the snow in the alley in the dead of winter?  Does it involve disabling the security cameras in a detached garage not part of that premises?  I believe the garage belongs to Mary G’s lot and not Glorias.  And what about disabling the security system in the garage and disconnecting the 4 cameras.  How is breaking and entering into a garage and disabling a security system part of “securing a premises.”  Seems to me they wanted to trash the place, scare Gloria and render her homeless hoping she would go away forever.
All good questions.
PS–nonetheless, Chase will assuredly get 60 to 90 days to go to hearing on their request to lift the stay in bankruptcy.  So this is a great time to ask Chase, Peter Schmeidel and anyone involved with Chase the above questions in interrogatories, requests for document and requests for admissions so the matter can properly go to trial.  I know I have 33 questions I would like to ask Chase and it’s puppet Peter Schmeidel and I would like to ask the GAL’s what part, if any, they had in all of this.

1 comment:

  1. The garage belongs to me and me alone!!!! My mother would never even use the garage when she had a car, because she has her entire life parked her car(s) in front of her home!!!! That said, I hae a very qualified bankruptcy attorney who knows the laws-- he enve knows right from wrong. I imagine Chase and company had hoped I would come to court without an attorney!!! The question to ask is why did attorneys Deborah J Soehling and James Popjoy appear in court on Chase's motion to modify the stay in their foreclosure action against me? The answer: to confuse the judge as they have done to too many judges in too many courts. Fortunately, like I said, I have an attorney who knows the law(s).

    The garage is my garage and belongs to my property---- Anybody suggesting otherwise, really has no business writing anything about this case . Get the facts, first. Otherwise you become part of the problem... and not the solution.

    I don't mind blogging but report the facts and if you don't know them, ASK! There are too many people in this case confusing the courts because they LIE--- the truth leaves tracks... follow the tracks!
