Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another Option for Elder Abuse–The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

From JoAnne
While Gloria has not had much luck with the CFPB, it is an option for those suffering with Guardianship/Probate abuse—
From Ken Ditkowsky:
I know that you have been given the bums rush by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Like most government agencies they are not worth the powder to blow themselves up.
That said, there is now something new under the sun  – the Administration is searching for an issue to over shadow its failures and to gain success.  With gas prices over $4.00 and food prices reaching for the sky it is very hard for even the most loyal of administration supporters to be happy campers and not be influenced by their pocket books.   Similarly, the Republicans – unless they have a dead wish – have to ‘trash’ big government and the many ineffective agencies that pollute the landscape.
To gain an easy victory, all that the administration has to do is send out the FBI to sequester the Sykes file, and they can bring criminal charges in a matter of hours.   If they tie in some of the other Cook County cases (such as Gore) etc they can even bring criminal RICO charges.   Moving to NY, California, etc they could send a scare into every miscreant guardian that would turn them all into bed wetters!    The WAR ON ELDER ABUSE AND FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF THE ELDERLY can dominate the headlines from now until the 2016 elections!   Tax bills issued by the IRS to Carolyn, Cynthia, and Adam in relation to the ‘looting’ of your or Mary’s safety deposit box would be a deterrent to every  Court appointed guardian who has a desire to place a single penny of a wards money in his/her pocket.    With the 50% fraud penalty and interest to be charged it is very clear that miscreants will help the economy and the budget.
Of course what is proposed is against the credo of the political elite – when they become dominant in any venue, they believe that they are above the law and the laws apply only to you!    The Administration by attacking corruption in this vital area would be doing exactly what they promised when they talked about transparency!   The soft underbelly of our dirty little secret will be shown to everyone – and by aggressive enforcement of the laws on the books the Administration can *****.
The Pollyanna attitude of these agencies must be stopped in its tracks!
From JMD:
I remember when I was growing up in the 50′s and 60′s there was no child abuse.  It was a pack of lies if a girl said her father, grandfather or older brother or cousin was raping her. As a result, many, many women from that era suffered unimaginable psychological traumas that continue to impact their lives today.
Sometime during the 80′s all that stopped and law enforcement agencies and child welfare were required to actually investigate and not automatically quip a denial.
I hope that changes soon for Mary G. and all the elderly in the nursing homes who already have homes they want to live in until they pass.
A nursing home and removal from the elder’s own home should always be a last resort.  Gloria is not a felon, there is not a shred of concrete evidence that she ever harmed or did anything a bit untoward to her mother.  It is well documented in the family she treated her like a queen, taking her on vacations, splurging on her clothes, the beauty salon, vacations, etc. She encouraged phone calls, letters and visits.  She let her mom write checks and review bills.  Her mom walked to the local bank several times per week to discuss finances and check on her accounts and her safe deposit box.
As shown in the videos, there was still a ton of competence left with Mary.
Please do what you can to help her and watch her videos and sign her petitions.
Petitionshttp://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/to-return-mary-g-sykes-home-and-to-remove-carolyn-toerpe-as-plenary-guardian/ http://www.thepetitionsite.com/359/248/993/petition-to-protest-the-publication-and-filing-of-a-complaint-against-atty-kenneth-karl-ditkowsky/
5 at Vimeo.com.  I had to post them because someone kept on taking them down on youtube.com!
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Although this is obvious, no person in this blog has been accused of any wrongdoing, crime or even arrested unless stated otherwise from a website reporting actual arrests and convictions. We are stating our opinions and we have the right to do this. Only the particular author is responsible for his or her content. (So don’t blame me if you dislike some posts from someone else. This site is newsworthy because it is picked up automatically by many other blogs and is therefore protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution and violations will be taken seriously with charges under the Illinois Citizens Participation Act. We ARE participating in government here–we are lawyers trying to make a difference to make things better for grandma and grandpa. We don’t care how much money you’re making–directly or indirectly from Probate or a nursing home or home health care wired-in business. Do yourself a favor and get a different job, it’s not worth it.  And if you’re someone filing ARDC complaints against this blog, we are all exercising our rights to disseminate important news to protect the rights of the elderly and respect their wishes.  Again, go get another job–it’s not worth it.

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