Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thoughts and Feelings from Gloria--and what about that Driver's License?

Dear Readers;

This is really what makes a blog special and what we all want to read, and that it the personal thoughts and feeling of those that are going through these terrible courtroom travesties of justice.
Just how do people handle all of this?  Gloria hasn't seen, touched or talked to her mother for a year now--its' the worst form of  emotional abuse to a senior.  Gloria and her mother were very close for the 10 + prior years Carolyn ripped Mary G out of her home and neighborhood since the 1950's and has isolated her in the remote suburb of Naperville. Don't get me wrong, but suburbs are most useful if you can drive.  And Carolyn is isolating Mary.
And that brings up another question (I gotta publish this one)--Gloria tells me that her mother had passed the driver's exam in 2009!  Her test wasn't perfect, but SHE PASSED!  That was in summer, so how is it at the same time some hack PsychD is saying she is incompetent!  Huh?  That's what I want to know.  She can pass a driver's test, road exam and written test, but some hack says she is incompetent?  Someone wants to invalidate Mary G's legal documents from August 2008?  That's outside the statute of limitations for "Relief from Judgment" or to defeat a properly entered judgment. Why do they think they can do that.  And Gloria tells me that in 2009 Mary was driving.  To the Grocer's and around the neighborhood.  In fact, it turns out that because Mary G didn't like to drive Gloria's car (too big), she was borrowing a neighbor's car!  Obviously the neighbor thought Mary G was competent enough to drive.
What are they basing this alleged incompetency judgment on, exactly?  Who in their right mind would do such a thing?
The videos, the pages of handwriting, now the driver's license test--who does this?
More disgusting facts, more apologies to Gloria.

Now for words from Gloria:

I can't help but believe that God is watching us from above every time we sit on the toilet.  I also believe God watches specialty events, occasionally guiding tennis balls to hit the edges of the white lines on the courts, basketballs off the backboards into the hoops, and baseballs over the walls for home-runs.  God knows when people are dishonest and revengeful just like Santa knows which children are naught and which ones are nice.  I think all people live "Under God" a deity peering down on us just like the manager at Walmart atop the customer service desk.  That said, I have a keep sense of right and wrong: a strong personal and professional integrity that was taught to me by my mother and father.  "Reach for the starts," my parents told me, "and if you fall short, look how far you've gone!". So you'll have to excuse me when I say that the last few years have been a nightmare, a reality no man, woman or child should have to face in the real world.  And so, when I tell the facts of the 'horror story' it is not unusual for people of authority to say, "you're nuts' and "that can't happen [in America]".  One only needs to read the 12 or so verified court records that include transcripts, currently on file with the Cook County Clerk's office/Probate Division and there's no doubt in my mind that the repeated comment in response "you're nuts" or "that can't happen [in America] will be changed to "Oh my God!"

Indeed, Oh My God!  But as God has nothing to do with the actions of dishonest, vindictive, greedy people, this reality my mother and I and thousands of "American's" face every day.  The media is filled with stories of people shows selfishness and personal agendas are now infamous.  They work at such places as ENRON, Arthur Anderson, WorldCom, even the Roman Catholic Church: they've betrayed the trust of stockholders, citizens, children and the faithful -- making our Democracy, our Economy, and our religious institutions less trustworthy in  the process.

These particular stories have faded from the front page, but the story of Corporate Greed and selfishness will be in the news forever.  The problem we have is that our Judicial is so well insulated, protected, that the "media' has been silent, until now!  Still, it's drama is perennial and its social costs immense.  The poet Rumi said it with reckless candor 800 years ago, "If you are here unfaithfully with us your are causing terrible damage".  

What my Mother and I, and thousands of other 'victims' of Court sanctioned abuses and financial exploitations of the elderly and disabled have experienced is not a failure of legal ethics on the part of our Judicial and the attorneys appointed by the Courts: it's a failure of human holiness.  Doctors who are dismissive of patients, politicians who lie to voters, attorney's who intentionally "LIE" to the Judges and themselves and rob the elderly and disabled of their Golden Years and lives, and clergy who rob children of their well-being and  childhoods!  These people, men and women like attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Cynthia Farenga, and Adam Stern, for the most part do not lack ethical knowledge or convictions: they give speeches and seminars on financial exploitation and ethical issues and more than likely believe their own words. But they have a well rehearsed habit of holding their own knowledge and beliefs at great remove from the LIVING of their lives. 

Over the past three years the THREE attorneys listed above, have not only destroyed my livelihood and stolen my homestead and assets, but they have intentionally taken from me my Mother who is also my best friend: they have willfully destroyed my Mother's life and the lives of all people mother loves and trusts for their own financial gain.  I am not 'nuts' or as the THREE want you to believe every adult child or loved one who stands up to the Probate Courts and attorneys are collectively, 'bi-polar and mentally ill'.  No, hell no!  I made a promise to my mother that I will save my Mother's life and bring her home to the community where she thrived for over 50 years, to the unrestricted and unsupervised life she once had filled with the freedoms to speak to and visit with whomever she pleased, to spend her money how she wants, and to have access to and the right to retain an attorney of her choice and sue the the people who have done her harm!  What I've learned about myself is awesome, if I may say so myself.  I've learned about friendship and the meaning of friendship: I've learned about love and the powers behind true love; and I've learned that the selfish, hateful, divided lives of many the officers of the probate courts across America - and particularly in Cook County Chicago, is pathological, so it always gives rise to symptoms -- and if we acknowledge the symptoms, we may be able to treat the cancer -- the DIS-EASE!  When people error, they lie and then they coverup and hurt the innocents: the cover-up is always worse than the initial crime.   Only when we are able to see it, can we believe it and once we believe that what most find impossible is possible, we start to un-numb ourselves and find the courage to prevail. If we continue to let people like Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga, and Peter Schmiedel (including other attorneys from Fischel & Kahn) continue to manipulate the system, our judicial, bend the rules and live above the laws,  there is no hope. But if we believe, as I do, that we're people "Under God", then we have the angles on our side.  Personally, I'd rather have God and the Angels on my side than any of the political elite running the show in the Sykes case.  Now I say, "Dear God, thank you for giving me the courage, health and strength to right these wrongs and save my life and in doing so, save my mother's life" rather than "Oh my God".  I'm still reaching for the stars!  What makes this journey, this challenge even more accomplishable is that I'm not alone: thousands of us stand hand in hand and will prevail, together because we know right from wrong, good from bad, and heck, we know God is watching us from above... even as we sit on the toilet!  

(As I wrote my Chapter 11 plan and disclosure statement, I find myself missing my mother more and more. It's been over one year since I last touched her, heard her voice, felt her unconditional love, knew she was okay.  And so I wrote this note as a way for me to cope and move forward, as getting on with live is better than getting by with life... please cross post.)

Gloria Jean Sykes 
Bon Ami Productions, Inc. 

773.631-9262 (fax and office line)

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