Monday, June 11, 2012

From Kenneth Ditkowsky–thoughts on protecting grandma and grandpa

From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Jun 10, 2012 1:08 PM
To: GLD , ‘LUCIUS VERENUS’ , “Grant H. Goodman” , “”
Subject: Re: National Forum On Judicial Accountability (NFOJA)
The predators who profit from their breaches of fiduciary relationship are protected by the fact that properly administrated, the guardianship laws are not only appropriate, but quite necessary.   The doctrine of parens patrie is solid and good law.   The Sterns, Farengas, Schmiedels and their co-conspirators could and do destroy our society and culture.    There is no easy fix to this problem  – there are however many ‘fixes’ that are worse than what we have currently.
Judicial and political corruption is a cancer.  It has to be addressed like any other cancer – quickly and effectively.   The treatment has to be focused and precise so that we do not kill the patient in the attempt to rid him/her of the disease.   The Good Lord helps those who help themselves – we have elections coming up – the political types who are unresponsive should be subjected to targeted campaigns to make them private citizens.   We should start with the Solons who are fighting to protect grandma’s social security check at the expense of grandma liberty, property, civil and human rights.    Where is the civil rights division of the Justice Department?    Where is our Governor, or Attorney General etc?     I do not think it is a priority to get Ms. Farenga, Mr. Stern, or Mr. Schmiedel grandma’s social security check!
Ken Ditkowsky
My comment: it appears to be much more serious than all of that.  While posturing to protect grandma, the miscreants go way beyond the social security check, but dig deeper into the pocket into the house, the savings, and safe deposit box, and/or encourage a guardian to do so with impunity and sans any meaningful investigation.  They rip grandma from a home of 50 plus years to accomplish these goals and isolate her.  When her written directives are to remain at home until she passes, and miscreants interfere with this, isolating her, that is about the most desperate, pathetic form of abuse there is.

From: GLD <>
To: ‘kenneth ditkowsky’ <>; ‘LUCIUS VERENUS’ <>; Grant H. Goodman <>;
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 12:41 PM
Subject: National Forum On Judicial Accountability (NFOJA)

I have been monitoring the group National Forum On Judicial Accountability (NFOJA) for some time now.  NFOJA appears to be a group of professionals as well as non-professionals bent on meaningful reform, transparency, and accountability of the judicial system that we all know is just as bent on retaining the power they use to line their pockets off the backs of the lifelong savings of their victims.
With regard to the blatant abuse of the Un-Constitutional State laws of guardianship, many have tried to encourage the fractured grassroots groups to solidify to present a stronger reckoning force.  However, the ideas regarding how to enact change vary so much, that a common mind seems impossible.
The members of the various groups benefit from a sympathetic ear, but no real help or solutions can be offered…because the powers that run the guardianship exploitation industry are so entrenched and powerful…destroying any and all that dare stand against them.
The fact is…we need help.  We need guidance.  We need people that have a plan and are working this plan steadfastly to enact change.  And I believe that NFOJA is a group of dedicated people that can provide this help and guidance.  Also our troubles with judicial exploitation of the guardianship laws are per State related issues as well as Federal issues of Constitutionality and NFOJA has organized itself by State and on the National level.  And NFOJA has partnered with other (sister) organization to enhance the effort.  
I encourage you to view the NFOJA Campaign 2012 where you will be presented with a 30 minute slide brief which introduces their plan of action.
Zena Denise Crenshaw is a very active advocate and I believe a founder of NFOJA.  You can find Zena and NFOJA on FB page and Google NFOJA and National Forum On Judicial Accountability to find the NFOJA homepage.
NFOJA Campaign 2012:

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