Something has happened that I never thought would happen, and that is
a string of emails between Atty-GAL Cynthia Farenga and Atty Ken
I simply cannot believe that CF, a clearly ethics challenged atty is
writing KD, an attorney that has been clamouring for an investigation
since he first became aware of the Sykes Probate case 09 P 4858 and
noted many problems with the case 1) an excellent long term care giver
(Gloria) was chosen as guardian over a barely there, somewhat estranged
sister (Carolyn), 2) the case was railroaded with a clearly deficient
Petition not naming all close relatives (I just got a case like that and
the response was oh well–oh well nothing, it’s jurisdictional, babe and
an extremely serious fatal deficiency); 3) no discovery,e ven though
discovery was asked for; 4) claims of gold coins being in the estate,
safe deposit boxes drilled out and looted even though the Plenary
Guardian knew that another sister’s name was one it—-oh go see my table
of torts for further information of a long history of irregularities in
the case.
So please read on below. Cynthia is amazing in wondering and worrying
about this blog. The information on it is growing. On Monday I should
have up a page of “Important Documents and Evidence against the
Miscreants” which will have things like my Table of Torts, the
Declaration of Sister 1 saying there were no Sodini notices, etc.
My advice to you Cynthia (and this goes for Adam, the other GAL) is
to waltz your butt into court on Tuesday with an emergency motion served
to Gloria and the sisters by fax, email and personal delivery (yeah,
pay the $50 to get the motion out to the burbs where these ladies live
or drive them out yourself and apologize like a big girl) to
nonsuit/dismiss and attach the petitions of Sister 1 and Gloria and ask
the case be nonsuited because there is no jurisdiction. There is
absolutely no proof in the file that attorney Harvey Waller served
Sodini notices, which are jurisdictional with the following 4 elements
1) it must be in writing; 2) it must be served on close relatives (adult
siblings and children); 3) it must state the time, date and place of
hearing and 3) It must be served by Petitioner 14 days in advance of the
hearing. None of this was done. The GALs are supposed to attend to
these details. You and GAL Stern did not. 3 years of this nonsense
against Gloria and her mother who do want to be together.
My advice to you is to nonsuit the case and join KD and myself in
calling for further investigation and a complete asset search of CT.
Heck, do Gloria too and it will show she is not the miscreant in all of
this. It will take an FBI officer minutes to look at bank accounts
statements, balances, etc. over the last two years. How did Carolyn pay
for her daughter’s fancy wedding and finish up remodeling her house
when she is a retired school teacher and her husband was out of work for
years? Pull the tax returns from the IRS and do a comparison!
Your job was and still is to ask questions and protect Mary.
You seriously failed in that. But don’t wallow in pity–get going!
—–Original Message—–
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Jul 27, 2012 2:29 PM
To: “”
Subject: Re: Assorted
It is interesting that you think you did not do anything wrong. You
did and continue to do quite a bit wrong. As an attorney and as a
‘human being’ you should know what you did wrong. The first thing you
did wrong was to have denied Mary Sykes her liberty, her property, her
civil rights and her human rights.
Please allow me to be more specific. [KD response start]
Statute requires that prior to a guardian ship proceeding being held
Mary Sykes and all her close relatives are entitled to a written 14 day
notice. As an attorney you should be aware
of this jurisdictional criterion. Thus, it appears that the Probate
Court lacks jurisdiction. The de-facto appointment of Carolyn Troepe is
therefore flawed. I trust that you are aware that this makes certain
actions undertaken not only questionable but patently illegal. As an
example how could Mary (and Gloria’s) safety deposit box be drilled and
the content’s removed. The contents included jewelry and collectibles.
I estimate the value at over a million dollars. As this million
dollars was not inventoried it appears that someone other than Gloria
dis something wrong. It also appears that the total isolation of Mary
from her sister and her daughter were also wrong. [KD response start]
aiding and abetting this conduct was also wrong and in my opinion makes
you and Adam Stern Accessories during the fact. If you want details
read the ADA complaint filed in Federal Court.
[KD response con’t]Of serious concern are your statements concerning
Gloria Sykes. You cannot point to a single act of hers that was wrong.
As a citizen – you know one of those little people protected by the
Federal and State Constitutions – she has every right to resist the
attempts by you (plural) to deprive her of her liberty, her property and
her civil rights. The reason I am adamant in my defense of Gloria and
Mary is the simple fact that I believe in the principles of American
democracy! I would be such as vigorous in defending and standing up
for your rights! If you had done a scintilla of due diligence you
would have discovered that Gloria had a serious insurance claim.
Lumberman (Kempers) denied the claim and she sued. After years
litigation they offered her and she accepted a settlement. As Mary was
placed on the title by Gloria to complete her estate Mary was as an
afterthought brought into the Lumberman case. Mary had and has no
interest in the property as she has (had) her own home and therefore
with the aid of an attorney she signed away her share of the settlement.
As Gloria would say – the statements that you made to the Court were
all intentional and knowing untruths (lies).
I do not care if you pay the taxes due for the breach of fiduciary
relationship, nor do I give a damn if you got dime one of the ‘loot’
from Mary’s estate. I will leave it to law enforcement to figure out
you culpability.
You keep making statements about the corruption in the judiciary.
As you are constantly upon on the 18th Floor, you must have knowledge of
who, what and where. As my practice is general I would not be privy
to whether or not your allegations of corruption are true or false. I
do know however the the Sykes case has a massive jurisdictional problem.
The entire guardianship fiasco in Sykes is clearly without
jurisdiction. Gloria and her aunts were not served with the 14
notice. Gloria has filed an affidavit to that effect, and I am
informed that Aunt Jo has also provided an affidavit. Mr.Stern in an
e-mail disclosed that in lieu of written notice he, you, and Ms.Troepe
agreed that Mary should have a guardian. Mr.Schmiedel is quoted in the
transcripts as pointing out the application for a guardian was also
deficient and no written notices were sent out.
On a level playing field a Judge first checks to see if he/she has
jurisdiction and then if he/she does not it is ‘game over!’ Why this
has not occurred in Sykes is a mystery. It should not be as the Sykes
case has two Guardian ad litem who are aware that the jurisdictional
criterion has not been met and each has a duty to report that fact to
the Court. It would seem to me that that failure is not only wrongful
but a serious breach of fiduciary relationship on you part. You are not
alone however – Mr.Schmiedel as an officer of the Court and Mr. STern
as a guardian ad litem also are culpable.
If there is a word that you do not understand, Ms. Sykes can explain
it to you. I understand that she was an elementary school teacher in
another life. Your ‘clever’ repartee is not appreciated. The Sykes
case is a serious matter. A senior citizen has been isolated from her
family, her activities, her friends and her life with the aid of two
guardian ad litem. This same senior citizen has had too many trips to
the emergency room and too little contact with her former life. There
is serious question as to whether this senior citizen was incompetent –
it is my believe that she was indeed competent but railroaded by
clearly unconscionable means into the loss of her liberty.
Ms. Farenga – if you
had a scintilla of ‘good faith’ you would join with me in requesting
law enforcement to do an honest, complete and comprehensive
investigation of the Sykes case.
Ken Ditkowsky
From: “” <>
To: kenneth ditkowsky <>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Assorted
Dear Ken,
I know that you believe your friends throughout every level of law
enforcement will soon be at our doorstep. I happen not to believe that
since as far as I can tell, the only one who may have acted
inappropriately is Gloria. I note you did not answer the question of why
you are so eager to protect Gloria when Mary was allegedly your
client.Just what is it about Gloria that impels you to violate your
ethical duty to Mary in the event of even a potential conflict between
them? Again, using your own logic, how do we know you all aren’t in a a
conspiracy to share any funds that Gloria may recover in this
[KD response start]
I have a very
viable civil rights (42 USCA 1983) claim against you, Adam Stern and
Schmiedel. As you singled me out and filed a sanction motion against
me in a Court that lacked jurisdiction – under color of statute you
violated my civil rights. That should be a 6 or 7 figure verdict. [KD
Response end] Very odd. Only you and JD have been paid, but JD
continues to post invoices left and right claiming hundreds of
thousands of dollars of fees, yet we are supposed to think that all of
your hands are clean? Running a blog is not a legal task. Who is the
client that JD proposes to bill upwards of $55k plus interest for
running a blog? [KD response start]
Why is that any of your
business. The use of a Blog and communication is a FIRST AMENDMENT
RIGHT. It is my understanding that the National Socialists do not
have any candidates running in the current election cycle – ergo, their
proposed legislation has not been enacted and the Citizens of the State
of Illinois are still free to object to the acts of denying a senior
citizen of her liberty, her property, civil and human rights. [KD Response end]
response—the reason you have not been paid is because you are acting
without jurisdiction and engaging in malpractice and malfeasance and
breach of fiduciary duty. It’s hard to get paid when you are ultra
vires and committing continuing torts on a routine basis.]
You will all continue to run off at the mouth. There will be no nice
view of the prison courtyard for us because We have done nothing wrong.
The corruption of Greylord proportions, the corruption of the entire
probate division, judges and attorneys, the accusations against Judge
Evans and Justice Connors–this is all your imagination. JD’s and
Gloria’s. One day in court at the beginning of this mes (sic) Gloria
told me she’d pay for care giving in order to bring her mother home
pending the resolution of the guardianship. She retracted the offer the
next day. You can post, email, fax, blog and do whatever, but in the
end, I feel sorry for you. There is not a single fact of wrong-doing you
have found (as opposed to your made-up accusations), nor will you.
There is none.
[KD response start]
Last I
heard, it was a crime to take possession of ‘grandma’s’ property without
her consent. Indeed, according to Justice Sotomeyer lawyers are
supposed to know the law and to be aware that Court operating without
jurisdiction issue void orders! Persons who knowingly act pursuant
to void orders get free orange jumpsuits! [KD Response end]
Though I’m busy writing my own book, I feel the need to let you know
that we realize these accusations are all phony. In the meantime, when
the IRS knocks on my door, I’ll invite them in for tea and crudites,
answer their questions and sit them down to read all of the lunatic
postings that are on line. I will be glad to pay tax on the income from
my book, however.
[KD response start]
and unhappily the averments that have been made are all true and
correct. You can blame Gloria Sykes for the troubles of the world,
but that does not solve any of them. My dear friend – if you look in
the mirror you will see the person who bears the greatest culpability
for Mary Sykes loss of her liberty and her property. You also will see
in the same image the person who failed to report vital information to
the Court and/or condoned conduct that is deplored by all civilized
peoples. I sincerely hope that when the IRS comes calling you can be glib and confident; however *****[KD Response end]
From: “kenneth ditkowsky” <>
Cc: “NASGA” <>, “probate
sharks” <>, “JoAnne M Denison”
<>, “states attorney”
<>, “Cook County Sheriff”
<>, “scottevans” <>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:25:24 PM
Subject: Re: Assorted
Ms Farenga,
Please send me the file that you have from the Secretary of
State. The information that I have that in late 2008 or early 2009 Mary
and Gloria were going to California and Mary needed her license
renewed. She could not do so as it had lapsed. Therefore she was
required to take the written as well as the driving test. She passed
the written test with flying colors but had to retake the driving
portion. It is interesting (but not unusual in Illinois) that this
little fact does not appear on the Secretary of State record.
I grieve for you as to your tale of woe having allegedly not been
paid. Being part and parcel of the looting of a senior citizens’s
estate is a breach of fiduciary relationship and a taxable event. I
know what Mary sykes had - remember I did her Will. She discussed her
Estate with me and I remember a good amount of detail. I even know the
number of gold coins! Your aiding and abetting the non-inventory of
the assets of the estate makes you an accessory! I let the US Attorney
explain to you the consequences at a proper time and place.
Unfortunately Attorney fees must meet the criterion of being
‘necessary’ and provide some benefit to the ward. The services that
you performed were worth absolutely zero to Mary in that:
1) The simple protections that the State affords to Mary – as Mr.
Stern reports in an e-mail – were obviated by you, Stern, and Troepe
agreeing to appoint Carolyn as the plenary guardian. If you have been
reading JoAnne’s postings at this point in time you have been educated
to Sodini and know that this technicality is jurisdictional.
As you should know – no jurisdiction no ‘cover’ of statute and the ‘loot’ is taxable!
2) you aided a abetted three plus years of abuse to Mary, including
an episode that placed Mary in the emergency room having lost ten
percent of her body weight.
3) you aided and abetted Mary from having contact with her sister and her younger daughter.
4) you aided and abetted efforts that were calculated to kee Mary
from being represented by counsel and having a day in Court. I would
call this aiding and abetting the deprivation of Mary Sykes’ liberty
5) you aided an abetted in the ‘rape’ of the civil and human rights of Gloria and Mary Sykes.
As the Court has no jurisdiction (Sodini) you are at best a ‘de
facto’ GAL and as such you have no immunity. Of course to the extent
that your conduct violates the law you are culpable and have to answer
to law enforcement. As to Gloria, JoAnne, and myself at a proper time
and place you will answer in damages. (Had you seen that the Sodini
protections had been afforded Mary – we would have no remedy against you
personally – but using Stern’s words – this “technicalilty” *****
Ms. Farenga – a while back I asked you to join with me and requesting
a complete, honest and comprehensive examination by law enforcement of
the Sykes and related cases. You and Mr. Stern refused. It should be
very clear that you do not have the ability to intimidate Ms. Sykes, Ms.
Denison or myself. We are not going away and win, lose or draw
before the ARDC and where-ever you choose to complain for you and Mr.
Stern (and Ms. Troepe and Mr. Schmiedel) this is not going to end. Ms.
Sykes, Ms. Denison and yours truly have no intention of meekly marching
in a ‘box card’ to be later herded into the gulag.
Sykes and Gloria Sykes their liberty, their property, their civil rights
and human rights.
Tomorrow is a new day – Sykes, Denison and I do not seek revenge or
even recrimination – we seek the freeing of Mary Sykes and that she be
allowed to live out the few days that she has left in the bosom of those
who care for her. How can you as a human being rationalize that Mary
has been and is being separated and not allowed contact with her younger
daughter and her younger sister! (The million dollars in assets that
have been taken from Mary is irrelevant to Gloria, JoAnne. It may not
be to the IRS or IDR.
If you recall several years ago Gloria begged you to join with her to
free Mary and get Mary out the abusive Gulag! You responded with one
of your “Gloria did diatribes.” At that point in time it was no harm,
no foul situation however, you rejected Gloria’s magnanimous offer.
Too bad.
One more point – I do not know what the United States Department of
Treasury’s policy is on those who aid and abet the evasion of Federal
Income Taxes; however, I suspect that they will be fair and just.
Ken Ditkowsky
From: “” <>
To: kenneth ditkowsky <>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 4:05 PM
Subject: Assorted
Just as soon as I return from visiting my hositalized relative, I’ll
send over the secretary of State’s file on Mary’s driver’s license issue
dates and test dates. Presumably you haven’t seen the file, because
Mary did not take a test in 2009 and her last license was issued in 2005
(working from memory, or 2006 at the latest).
How ironic that Adam and I have in fact been working without payment of a
dime thus far, while you and JoAnne have both stated in open court that
you have received fees. JD said she received $20k or $25k. [JD
response—and I have also done about $180,000 in work or more to root out
corruption—time I could spend on other cases and other matters, while
you two fiddle on 3 years in a case without jurisdiction]
You can fabricates more “facts”, as you all will, but I continue to
question why you, who once allegedly represented Mary, are so anxious to
see that Gloria gets all of the settlement money w/o expressing any
reservation. Maybe, Ken, you folks are the ones who have a financial
interest in this matter and seeing to it that Mary does not receive any
money so that Gloria can.Perhaps you are expecting to share with Gloria?
[JD response—that’s inane, KD and I call for an investigation and you
do nothing. If we call for an investigation one or all parties can be
investigated. We never said only investigate CT. You are twising
words] Your theory about Adam and me makes no sense, as we have said
before. Adam and I did not know about any alleged money trove, be it
gold coins or cash in the mattress and frankly, why would we? Gloria’s
OWN cross-petition does not disclose such assets. [JD Response—Gloria
has complained over and over and I know I sent you emails about the gold
GLORIA’S IMAGINATION”, and you do not tell the judge that Ken Ditkowsky,
who did the estate planning for the Sykes for years, lists those gold
coins in his estate inventory which lists and information are business
records and should be brought to the court’s attention for further
I know that you are imagining these “facts” [JD Response--how do you
know that—have you investigated? Nope, not one piece of discovery has
been served on Carolyn—and you could have done that back in Jan 2010 and
prevented misery for all of us, esp. Carolyn because at that time she
could have put them back and not spent them], but I occasionally feel
the need to tell you that we know they are demonstrably untrue. And you
should be ashamed to be putting the law license of a young lawyer,
Annie, in jeopardy, as yours and I would guess JoAnne’s will be [JD
Response—this is really interesting, it shows how little CF
investigates. Annie is a law clerk and that is on our website.
Cynthia, do you ever read anything? Annie will be please tho that you
think she writes well enough to be a lawyer. I think her non-lawyer
status is clear from her writing, but *****]. Now J has this young woman
on the bandwagon commenting on an area of law she seems to have no
background in, and parroting JD’s tone when she makes blog entires
(sic). You really should be responsible enough to leave this phony
expose to yourself and JD and not to stain a young lawyer’s reputation.
If you are so sure you’ll be winning a gold medal for your Greylord-
like expose, leave her out of it now and promise her the credit in the
future. [JD Response--Cynthia, if you don’t do the work and don’t use
your own name, then there will be no credit in the future for you.
Plus, it is important that if someone writes for the blog, that person
is identified. Anyone can write and post anon junk. The web is filled
with cyber junk. I encourage integrity. And it's obvious all you're
trying to do is intimidate and bully around another person--not going to
happen, babe. Annie has read the Probate Act end to end and she has
Sodini. If you have something to say to Annie, put it on
the blog. But right now you and AS have no jurisdiction to do what
you're doing and the world knows it.]]
From: “kenneth ditkowsky” <>
To: “GLORIA Jean SYKES” <>, “Tim Lahrman NASGA” <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:29:10 AM
Subject: Jurisdiction
The State of Illinois does not have jurisdiction in Gary Indiana,
Cleveland Ohio, or even Milwaukee Wisconsin. A subpoena stops at the
State line. An Illinois Judge’s order stops at the State line. An
Illinois judgment cannot be enforced in Indiana.
Our friends in writing threatening letters to people outside the
jurisdiction of the Illinois are acting without any immunity whatsoever
and it is my opinion can be prosecuted in the County of the State where
the victim resides. It is further my opinion that as the
requirements for jurisdiction to vest in the Circuit Court Probate
Division have not been met there is no immunity for their acts even
though authorized specifically by a judge’s order. The judge to act
as a judge must have jurisdiction. this is the reason most judges
make inquiry as to jurisdiction as issue one.
The fact that a guardian ad litem sends an unauthorized subpoena does
not vest the Court with jurisdiction over the person. A subpoena
must be served and must be served within the territorial jurisdiction of
the court.
In re:
is a case for the ages. I have never seen so must ultra vires conduct
in any case prior and have never seen so much disconnect on the issue of
jurisdiction. Since
Jerman the
presumption of lawyers knowing the law is in the forefront and all
these actions undertaken without jurisdiction are going to have serious
Ken Ditkowsky