With the recent passing of legislation to protect seniors from neglect and abuses that passed committee, it is even more urgent that you/the ARDC forward to me all documents received that proved that Sodini requirements were rightly met in and regarding the Mary G. Sykes case: that the Probate Court had/has jurisdiction. I had heard rumblings yesterday that the Senate Committee on Aging had passed the bill but it had no yet been publicized: it was this morning. Saving the life of my mother, her due process and my due process, et all, fulfill the criteria to expedite this request: that as a journalist I have three media projects pending, with an article, once I receive the documents from your office, that will be published nationally!
Failure to comply with this request is against the statues: ignoring my complaints against Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga, Peter Schmiedel and Deborah Jo Soehlig in order to protect another person, or to cover up the crimes of guardianship abuse against my mother -- and clearly against other elders in Chicago, is a crime and unforgivable. I await your response: I will pick up the documents at 4 pm on Monday the 16th of July 2012 unless otherwise notified.
I also understand that a national award winning investigative report is in the making and about to be aired. Guardians and Guardian Ad Litems can hide behind their buddies of the ARDC and political elite, but they cannot run from the truth. Please provide me verification including proof of service that Yolanda Bakken, Josephine Bakken and me, Gloria Jean Sykes were served notice of the Carolyn Toerpe petition for Guardianship and subsequent hearing and that all people fulfilled the requirements of the Sodini notices which is jurisdictional. The ARDC would have had to have these notices in order to ignore, dismiss, deny all complaints which were many against attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga, Deborah Jo Soehlig, Harvey Jack Waller, and Joel Brodsky.
Healthy Regards,
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