Dear readers;
This is from another probate blog but the descriptions are eerily similar to what is going on with Mary Sykes.
Any diagnosis makes someone at risk of enslavement in Cook County by Cook County Guardian under Illinois Probate Law in this case study. County takes away your right to decide for self
These are some human rights problems visitors/athletes face coming to a Chicago Olympics or to Chicago
1. Asking where parent or family is can result in restraining order and jail threat by Cook County judge and sheriff staff
2. Asking to visit, take family home can result in contempt charges by Cook County judge. The judge charges money to deny visits, deny phone, taking family from nursing homes. Letters from parent that she wants to go home, be visited, get phone calls are responded to with motions to strike, being pushed from the Daley Center, contempt orders and arguments that filings are repetitive
3. Wanting parent to avoid second hand smoke results in jail threats, arm twisting, being pushed from Daley Center by some Cook County sheriff staff. Wanting parent to avoid brief second hand smoke associated with cancer can result in harassment and false following to car allegations
4. Asking what chemicals are put into parent results in harassment allegations by Cook County guardian staff Nathan Goldensen and Sadeta Kalamperovic
5. Cook County guardian staff charges over $500 for routine services to be guardians over those who have injury or illness. Their staff charge for many concerns such as “can my parent come home” or “can my parent go to the zoo” or “can my parent go outside for Christmas services” or “where is my parent.” Cook County guardian charges $18 for phone calls to them sometimes
6. Cook County guardian takes most assets essentially for their own use. Cook County guardian staff wants someone to stay in a nursing home and they use the assets for the nursing home and to dispute the right to leave the facility, go home, avoid smokers, be visited, get phone calls
7. Cook County Guardian charges money to not reimburse food, dental, optical, transportation, medical, prescription bills paid by credit card by family for the parent’s care. Requests for reimbursement are responded to with jail threats sometimes
8. Cook County Guardian staff responds to concerns that they tax Boeing involved in the war in Iraq, other wars like WWII, Vietnam and Afghanistan with jail threats and confinement of parent. Boeing’s missiles dropped in many nations at Olympics and around world
9. Cook County guardian take family mail and federal court rules guardian has the right or state courts have rights and persons under guardianship do not have federal right to complain
10. Appeals about the rights to visit family, phone family and have family come home cost $200 in the Illinois Court of Appeals and $435 in the federal court. The contempt charge about trying to visit parent and have parent go home was $100. Athletes might face jail threats for trying to visit or phone or take family from certain nursing homes here.
11. Injured and some family are treated by Cook County Guardian as without rights. Cook County guardian staff Nathan Goldensen/Belko has rights to decide but none of family have
12. Nursing home director says “you will be dead if you say things like that” about contacting the US attorney about an elderly person being treated like a slave. In response to concern with “you are going to be dead” comment, access restricted for 6 months
13. Attempts to get parent fresh air away from second hand smoke is responded to with arm twisting, jail threat, 6 month access restriction and being pushed from Daley Center.
14. Nathan Goldensen asks “are you an anti-Semite,” because I express concern with the County treating persons with injury like disabled were treated in the 1930′s under National Socialism in Germany
15. County demands $30,000-40,000 to dispute reimbursement of bills, confine family, not let family get fresh air, come with police and take away parent’s place to stay, come with police and handcuff parent for running away trying to avoid second hand smokers
16. Cook County judge tries to make concern with these issues “harm to parent,” even though parent clearly says wants to live with son, phone son, visit son, go to zoo, avoid smokers, go to own doctors, likes living and being with son
17. Parent’s hands and head are shaking, and Guardian responds to concern by restricting access to see parent
18. Cook County guardian Nathan Goldensen say did not receive letters from parent even though she called him and I gave letters to him. Nathan Goldensen acts like not aware of smokers, even though I say many smokers repeatedly and show pictures she is not able to get fresh air away from smokers
19. Judge, Cynthia Farenga and Nathan Goldensen respond to concerns with second hand smoke by restricting access and having sheriff take family from building. Lawyers charge to deny rights requests
20. Any incapacity, mental illness, disability can result in this treatment by the County.
21. Cook County judge restricts filing of documents about these issues
22. Cook County judge uses diagnoses or injury to take away rights to decide for self
23. Cook County guardian staff withholds records of chemicals put into person’s body and takes away place to stay for issues like cold water in apartment, pipes that break in cold, broken elevator, cold temperatures, area involved in war, reimbursement requests
24. Cook County guardian staff and hosptals give shots without consent for trying to get expenses reimbursed, know what is put in body, be concerned over state taxing corporation involved in war
25. War crime concerns that state taxes corporation involved in war result in jail threats, visitation, phone restrictions and going home restrictions
26. Nursing home director says “mother probably not here” even though the person is there. Location withheld for 3 or more months
27. Nathan Goldensen and Sadeta Kalamperovic hold parent in facility for 17 months or longer and go through much of family assets. $4,300 is being charged each month at nursing home
29. Chicago Police and Sadeta Kalamperovic come and handcuff parent who was trying to avoid second hand smokers at nursing homeand ran away from County staff
Probate laws can make athletes and visitors’ injuries and limitations into reasons rights lost.
Diagnoses are reasons to enslave in Illinois. Mental Illness is a reason to enslave in Illinois. Why are the 13th, 14th , 15th amendment not seen as applying to guardianship even though the actions are not that different? When persons have to appeal to the US Supreme Court to visit family, phone family, get family away from smokers, get family fresh air, have family come home, similarities with slavery are seen. Many concerns in Cook County court are responded to with jail threats and being pushed from the Daley Center.
After you go to the doctor in the United States or at least Illinois, the determination of a diagnosis is legally used to strip you of a number of rights and liberties. Guardians take you as property to charge you money to express all your rights. The simple fact that you are scared of “evil people” or want to say a word like “I am from Heaven” or princess might be used to make you into a slave or County property.
My comments are who is the “judge” but then again, it can be any of the judges in Probate. Go find a list of Daley center probate judges and just insert any name. Pick a name. Any name.
There is no doubt that an oversight committee needs to be formed for what is going on in Probate. If you go to a nursing home, dozens and dozens of seniors are begging to get out of there and go home, yet no one is investigating that. I know if they get too vociferous, then they get drugged. They know they will get drugged for that and many start to shut up.
The reality is if you are a senior and you lose your driver’s license, and even then, you can be forced to live where you don’t and your home will be sold to put you in a nursing home and pay guardianship fees.
KDD is not kidding when he calls these clout heavy nursing home systems an evil cabal of corruption and the new Gulag in the US.
Whereas other countries consider it a shame to put grandma or grandpa into a nursing home, we have made it the sucking sound of a large vacuum cleaner here–wallets, homes, savings, jewelry. You name it and it will be sold to put grandma in a nursing home with a guardian that isolates here and continuously violates the ADA and her human rights.
We already have the right laws, but the implementation of these laws by the GAL’s and the court system is turning into a human tragedy and complete loss of civil rights.
Oversignt committe:
1) make sure that wards are not exposed to second hand smoke
2) make sure that a home is not being sold just to dump someone in a nursing home to make the nursing home money. Those are dangerous places that precipitously decreases the lifespan of seniors by half or more (3 years avg vs. 7 or more years at home when nursing care required). Guardians and GAL’s must sign a certificate of compliance that home care is not possible and/or the ward has consented to nursing home placement. Nursing home placements should be review each 6 month with a survey from the Guardian that the placement is acceptable to the ward, that there is no other home placement among relatives, and she has sought to find a nurse for in home care and that is not possible at the present time.
3) required the judges to make appealable written findings of fact and conclusions of law when a Power of Attorney for health care selecting a guardian is ignored by the court.
4) require the judges to inquire into Sodini, asking the petitioner if all the relatives are properly listed together with their names and addresses AND to file a certificate of compliance that Petitioner has served notice on all close relatives (spouse, adult children, siblings, parents) informing each of the hearing date, place and time 14 days in advance of the hearing on a Petition for Guardianship.
5) allow concerned family and friends to appoint an independent attorney who may question the court, the guardian and the GAL’s on each and all of the above. If allegations are proven, and the ward is able to pay from the estate, the court may order reimbursement of up to half the attorney’s normal published rate.

This is from another probate blog but the descriptions are eerily similar to what is going on with Mary Sykes.
Any diagnosis makes someone at risk of enslavement in Cook County by Cook County Guardian under Illinois Probate Law in this case study. County takes away your right to decide for self
These are some human rights problems visitors/athletes face coming to a Chicago Olympics or to Chicago
1. Asking where parent or family is can result in restraining order and jail threat by Cook County judge and sheriff staff
2. Asking to visit, take family home can result in contempt charges by Cook County judge. The judge charges money to deny visits, deny phone, taking family from nursing homes. Letters from parent that she wants to go home, be visited, get phone calls are responded to with motions to strike, being pushed from the Daley Center, contempt orders and arguments that filings are repetitive
3. Wanting parent to avoid second hand smoke results in jail threats, arm twisting, being pushed from Daley Center by some Cook County sheriff staff. Wanting parent to avoid brief second hand smoke associated with cancer can result in harassment and false following to car allegations
4. Asking what chemicals are put into parent results in harassment allegations by Cook County guardian staff Nathan Goldensen and Sadeta Kalamperovic
5. Cook County guardian staff charges over $500 for routine services to be guardians over those who have injury or illness. Their staff charge for many concerns such as “can my parent come home” or “can my parent go to the zoo” or “can my parent go outside for Christmas services” or “where is my parent.” Cook County guardian charges $18 for phone calls to them sometimes
6. Cook County guardian takes most assets essentially for their own use. Cook County guardian staff wants someone to stay in a nursing home and they use the assets for the nursing home and to dispute the right to leave the facility, go home, avoid smokers, be visited, get phone calls
7. Cook County Guardian charges money to not reimburse food, dental, optical, transportation, medical, prescription bills paid by credit card by family for the parent’s care. Requests for reimbursement are responded to with jail threats sometimes
8. Cook County Guardian staff responds to concerns that they tax Boeing involved in the war in Iraq, other wars like WWII, Vietnam and Afghanistan with jail threats and confinement of parent. Boeing’s missiles dropped in many nations at Olympics and around world
9. Cook County guardian take family mail and federal court rules guardian has the right or state courts have rights and persons under guardianship do not have federal right to complain
10. Appeals about the rights to visit family, phone family and have family come home cost $200 in the Illinois Court of Appeals and $435 in the federal court. The contempt charge about trying to visit parent and have parent go home was $100. Athletes might face jail threats for trying to visit or phone or take family from certain nursing homes here.
11. Injured and some family are treated by Cook County Guardian as without rights. Cook County guardian staff Nathan Goldensen/Belko has rights to decide but none of family have
12. Nursing home director says “you will be dead if you say things like that” about contacting the US attorney about an elderly person being treated like a slave. In response to concern with “you are going to be dead” comment, access restricted for 6 months
13. Attempts to get parent fresh air away from second hand smoke is responded to with arm twisting, jail threat, 6 month access restriction and being pushed from Daley Center.
14. Nathan Goldensen asks “are you an anti-Semite,” because I express concern with the County treating persons with injury like disabled were treated in the 1930′s under National Socialism in Germany
15. County demands $30,000-40,000 to dispute reimbursement of bills, confine family, not let family get fresh air, come with police and take away parent’s place to stay, come with police and handcuff parent for running away trying to avoid second hand smokers
16. Cook County judge tries to make concern with these issues “harm to parent,” even though parent clearly says wants to live with son, phone son, visit son, go to zoo, avoid smokers, go to own doctors, likes living and being with son
17. Parent’s hands and head are shaking, and Guardian responds to concern by restricting access to see parent
18. Cook County guardian Nathan Goldensen say did not receive letters from parent even though she called him and I gave letters to him. Nathan Goldensen acts like not aware of smokers, even though I say many smokers repeatedly and show pictures she is not able to get fresh air away from smokers
19. Judge, Cynthia Farenga and Nathan Goldensen respond to concerns with second hand smoke by restricting access and having sheriff take family from building. Lawyers charge to deny rights requests
20. Any incapacity, mental illness, disability can result in this treatment by the County.
21. Cook County judge restricts filing of documents about these issues
22. Cook County judge uses diagnoses or injury to take away rights to decide for self
23. Cook County guardian staff withholds records of chemicals put into person’s body and takes away place to stay for issues like cold water in apartment, pipes that break in cold, broken elevator, cold temperatures, area involved in war, reimbursement requests
24. Cook County guardian staff and hosptals give shots without consent for trying to get expenses reimbursed, know what is put in body, be concerned over state taxing corporation involved in war
25. War crime concerns that state taxes corporation involved in war result in jail threats, visitation, phone restrictions and going home restrictions
26. Nursing home director says “mother probably not here” even though the person is there. Location withheld for 3 or more months
27. Nathan Goldensen and Sadeta Kalamperovic hold parent in facility for 17 months or longer and go through much of family assets. $4,300 is being charged each month at nursing home
29. Chicago Police and Sadeta Kalamperovic come and handcuff parent who was trying to avoid second hand smokers at nursing homeand ran away from County staff
Probate laws can make athletes and visitors’ injuries and limitations into reasons rights lost.
Diagnoses are reasons to enslave in Illinois. Mental Illness is a reason to enslave in Illinois. Why are the 13th, 14th , 15th amendment not seen as applying to guardianship even though the actions are not that different? When persons have to appeal to the US Supreme Court to visit family, phone family, get family away from smokers, get family fresh air, have family come home, similarities with slavery are seen. Many concerns in Cook County court are responded to with jail threats and being pushed from the Daley Center.
After you go to the doctor in the United States or at least Illinois, the determination of a diagnosis is legally used to strip you of a number of rights and liberties. Guardians take you as property to charge you money to express all your rights. The simple fact that you are scared of “evil people” or want to say a word like “I am from Heaven” or princess might be used to make you into a slave or County property.
My comments are who is the “judge” but then again, it can be any of the judges in Probate. Go find a list of Daley center probate judges and just insert any name. Pick a name. Any name.
There is no doubt that an oversight committee needs to be formed for what is going on in Probate. If you go to a nursing home, dozens and dozens of seniors are begging to get out of there and go home, yet no one is investigating that. I know if they get too vociferous, then they get drugged. They know they will get drugged for that and many start to shut up.
The reality is if you are a senior and you lose your driver’s license, and even then, you can be forced to live where you don’t and your home will be sold to put you in a nursing home and pay guardianship fees.
KDD is not kidding when he calls these clout heavy nursing home systems an evil cabal of corruption and the new Gulag in the US.
Whereas other countries consider it a shame to put grandma or grandpa into a nursing home, we have made it the sucking sound of a large vacuum cleaner here–wallets, homes, savings, jewelry. You name it and it will be sold to put grandma in a nursing home with a guardian that isolates here and continuously violates the ADA and her human rights.
We already have the right laws, but the implementation of these laws by the GAL’s and the court system is turning into a human tragedy and complete loss of civil rights.
Oversignt committe:
1) make sure that wards are not exposed to second hand smoke
2) make sure that a home is not being sold just to dump someone in a nursing home to make the nursing home money. Those are dangerous places that precipitously decreases the lifespan of seniors by half or more (3 years avg vs. 7 or more years at home when nursing care required). Guardians and GAL’s must sign a certificate of compliance that home care is not possible and/or the ward has consented to nursing home placement. Nursing home placements should be review each 6 month with a survey from the Guardian that the placement is acceptable to the ward, that there is no other home placement among relatives, and she has sought to find a nurse for in home care and that is not possible at the present time.
3) required the judges to make appealable written findings of fact and conclusions of law when a Power of Attorney for health care selecting a guardian is ignored by the court.
4) require the judges to inquire into Sodini, asking the petitioner if all the relatives are properly listed together with their names and addresses AND to file a certificate of compliance that Petitioner has served notice on all close relatives (spouse, adult children, siblings, parents) informing each of the hearing date, place and time 14 days in advance of the hearing on a Petition for Guardianship.
5) allow concerned family and friends to appoint an independent attorney who may question the court, the guardian and the GAL’s on each and all of the above. If allegations are proven, and the ward is able to pay from the estate, the court may order reimbursement of up to half the attorney’s normal published rate.
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