am told that during Scott’s deposition the other day, he was asked if
he thought the non inventorying of $1 million in gold coins constituted
theft (objection–witness is not a lawyer and cannot formulate legal
I can’t believe LB asked Scott if he considered the noninventorying of
$1 million in gold coins to be theft or not! that’s a complete hoot.
first of all, you’re right about who cares if scott knows the legal
definition of theft, but second of all, it begs a better question and
that is, why would LB want to even consider bending the legal definition
of theft.
okay, so if I see a million dollars in a safe deposit box with your
name on it, can I just use it for a little and put it back, or,
maybe if I move it here for awhile or there for awhile, you won’t mind now will you,
or I’m just using it for a bit until Mary is no longer incompetent and then she’s gonna get competent and say what I did was fine because she likes me and I’m her beloved daughter Carolyn.
maybe if I move it here for awhile or there for awhile, you won’t mind now will you,
or I’m just using it for a bit until Mary is no longer incompetent and then she’s gonna get competent and say what I did was fine because she likes me and I’m her beloved daughter Carolyn.
hmmm. i’m not impressed.
if it looks like a theft, sounds like a theft, smells like a theft and quack liks a theft, then it’s a duck?
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 18:06:18 -0700
From: kenditkowsky@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
From: kenditkowsky@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
Larry – indeed, copy it and sent it JoAnne and anyone else who wants a copy.
I always hated to hear lawyers start a sentence with I have been
practicing law for 2000 years and I have never seen anything like this;
however, I’ve only been practicing law for five decades and I have to
admit that I have have not seen a petition like the petition that LG
filed to bar me from presenting Gloria Sykes as my witness in the ARDC
proceeding that seeks to punish me for complaining of judicial
corruption. If the law were applied uniformly the United States
Attorney is in real trouble as he not only complains about corruption,
but he even sends corrupt judges to jail.
If I were to approach you and tell you that the ARDC attorney after
doing everything possible to create an acrimonious relationship with
Gloria, and after Gloria attempted to appease her by renting a suite,
converting one room into a conference room etc, the ARDC attorney filed a
sanction motion (Rule 219) to bar me from using Gloria as a witness in
defense of the frivolous and spurious complaint that the ARDC authored –
would you believe me? Well it is true! JoAnne, Larry will send you
the Motion so that you can verify that what I say is indeed not my being
I know it is difficult to believe that the ARDC filed a petition to
punish me for complaining about judicial corruption in Cook County and
in particular:
1) objecting to Stern,
Farenga, Schmiedel et al denying Mary Sykes (a senior citizen age 90
plus) of her rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed under the
United States Constitution
2) Circuit Court Judges
and court appointed lawyers ignoring the jurisdictional limitations of
the Courts and in particular those designed by the legislature to
protect senior citizens. A judge has a duty to determine if he/she has
jurisdiction. In the Sykes case it appears that (using the words of
Adam Stern) ‘it is a technicality!’ I just hope that at some point
in time Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga et al have to personally address
that technicality.
3) Objecting to the
non-inventory of over a million dollars in assets belonging to Mary
Sykes! LG asked Mr. Evans if he considered that theft! It makes no
difference if Mr. Evans considers it theft or not! Theft is
unauthorized control and except in these probate cases that is
unauthorized control It is also a taxable event. I calculate that
with the taxes due, interest and penalties at this point in time the
conspirators owe in excess of a million dollars to the United States of
America. (Mr. Dubow – the accountant informs me that the interest is 5
per cent per month up to 25% of the tax due. The fraud penalty – for
the breach of fiduciary relationship and the concealment – is 50%.
The tax is 30%. Ms Troepe should be sleeping very well at night knowing
that at this point in time she and the conspirators to evade the
legitimate income taxes owed to the United States of America can help
Mr. Obama make a dent in the debt!
Oh well! four years ago we were promised ‘change!’ This change
did not come from Washington, but come via Naperville! The new
National Socialists are a bonus! As law enforcement is quiet
concerning our demands for an honest, comprehensive, and complete
investigation maybe we ought to start a fund at BOA to purchase brown
shirts, and jack boots so that all our new found friends can be in
uniform as they goose-step to the Daley Center.
JoAnne – it all fits into the grand scheme of things – The golf
course that Betty Maltese purchased would make a wonderful camp. Mr.
Schmiedel can rave over the progress that grandma is making as she
learns to breathe MIC. The ARDC does not believe that the last
sentence is protected speech – fortunately they are the only ones – and
the United States Supreme Court has mandated. Indeed, if you want to
verify that I am again speaking the truth – the ARDC complaint against
me is on their web-site. While the document takes a great deal out of
context, is misleading and replete with unfounded conclusions it
nevertheless clearly demonstrates, the due process, the first amendment,
and other liberties are a thing of the past!
If law enforcement and the politicans who really care about the
United States do not wake up, smell the coffee and act to preserve our
democratic society we will not have one – we will be sent to the Gulag!
Ken Ditkowsky
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 18:06:18 -0700
From: kenditkowsky@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
To: JoAnne@DenisonLaw.com; lawoffice5940@yahoo.com; lawrence@Lhyman.com
CC: drditkowsky@aol.com
From: kenditkowsky@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
To: JoAnne@DenisonLaw.com; lawoffice5940@yahoo.com; lawrence@Lhyman.com
CC: drditkowsky@aol.com
Larry – indeed, copy it and sent it JoAnne and anyone else who wants a copy.
I always hated to hear lawyers start a sentence with I have been
practicing law for 2000 years and I have never seen anything like this;
however, I’ve only been practicing law for five decades and I have to
admit that I have have not seen a petition like the petition that LG
filed to bar me from presenting Gloria Sykes as my witness in the ARDC
proceeding that seeks to punish me for complaining of judicial
corruption. If the law were applied uniformly the United States
Attorney is in real trouble as he not only complains by sends corrupt
judges to jail.
If I were to approach you and tell you that the ARDC attorney after
doing everything possible to create an acrimonious relationship with
Gloria, and after Gloria attempted to appease her by renting a suite,
converting one room into a conference room etc, the ARDC attorney filed a
sanction motion (Rule 219) to bar me from using Gloria as a witness in
defense of the frivolous and spurious complaint that the ARDC authored –
would you believe me? Well it is true! JoAnne, larry will send you
the Motion so that you can verify that what I say is indeed not my being
I know it is difficult to believe that the ARDC filed a petition to
punish me for complaining about judicial corruption in Cook County and
in particular:
1) objecting to Stern,
Farenga, Schmiedel et al denying Mary Sykes (a senior citizen age
90plus) of her rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed under the
United STates Constitution
2) Circuit Court Judges
and court appointed lawyers ignoring the jurisdictional limitations of
the Courts and in particular those designed by the legislature to
protect senior citizens. A judge has a duty to determine if he/she has
jurisdiction. In the Sykes case it appears that (using the words of
Adam Stern) ‘it is a technicality!’ I just hope that at some point
in time Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga et al have to personally address
that technicality.
3) Objecting to the
non-inventory of over a million dollars in assets belonging to Mary
Sykes! LG asked Mr. Evans if he considered that theft! It makes no
difference if Mr. Evans considers it theft or not! Theft is
unauthorized control and except in these probate cases that is
unauthorized control It is also a taxable event. I calculate that
with the taxes due, interest and penalties at this point in time the
conspirators owe in excess of a million dollars to the United States of
America. (Mr. Dubow – the accountant informs me that the interest is
5per cent per month up to 25% of the tax due. The fraud penalty – for
the breach of fiduciary relationship and the concealment – is 50%.
The tax is 30%. Ms Troepe should be sleeping very well at night knowing
that at this point in time she and the conspirators to evade the
legitimate income taxes owed to the United STates of America can help
Mr. Obama make a dent in the debt!
Oh well! four years ago we were promised ‘change!’ This change
did not come from Washington, but come via Naperville! The new
National Socialists are a bonus! As law enforcement is quiet
concerning our demands for an honest, comprehensive, and complete
investigation maybe we ought to start a fund at BOA to purchase brown
shirts, and jack boots so that all our new found friends can be in
uniform as the goose=step to the Daley Center.
JoAnne – it all fits into the grand scheme of things – The golf
course that Betty Maltese purchased would make a wonderful camp. Mr.
Schmiedel can rave over the progress that grandma is making as she
learns to breathe MIC. The ARDC does not believe that the last
sentence is protected speech – fortunately they are the only ones – and
the United States Supreme Court has mandated. Indeed, if you want to
verify that I am again speaking the truth – the ARDC complaint against
me is on their web-site. While the document takes a great deal out of
context, is misleading and replete with unfounded conclusions it
nevertheless clearly demonstrates, the due process, the first amendment,
and other liberties are a thing of the past!
If law enforcement and the politicans who really care about the
United States do not wake up, smell the coffee and act to preserve our
democratic society we will not have one – we will be sent to the Gulag!
Ken Ditkowsky
From: JoAnne M Denison <jdenison@surfree.com>
To: Larry Chambers <lawoffice5940@yahoo.com>
Cc: ken ditowsky <kenditkowsky@yahoo.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
To: Larry Chambers <lawoffice5940@yahoo.com>
Cc: ken ditowsky <kenditkowsky@yahoo.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
Dear Larry;
Can you please scan and email a copy of the motion filed by LB to bar Gloria’s testimony.
i would like to publish that, it’s soooo amazingly incredible.
—–Original Message—–
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Jul 24, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
—–Original Message—–
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Jul 24, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
You will in testify – I cannot envision the ARDC acting so overtly
to protect Stern and Farenga et al that they would even attempt to have
you barred from testifying.
I was wrong! A petition came in in today’s mail. Even though
you have gone through hoops and gone the extra mile to accommodate, Ms.
Black wants to bar your testimony. I am sorry – she wants to prevent
me from calling you as a witness. As you are on her witness list, she
still can call you.
The incentive to join Farenga, Stern, et al in the corruption is
must be incredible. I estimated the gold coins at about a million
dollars in value; however, I must have underestimated the value as the
harassment continues unabated. We have to have an honest,
comprehensive and complete investigation. It appears that we hit a nerve
and the Constitution has been suspended! The Administrator of the
ARDC’s petition to bar your testimony in a trial in which I am the
respondent is not only outrageous but a declaration that if you oppose
the denial of liberty, property, civil rights and human rights in the
eyes of the Illinois Judiciary you also lose your rights, privileges and
immunities. I find that concept totally unacceptable and I will not
walk quietly into the gas chambers! It is my intention to continue to
fight for ‘grandma’s rights’ and win, lose, or draw I have no intention
of allowing my civil rights to be compromised.
For your information I prepared a draft of a response to the
petition filed by the Administrator. It states what I wish to say:
Response to Motion to Bar Respondent’s witnesses based upon failure to Administrator to comply with Rule 201(k)
The Petitioner’s prayer for relief reads:
“The Administrator’s motion is Allowed/denied. Respondent is
barred from presenting Gloria Sykes as witness at the hearing in this
The motion of the Administrator does not allege any wrong doing on
the part of the respondent or that Gloria Sykes is not a person named on
the Administrator’s witness list and/or an independent person and
citizen entitled to her liberty, her property, her civil rights and her
human rights. Indeed, the relationship between the respondent and
the potential witness Gloria Sykes necessary for the Administrator
motion to be viable was abrogated in 1865 with the adoption of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The respondent is a bystander in the discovery dispute between Ms. Sykes[1] and the Administrator.
It is respectfully submitted that the Petition of the
Administrator to Bar use by respondent of the Testimony of Gloria Sykes
reveals that the only action of the respondent in the dispute between
Ms. Sykes and the Administrator were the attempts by the respondent to
assist the Attorney for the Administrator in reaching an accommodation
between her acrimony toward Gloria Sykes. [Ms. Sykes is disclosed
by the Administrator as one of his potential witnesses.] The
Respondent was not involved in the discovery dispute that is the subject
matter of the Motion. It is further respectfully suggested that in
the United States of America there is no precedent for any duly
constituted judicial body or panel barring an opponent’s witness because
a discovery accommodation cannot be accomplished by the petitioner
(plaintiff) with a witness. It is respectfully suggested that the
inappropriateness of these proceedings, the Administrator’s bias and
lack of concern for due process and the Rule of law is evident in the
Motion and mandate that the panel re-examine it prior rulings in
relation to dismissal of the proceeding.
Under American Law , the respondent has no duty to ‘blackjack’ or
intimidate persons who have knowledge of the falsity of the
Administrator’s disciplinary complaint to appear for discovery
depositions conducted by the Administrator. To require such a duty
would be in derogation of the civil and criminal laws of the State of
Illinois and the United States of America. Every person, regardless
of race, color, National origin, or status in the case of in re: Mary
Sykes is entitled to all the privileges and immunities of the United
States Constitution, the Illinois Constitution of 1970, and the human
rights declared by the mesne Nations of the World. There is no
exception that reads: “except Kenneth Ditkowsky” or “except the
witnesses of Kenneth Ditkowsky” or “except Gloria Sykes.”
It is significant that the Administrator does not seek to
enforce the subpoena served on Ms. Sykes, but instead seeks sanctions
against the respondent[2] .
The Administrator cites no authority for punishing the respondent
for his own failure to conduct a meaningful 201(k) conference with Ms.
Sykes or his failure to attempt to enforce his subpoena. Rule 219
addresses discovery sanctions and the cases interpreting those cases
provide that in order to seek enforcement the petitioner must allege a
meaningful attempt to resolve disputes pursuant to Rule 201(k). The
draconian sanction against the respondent (who is involved only
tangency in this discovery dispute between the petition and a witness
who appears on the Administrator’s witness list is directly contrary to
the mandate of the Appellate Court of Illinois to wit:
Because the purpose of these sanctions is to effect discovery, rather than to punish the dilatory party (Jones v. Healy
(1981), 97 Ill.App.3d 255, 52 Ill.Dec. 695, 422 N.E.2d 904), a “just
order” under Rule 219(c) is one which, to the degree possible, ensures
both the accomplishment of discovery and a trial on the merits (White v. Henrotin Hospital Corp.
(1979), 78 Ill.App.3d 1025, 34 Ill.Dec. 349, 398 N.E.2d 24). For these
reasons, default judgment or dismissal of the action, being the most
drastic sanctions, are ones which courts are reluctant to impose and
should be imposed only as a last resort in cases where the actions of
the party demonstrate a deliberate, contumacious and unwarranted
disregard of *374 the trial court’s authority, all
other enforcement powers at the court’s disposal have failed to advance
the litigation, and which may be set aside where a trial on the merits
could be had without hardship or prejudice. (Kubian, 178 Ill.App.3d at 196-97, 127 Ill.Dec. at 407, 533 N.E.2d at 25.) Martinez v. Pfizer Laboratories Div., 216 Ill. App. 3d 360, 373-74, 576 N.E.2d 311, 320 (1991)
Fairness, which apparently is a foreign word that is unknown in
certain legal circles, usually requires that documents and circumstances
be reported in context and that completely. It appears that some of
Ms. Sykes’ communications have not been submitted as part of
documentation. This morning one Ms. Sykes’ e-mails to Ms. Black
appeared on the net. It is attached hereto and made part hereof as
exhibit 1.
Wherefore the respondent moves that the Motion of the Petition be
denied and that the deposition of Gloria Sykes go ahead as scheduled, to
wit: July 27, 2012 at 10:30 AM at the Chicago Holiday Inn and Suites,
Chicago, Illinois.
Ms. Sykes is on the Administrator’s witness list, yet the Administrator
seeks only to bar the respondent from using her as witness. This
conduct is consistent with the Administrator’s ignoring 735 ILCS 110 et
seq, The First Amendment, land the recent Alvarez
case decided by the United States Supreme Court. Ms. Syke’s
testimony is expected to disclose the unusual events that have occurred
in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, the unusual conduct of
several of the Administrator’s witnesses who apparently claim to be
judicial officials, confirm the words and phrases of one of the Judges
of the Circuit Court in December 2009 that is most troubling, and the
significant facts recited in her affidavit that verifies the
respondent’s answer and counterclaim. In addition Ms. Sykes is a
signatory on a American Disabilitly Act complaint filed in the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that is
consistent with whatever statements the Administrator claims were stated
by the respondent pursuant to his First Amendment and Article One
rights. Picking a ‘discovery dispute’ with a person on his own
witness list and seeking to bar ‘his own witness’ from being called by
the respondent is not only a obvious attempt to ‘salt’ the evidence but a
further demonstration of the improper conduct that respondent has
attempted to have law enforcement honestly, and comprehensively
investigate. The Administrator in filing this instant motion places
the legal profession is total dispute and demonstrates why there is
reputedly a Spanish proverb to the effect that mouse would rather be
assigned to a ‘cat’s mouth’ rather than a “lawyer’s care!”
[2] Rule 219 specifically provides that nonparties are subject to discovery sanctions for noncompliance.1
When faced with a refusal to comply with discovery by a nonparty, the
primary sanction available to the trial judge is a finding of civil
contempt and a corresponding fine. This sanction is designed to coerce
compliance with court orders or subpoenas to testify at depositions.10
Ill. Prac., Civil Discovery § 19:21 (2011)
Ken Ditkowsky
From: GLORIA Jean SYKES <gloami@msn.com>
To: "kenditkowsky@yahoo.com" <kenditkowsky@yahoo.com>
Cc: Tim Lahrman NASGA <timlahrman@aol.com>; maria 60 Minutes <lutzenm@cbsnews.com>; Dave Silver Iphone account <dmsilver@me.com>; ARDC springfield <12175222417@myfax.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
To: "kenditkowsky@yahoo.com" <kenditkowsky@yahoo.com>
Cc: Tim Lahrman NASGA <timlahrman@aol.com>; maria 60 Minutes <lutzenm@cbsnews.com>; Dave Silver Iphone account <dmsilver@me.com>; ARDC springfield <12175222417@myfax.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Lea Black filed a motion to have me banned from testifying after she wrote
Lea Black filed a petition to have me banned from testifying because I am an 'uncooperative' witness and 'unneeded' according to her paralegal. This came after I wrote her and asked her to call me on Friday to resolve this matter. I changed all my plans this week in order to testify and Scott holds no weight in this matter.
you suggested I find a hotel and I did. Then Lea Black faxes me a
letter she claims she mailed to me on the 16th: I never received such a
letter! She then claims she can't fax me, and refuses to e me. She
then says that she cannot fax me because it's filled up.
she offers me to take the depo at an attorney's office that will allow
Shaggy, and since I fear ambushes and with all that Peter Schmeidel,,
Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga, and Deborah Jo Soehlig have been able to
accomplish, I asked Mr. Larkin to step in. He refused.
am scared to death of our Judicial and the Officers of the Court and
now the ARDC, who are suppose to protect the public from attorneys such
as those I mentioned above. I know that Lea Black needs to have me
disqualified or banned as my testimony stands between my mother's life
being saved and being slowly murdered by a Probate Division and the
officers of the court for greed. Since I cannot afford an attorney in
this matter I am pro se, and obviously, Lea Black can get away with
'murder' and ***.
have jumped through hoops Ken to schedule a convent place as you
suggested, and since Hotel's no longer have 'conference rooms' but
banquet halls, which I cannot afford. (There are business centers, but
not good for meetings). That said, I was going to have the Suite set up
as a conference room.
Lea Black and the ARDC have caused me much pain and suffering and yes
they have intimidated me. On Monday they filed a motion to have my
testimony banned and this comes after I asked Mr. Larkin to step in
and/or Lea Black to call me (pursuant the letter, which I did not have a
copy of when I wrote the first letter on Friday). I have filed a
complaint with the U.S. Postal inspector for stolen mail, but I did not
get this letter of the 16h or any letter from Lea Black. What is
evident is that Ms. Black will go to any extent to prevent me from doing
this deposition. She and the ARDC do not want the truth and that is a
matter of fact. I don't know what to do except to write a letter to the
Commissioners and file another affidavit, as now it's understood the
questions they asked Scott Evans, who, unfortunately cannot testify to
my mother asking for an attorney, the gold and silver coins, or even the
Sodini requirements/notices. The ARDC would have to have my Aunt Yo or
Aunty Jo or even me testify to that. Had I not been so terrorized by
the Probate Division and Peter Schmieel, Deborah Soehlig, Adam Stern and
Cynthia Farenga, who area sanctioned by the court to LIE and live above
the law, I would have quickly agreed to allowing Ms. Black to arrange
for one of her attorney friends offices. As it is, and after yesterday
where Toerpe defied the courts instruction and stole all my property,
is America Ken is it not? I'm not scared to death to come near Chicago
and the Crooks of the Court as officers of the court are protected by
the ARDC and the Illinois Supreme Court to do great harm to innocents.
This is witness tampering.
and according to Black's paralegal, they're satisfied with Scott Evan's
testimony as the only witness in your case Case. Unfortunately,
Scott's testimony is simply hearsay, and he cannot testify to mother
asking me to find you Ken, mother repeatedly asking for an attorney, any
of the digital recordings (including audio recordings of August 2009),
or the Sodini requirements. Let this email stand to my testimony that
(1) I never received notice of a guardianship proceeding and was in
court on the 26 August 2009 I, and mother's sisters, Josephine DePietro,
and Yolanda Bakken, (along with family Kathie Bakken and dear friends
Scott Evans, Doris Evans, and Suzanne) were in court on the petition for
the order of protections authored by and verified by my mother, Mary G.
Sykes on June 9, 2009. That on December 10, 2009, without notice,
Carolyn Toerpe, the named respondent to a petition for a protective
order was appointed guardian of Mary G. Sykes (and this was done even
though Mary G. Sykes objected profusely to such a guardianship) by an
agreement between Toerpe, and attorneys Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga.
That even the docket is evidence that there were no notices, which are
jurisdictional, and that the order clearly testifies to the 'agreement'
between Toerpe, Stern and Farenga. That there is NO ORDER setting a
guardianship hearing because there were no 14 day notices. The Petition
or the order of protection is still pending and Illinois Statue clearly
states that if a 'respondent' to a "petition for an order of
protection' is a guardian a 'temporary substitute guardian SHALL be
appointed". Given that the court lacks jurisdiction, and that Toerpe is
a respondent to not only (now) two petitions for an order of
protection, but also a contempt order for not complying with a court
order, it is unfair and unreasonable to believe that the ARDC would go
to such extremes as to prevent the one testimony that would save my
mother's life, but instead, protect the lawless and evilness of
attorneys Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga and Peter Shcmiedel. I don't know
how high this 'corruption' goes, but it must be very deep and
said, I will not be intimidated and will do what I need to do to
testify, Ken. I have that right and you have a right to call me as one
of your witnesses. I have cooperated, but Lea Black and the ARDC have
done everything to stop and prevent the deposition as they do not want
the truth on record. With what happened yesterday, indeed I am scared
to death, Ken, that Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga will
go to any extreme to cause me pain and suffering for their financial
benefits. Lea Black is conveniently not in today and Mr. Larkin has
repeatedly redirected
Please advise.
Bon Ami Productions, Inc.
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