Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lumbermen's vs Gloria Sykes: exparte orders (not on file) and Peter Schmiedel's threats and lawlessness

From Gloria:
I can't help but feel that God is watching us from above every time we sit on the toilet.  I also beleive that God watches sporting events, occasionally guiding tennis balls to the edges of lines and baseballs out of the arenas:  God watches used car sale's people sell damaged goods and our Political Leaders *****.  He sees, with much angst, people like attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern, and Cynthia Farenga, who believe they're entitled, to LIE, cheat and steal from the elderly and disabled, or anybody they damn well want to steal from!  God knows when people are dishonest and corrupt, and like Santa, He knows which people are good and when they're bad.  In fact, I think that all people live 'under' God, like a deity peering down on us like the store  manager of Whole Foods atop the customer service desk.  I also beleive that most people are ethical to a certain extent: some people make more ethical decisions than others, I think, because most people make decisions based on what he or she feels is right.  That said, if in fact the society i which we presently live has redefined ethics i such a way as to separate it from morality, there's no doubt in my mind that it therefore makes the importance of morality ad moral behavior in our lives and in society must less important than when ethics and morality were linked.  We have substituted one of the other -- or both -- for power and money -- and therefore, many people are unhappy people.   In my lifetime, I've met many unhappy people, but none so obviously unhappy than Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga and their client Carolyn Toerpe.  The last time in court I paid particular attention to their faces, their body language, and wasn't surprised to detect a full range of deceit oozing from each one:  Peter Schmiedel backed off from Dr. Shaw, his arms hardened and crossed tight across his chest, biting his lower lip, noting not even Peter Schmiedel believed what he was saying!  Cynthia Faregna, her face twisted, snarled, always with lifted brow and tightened jaw.  Adam Stern, he like Carolyn Toerpe, sit without expression, pretending to be in control, but their micro expressions are still obvious.  Toerpe's shoulder twitches forward, her lips turned downward, her glassy stare at nothing: Adam Stern, also stares at nothing, his mouth buttoned  tight, Call these people what you like, but they're unhappy people who create illusions of grander to feel accepted and when on the verge of exposure, like wild animals in a cage, they attack with no though or concern for what is wright or wrong, just because they can. 

On the 29th day of September, and 2nd day of October 2008, four attorneys, Finn and McInerney on behalf of Lumbermens' the Plaintiff, and Salam and Moskowitz, on behalf of me, the defendant, had pre trial chats wtih Judge Mulhern in the Lumbermen's case.  I paid close to $1000 for the transcripts.  On pafe 53 Salam discuses 'secondary property damages' ...""*** to the jury would be teh cost to fix the house, the loss of the use of the house, the cost ot fix and replace the personal property, the loss and use of the personal property, and your typical damages related to that... expenses she incurred related to, you know ****"  She is Gloria Jean Sykes, me, and the home damaged needed to be fixed up in 6016, where I lived, I had the only insurance policy and I was the true owner (who was talked into putting mom on for joint tenancy for survivorship by an attorney claiming that should something happen to me, Carolyn Toerpe can't bring it into the Probate Court and stake a claim.)  My mother "Mary" is only discussed twice during the many hours of pre trial discussions.  Page 71/line 15 - 24/ PAGE 72 LINES
MR. SALAM: We agree to the extent we're not claiming physical injury apart from emotional distress under the intentional inflicton of emotional distress claim, so...
THE COURT:  Does that satisfy you, Mr. Finn?
MR. FINN:  Right. But then Mary Sykes is not -- she doesn't have an intentional ---
MR. SALAM:  No. she does not.
THE COURT:  NO.  She's on there only because she's a title holder.
MR. SALAM:  Yes exactly.
THE COURT:  All right. So this is granted.
Mary G. Sykes is considered only a 'title holder' who filed no claims and had no insurance on the property -- or lived in the property.  Yes, Judge Mulhern also understood that Mary Sykes was just a title holder and a title holder is not necessarily  the actually owner, and this is how the system works, except in the Sykes case, where PS, AS, CF create illusions in order to mask the truth that they would cheat Mother Terressa out of every penny she raised to help the unfortunate if in fact, the attorneys were looking to get paid!  But now I'm a head of myself.  In the about 250 pages of transcripts in three columns, my mother Mary is only mentioned once!  Once!  I seem to recall that there is a transcript where Finn asks the court if Mary Sykes has filed any damages, and Judge Mulhern says, "No.***" but those transcripts are now in the possession of Carolyn Toerpe.
I've asked CF, AS, and PS for a copy of the claim my mother filed or proof she had insurance on the property ... but they can't seem to find any documentation, just like they can't find proof that Aunts Yo or Jo or I were served and Sodini requirements met.  What is also interesting, that I have the original Lumbermen's lawsuit in front of me and no where in that suit is Mary Sykes mentioned:  in my counter-complaint, I am the only Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff, and in the Motion for Summary Judgement, again, at all times the heading to the breif reads, GLORIA SYKES, Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff.
But sine Adam STern, Cynthia Farenga and Peter Schmiedel barred me from bringing in any witnesses or presenting any evidence, and they also waived my attorney / client confidentiality with attorney Kevin Salam (yep, first question by Peter Schmiedel was answered by Salam who reported to the court that "Gloria Sykes didn't want her mother to get any of the settlement funds".   Of course, in cross, Salam backed off and corrected his statement that he could not answer the question because of attorney client privileged/confidentiality. What is interesting, attorney Peter Schmiede summoned attorney Kevin Salam for the sole purpose to have him give testimony that would give the appearance t hat I financially exploited my mother and swindled her out of the settlement money.  That means, that attorneys Kevin Salam and Moskowitz, Finn and McInerney, and Judge Mulhern were in on the financial exploitation.  Kevin Salam was appropriated $250,000:  Gene Moskowitz was appropriated $250,000.  Legal Funds were appropriated about $100,000.  Expert witnesses were paid from the settlement funds as was Purofirst.  But AS, CF, PS and CT, however, are only going after me!  Hell, Judge Mary Mulhern was in on the scam, too!
So to answer the question how much longer can the fiasco continue, as long as law enforcement, the States Attorneys Office and the Court allows attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Cynthia Farenga, and Adam STern to LIE to the court, and Carolyn Toerpe to hold my mother hostage, isolate her, drug her and not comply with court orders to turn over my mtoher's bank statements from 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, this will go on forever.
And my mother suffers because she's been denied access to the courts and silenced.
Yep God is watching all of us and there will be a judgment day.  I pray my mother survives this guardianship holocaust so she and I can travel the States and speak to any person who will listen that what has happened in the Sykes case can happen to any person .. as long as there are unethical, mean-spirited, lying attorneys like Adam Stern, Peter Schmiedel, and Cynthia Farenga living free lives and an ARDC that doesn't care about the truth or the lives of innocents like my mother Mary G. Sykes.
I know that attorneys Gene Moskowitz and Kevin Salam know the truth, too.
Comments from Ken:
The spanish proverb comes to mind - a mouse would rather be in the mouth of the cat than in the hands of a lawyer -

What has happened in the Sykes case is tragic, but consistent with the greylord scandal and Illinois' new tradition of governors going from the State house to the big house.    Only  a hypocrite can defend the fact that Mary Sykes is being held in isolation by Stern, Farenga, Troepe and Schmiedel illegally.    It is illegal because these National socialists did not give the jurisdictional notices that were required.   The August 31 transcript words and phrases of the judge are an indictment of the judge and indicative of a very sorry state of affairs.  The Sodini case points out that the Circuit Court has (had) no jurisdiction!   Thus, the covering court orders are void and *****.

Whether the 'good lord' judges the miscreants in this drama or not it is apparent that if America is to survive it has to honor its basic principles - liberty, freedom, and fraternity.   The specter of the First Amendment being trashed is a pure horror only topped by the fact that Mary Sykes and others like her are now routinely deprived of their liberty, property, human and civil rights while law enforcement and particularly the legal profession fiddles and defends the miscreants.

Peter Schmiedel, Cynthia Farenga, Adam Stern deserve to be 'unhappy!'   When Law enforcement finally gets around to doing an honest, complete and comprehensive investigation they will have to face 'man's justice!'    All who aid and abet them will also attone for their part in the gulag.   The good lord has a much more unhappy solution which in my fifty years of practice I watched.   It is summed up in the phrase "what comes around, goes around!"   Some of your friends will witness one or more of the miscreants enjoy the loving care that is bestowed by Peter Schmiedel Jr. on Peter Schmiedel Sr as he separates Sr from his friends, his family, and systematically deprives him or his liberty, property, and human rights.  (Schmiedel, Farenga and Stern have taught their children well and rest assurred each will enjoy ****

Right now we need that investigation!

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