Monday, July 30, 2012

My fax to Diane Saltoun, Executive Director at the Illinois Atty General

See below.  This fax was accompanied by my famous “Table of Torts” and the Probate Docket table of missing court orders, pleadings and transcripts that won’t be transcribed (note, I never said “can’t”).  Those are posted on my page of “Important Documents” and I note more than half the probate file is missing and apparently has been “cleansed”.  GDS bless my scanner!
In line is below, or click for the link.

I want to make this easy peasy for everyone!
To: Diane Saltoun
Executive Inspector General
fax 312-814-8444
From:                      Admitted Ill., N.  Carolina and Patent Bars
JoAnne M. Denison,     Pat. Atty.  Reg.  No.  34,150
DENISON & ASSOCS., PC    FAX 312-553-1307
1512 N Fremont St, #202    CELL PH 773-255-7608
CHICAGO, IL 60642    PHONE 312-553-1300 or
Federal Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
Troy S. Sieburg, associate, of counsel
Marianne Buckley, associate, of counsel
For transmission problems, please call 312-553-1300
A confirmation copy       WILL   ✔   will NOT be sent.
Pages in fax, including this coversheet – ( see fax header  )
July 27, 2012
Re:   In re Estate of Mary Sykes, 09 P 4585
Dear Diane;
While the above case has a long, long history, much of which is documented on a blog to be found at, the reality of the situation is that this probate proceeding boils down to garden variety theft, embezzlement, malpractice and malfeasance by attorneys and the court.  The court has clearly, for 3 long years, been working without subject matter jurisdiction.  In probate court, the Illinois legislature has stated in the Sodini case that in order to take jurisdiction, the court must ensure the following requirements have been met that notice on any hearing for incompetency: 1) be in writing; 2) that the Petitioner serve the notice; 3) that the notice contain the time, date and place of the hearing; and 4) that the notice be served upon “close relatives”–ie, adult children and siblings.
In the above case, the Guardians ad Litem, Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern will admit that no proper written notice was ever served in the case and/or they cannot produce proof of service at all.  In one transcript (all transcripts are published on the blog), counsel for the Guardian admitted no Sodini notices were served upon “close relatives.”  Judge Connors knew at the time she was appointing the plenary guardian, Carolyn Toerpe, without proper notice being served, and Judge Stuart has admitted in her written notes on pleadings that it is “too late” to contest subject matter jurisdiction, which is utter nonsense since subject matter jurisdiction can be brought up at any time–even on appeal.
To add to the obvious corruption, cronyism, embezzlement (there is estimated to be $1 million in gold and silver coins missing from Mary’s estate),   when another attorney (Ken Ditkowsky) and myself complained about the lack of jurisdiction, the railroading of the proceeding without discovery–one of the GAL’s has filed ARDC complaints against us–merely for calling for an investigation.  Leah Black at the ARDC is handling that and has not given up.  The proceeding against Ken Ditkowsky is clearly another railroaded proceeding built upon corruption and cronyism and Leah Black has done nothing to clean up the court system.
See the attached “table of torts” the miscreants have engaged in.  See the attached list of missing files and know that more than half the file is missing because all of the appellate volumes are gone.
Someone is systematically cleansing the Probate files and Judge Evans and security is doing NOTHING about it.
No response.
And then when I go to court to blog about the case and the corruption and cronyism, the miscreants have the court bailiff tell me not to use or open my laptop!
When I first contacted your offices regarding corruption in the courts at the Daley Center you said you “needed proof” actual proof of corruption.
I don’t see how 70% of the file missing PLUS the lack of subject matter jurisdiction could establish any less proof to conduct an investigation.
And I know your buddies at the FBI could look at this case in minutes and come up with a determination that the plenary Guardian is spending tens of thousands of dollars on house remodeling and a fancy wedding for her daughter, whereas back in Jan of 2009 she was struggling with bills and her husband was out of work.  All we need is an asset search done in 2009-2012 for Carolyn and Fred Toerpe.
What more evidence do you need?
I will continue to publish the blog speaking out against corruption in our court system.
Please look at the attached and all the information I will fax you shortly.  This is a case that could be bigger than Greylord–what is being done to deprive grandma and grandpa of their civil rights and how the Probate court (routinely) operates.
Very Truly Yours,
JoAnne Denison
JoAnne M. Denison
cc: Ken Ditkowsky and blog.

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