Friday, March 23, 2012

From Ken Ditkowsky–why Sykes is such an important case–it counters “the system”

I am very close to putting together the links that exist between the nursing home cases and the Elder Abuse cases. the key is as follows:
The nursing homes (no call rehabilitative care) are set up as profit generating machines; The nursing home cabal has a strict regime of operation. A particular unit operates for about ten years, then it changes its structure and continues on as a new operation. even the limited partners change/
to augment the profits and regulate the cash flow, each nursing home is serviced by a series of cabal owned companies – such as ReHab Assist. The satellite companies are under contract to provide all the essential services – nursing , transportation, pharmacy, rehab, social service, cleaning, utilities, etc. Each satellite company appears to be independent, but its real ownership is the Cabal. The officers are paid large salaries to look the other way as fine tuning of cash flow occurs.
The cabal to avoid detection has its own currency. The most obvious is nursing home beds. They have a fixed value. I was told that for outsiders it is $2500.00, however for cabal members $1000.00. Because patterns emerge and the United States of America has a tendency to prosecute medicare and medicaid frauds to make any informant or ’turncoat’ appear to be a ‘nut’ and unreliable a 2nd personal currency is used. My informant was not aware of what the 2nd currency was currently but he knew it existed.
By accident, I discovered the 2nd currency. The best way to describe it, is to say that it is opportunity. For instance, a share of the ‘loot’ in the Sykes case is an opportunity. Someone on the inside, makes a Guardianship in the Sykes case available to Stern or Farenga. For their valuable services they are offered a fee. They will pay a referral fee of x dollars. This referral fee will be paid to a particular entity. If one of the cabal as an example wishes to contribute to a political campaign the contractor makes the campaign contribution. Similarly, other purchases can be arranged, and the cabal member directing the transfer totally undisclosed.
The 2nd currency traffics in ‘supervised visitation,’ ‘nursing home placement,’ ‘appointments by the Court’, etc.
I am not privy to the operation, I just happened to stumble upon it. My first clue was the depositions of A & W, and the 2nd clue was a statement that Adam Stern made. What cinched it was Cynthia Farenga’s desperate ‘Gloria did’ nonsense that is raised every time there is the possibility that ‘loot’ from the Sykes estate is in sight.
Scott, with your background, I would appreciate it if you in your spare time cross check my analysis. I know large sums of money were moved in the N. Draiman Bankruptcy so that they could avoid sharing with the trustee. Eric Rothner’s wife wants a divorce – he is not going to share with her – at least not in public. He has to therefore move funds. Morris Esformes’ ex-wife is married to W (or A & W). W was a left behind Chemist, recruited (according to legend) to take her off Esformes hands.
I am part of the knot hole gang. I have 50 years of experience as a voyeur and have had the opportunity to discuss my thoughts with *****. I am be 100% wrong, but I do not think so as the attempt to silence me has been disproportional. Of course it could be a coincide
Ken Ditkowsky

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